This class was created by Brainscape user maggie knox. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

sociology culture and identity
What is culture,
How is culture developed and tran...,
What is culture diversity
73  cards
psychology approaches
What are the assumptions of the b...,
What is classical conditioning,
How did pavlov study classical co...
53  cards
sociology theories
What is functionalism as a theory,
What are the main views of a func...,
What did durkheim functionalist s...
61  cards
sociology education class differences in achievement
Name on statistic to be used in a...,
Name one statistic to be used in ...,
Name on statistic to be used in a...
44  cards
sociology the self
What is identity,
What is personal identity,
What is social identity
22  cards
psychology research methods
What is an aim,
What is a hypothesis,
When do researchers use direction...
123  cards
psychology psychopathology
What is major depressive disorder,
What is persistent depressive dis...,
What is disruptive mood dysregula...
79  cards
psychology coding capacity and duration
What is the research on coding,
What is the research on capacity ...,
What was the research on capacity...
10  cards
psychology multistore model
Who developed msm,
What is the sensory register,
What is the stm
8  cards
psychology types of ltm
What is episodic memory,
What is semantic memory,
What is procedural memory
7  cards
psychology working memory model
What is the working memory model,
What is the central executive,
What is the phonological loop
8  cards
psychology reasons for forgetting
What is interference,
What are the types of interference,
What are the research effects on ...
15  cards
psychology eye witness testimonies
What did loftus and palmer study ...,
Why do leading questions affect ewt,
What did gabbert study and find
13  cards
psychology cognitive interview
What is ci,
What is eci,
What are the support for effectiv...
5  cards
sociology education gender and achievement
What is the impact on feminism,
What are the changes in family,
What are the changes in womens em...
37  cards
psychology- social influence conformity
What is internalisation,
What is identification,
What is compliance
23  cards
psychology attachment caregiver infant interactions
What is reciprocity,
What is the alert phases,
What is active involvement
9  cards
sociology identity- age, ethnicity, nationality, social class, disability, gender and sexuality
What are the four categories of age,
Why do people different ages have...,
What would interactionists focus ...
62  cards
sociology ethnicity and achievement
What are some patterns of achieve...,
What is intellectual and linguist...,
What did bereiter and englemann s...
39  cards
sociology the role of education
What is the functionalist theorie...,
What did durkheim say about educa...,
What did durkheim say about how e...
21  cards
sociology leisure consumption and identity
What did rojek say about leisure ...,
What did bocock say about leisure...,
What did taylor say about leisure...
19  cards
psychology stages of attachment and role of father
What is the asocial stage,
What is the indiscriminate attach...,
What is the specific attachment s...
11  cards
psychology animal studies of attachment
What was lorenzs research on impr...,
What was lorenzs research on sexu...,
What was harlows research on the ...
9  cards
sociology educational policy and inequality
What is an educational policy,
What was the 1944 tripartite system,
What were the evaluations to the ...
42  cards
psychology obedience
What was milgrams baseline procedure,
What were the baseline findings o...,
What was the other data to milgra...
33  cards
psychology explanations for attachment
What is classical conditioning le...,
What is operant conditioning lear...,
What is attachment as a secondary...
14  cards
psychology resistance to social influence
What is resisting conformity,
What is resisting obedience,
What is the locus of control
9  cards
psychology minority influence
What is minority influence,
What is consistency,
What is commitment
8  cards
psychology social influence and social change
What is the lessons from minority...,
What were the lessons from confor...,
What are lessons from obedience r...
6  cards
psychology types of attachment
What was the strange situation pr...,
What were the findings from the s...,
What is good predictive validity
5  cards
psychology cultural variations in attachment
What was van ijzendoorn and kroon...,
What was the research by simonelli,
What was mi kyoung jin research
7  cards
psychology bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation
What is separation versus depriva...,
What is the critical period,
What are the effects on development
7  cards
psychology romanian orphan studies- institutionalisation
What was rutters reearch,
What was zeanahs research,
What were the effects of institut...
7  cards
psychology influence of early attachments on later relationships
What is the internal working mode...,
What are relationships in childhood,
What are relationships in adulthood
6  cards

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sociology and psychology

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