sociology - education

This class was created by Brainscape user Bradley Sherman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What is the functionalist view,
Functionalists identify 2 main fu...,
Who are the 3 functionalists
14  cards
What is the marxist view,
Marxists identify 2 main function...,
Who are the 3 marxist theorists
22  cards
New Right
What is the new right view,
How do the new right believe educ...,
How are new right similar to func...
12  cards
Class Differences In Achievement - External Factors
What does differential educationa...,
What evidence shows inequalities ...,
What are the 2 factors used to ex...
37  cards
Class Differences In Achievement - Internal Factors
What are the internal factors tha...,
Which theory is dominant in inter...,
What are labels
31  cards
Ethnic Differences In Achievement
Which type of question could be a...,
What does ethnicity refer to,
What is an ethnic group
8  cards
Gender Differences In Achievement - Internal/External Factors
According to official statistics ...,
In key stages 1 to 3 which subjec...,
Is the gender gap narrower at gcs...
45  cards
Educational Policy
What are educational policies,
What does each education system f...,
What are the main issues of educa...
28  cards
Gender Differences In Achievement - Boys' Underachievement
What factors have sociologists id...,
How is literacy a reason for boys...,
Why does boys poor language and l...
18  cards
Class Differences in Achievement - Pupils' Class Identity and The School
What are these sociologists inter...,
What is this topic divided into,
What concept does archer use to u...
16  cards
Ethnic Differences in Achievement - Internal Factors (Labelling, Pupil Subculture).
What are the internal factors cau...,
What is the main sociological app...,
How do labels imposed by teachers...
21  cards
Ethnic Differences in Achievement - External Factors (Cultural Deprivation)
What are the main external factor...,
How does cultural deprivation exp...,
What are the 3 main aspects of th...
30  cards
Ethnic Differences in Achievement - Internal Factors (Institutional Racism)
How is this approach different fr...,
How do critical race theorists cr...,
What is meant by an ethnocentric ...
11  cards
Ethnic Differences in Achievement - External Factors (Material Deprivation)
According to palmer 2012 what per...,
What else does palmer say about e...,
What are the reasons why ethnic m...
6  cards
Gender Differences in Achievement - Gender and Subject Choice
What is meant by gender and subje...,
How does the national curriculum ...,
What is the gender difference in ...
20  cards
Gender Differences in Achievement - Pupils' Sexual and Gender Identities
What does this topic focus on,
According to connell 1995 what is...,
How do feminists describe experie...
14  cards

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sociology - education

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