sociology - families

This class was created by Brainscape user Barney Hennessey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Theories of the Family - Key Terms
43  cards
Theories of the Family - Marxist Perspective on the Family
Who owns and controls means of pr...
33  cards
Theories of the Family - Feminist Perspective on the Family
What do feminists view the family...,
Patriarchal society,
What does feminist research focus on
54  cards
Theories of the Family - The New Right Theory of the Family
When did the new right theory begin,
Who was theory formulated by,
What is the theory similar to
28  cards
Theories of the Family - Postmodernism
Lyotard and bourdrillard belief a...,
What does postmodernism place imp...,
Individuals are no longer constra...
51  cards
Theories of the Family - Functionalist Perspective on the Family
Why is the functionalist perspect...,
Examples of social structures,
What must individuals do for soci...
27  cards
Demography - Births
Definition of birth rate,
Trends in birth rate since 1900,
What was the birth rate in 1900
34  cards
Demography - Deaths
Death rate definition,
Death rate in 1900,
Death rate in 2012
33  cards
Demography - Ageing Population
Is the average age of the uk popu...,
Average age of population in 1971,
Average age of population in 2021
16  cards
Demography - Migration
Net migration
37  cards
Demography - Globalisation and Migration
What is globalisation,
What is globalisation the result of,
What do man people see globalisat...
63  cards
Childhood - Introduction
What is childhood viewed as,
What i childhood considered to be...,
Social construct
15  cards
Childhood - Historical Changes
What didn t exist according to ar...,
What did aries conclude from his ...,
What were children seen as in pre...
37  cards
Childhood - Gender Differences
Examples of how socialisation has...,
What is gendered socialisation de...,
What does boys experience of chil...
4  cards
Childhood - Ethnic/Relgious/Cultural Differences
What do muslim hindu and sikh chi...,
Example of how religion had a big...,
Example of how children in white ...
4  cards
Childhood - Social Class Differences
Where do upper class children ten...,
What may m c children be encourag...,
What are m c children likely to r...
9  cards
Childhood - The Future of Childhood
Which sociologist believes childh...,
Quote from postman about the disa...,
Why is childhood disappearing acc...
24  cards
Childhood - How has the Position of Children Improved?
March of progress view of the pos...,
Two sociologists who believe in t...,
Why is the position of children b...
51  cards
Couples - The Domestic Division of Labour
What does the domestic division o...,
What are sociologists interested ...,
Who developed the instrumental an...
46  cards
Couples - Are Couples Becoming More Equal?
Why could oakley s research be se...,
What do some sociologists believe...,
Which march of progress sociologi...
29  cards
Couples - Resources and Decision-Making in Households
What do barrett and mcintosh 1991...,
What do barrett and mcintosh 1991...,
What do barrett and mcintosh 1991...
32  cards
Couples - Domestic Abuse
Home office definition of domesti...,
When did the domestic abuse defin...,
According to the domestic abuse a...
61  cards
Social Policy - Perspectives on Policy and the Family: Functionalism
What does social policy refer to,
Aspects of our social life regula...,
Functionalist view of social poli...
8  cards
Social Policy - Perspectives on Policy and the Family: The New Right
New right view of social policy p...,
What is the new right strongly in...,
What does the new right see the t...
25  cards
Social Policy - Perspectives on Policy and the Family: Feminism
Are feminists critical or support...,
Why are feminists critical of soc...,
What do government policies reinf...
11  cards
Social Policy - Perspectives on Policy and the Family: Marxism
Are marxists critical or supporti...,
Why do inequalities exist in soci...,
What are social policies which ap...
3  cards
Social Policy - Social Policies Affecting Families and Households (Timeline)
Which report took place in 1942 w...,
Why was the report of 1942 signif...,
What 2 things were introduced as ...
36  cards

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sociology - families

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