society and culture

This class was created by Brainscape user Kenny Cao. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Continuity and Change
What is continuity,
What are some examples of continu...,
What are some examples of continu...
52  cards
Continuity and Change Glossary
Define continuity,
Define change,
Define tradition
12  cards
Belief Systems and Ideologies
What is the definition of a belie...,
What is the definition of an ideo...,
What are three examples of a beli...
47  cards
Buddhist case study
What was the dominant religion in...,
What is buddha s real name,
When as buddha born
62  cards
Buddhist Case study Glossary
What does asceticism mean,
What does bodhisattva mean,
What is the buddha
29  cards
buddhist important festivals, symbols and landmarks
What is a parasol,
What is the significance of the p...,
What is the significance of two g...
33  cards
Case study on Thai Sangha and Myanmar
What concepts does this case stud...,
What is the relationship between ...,
What was the beginning of the ass...
58  cards
SDP and linking examples for Buddhism
What examples link with the sdp i...,
What examples link with the sdp t...,
What examples link with the sdp t...
10  cards
Social and Cultural research methods
What is a primary research method,
What is a secondary research method,
What are quantitative research me...
28  cards
Korea Case Study stats + Future directions
What is the trend in the percenta...,
What is the trend in number of wo...,
What is the number of korean wome...
26  cards
Future directions in Buddhism
What are the current trends for a...,
Why are adherents to buddhism lik...,
What are the reproduction rates o...
14  cards
Social Inclusion and Exclusion
What is pluralism,
What is social stratification,
What is an example of social stra...
79  cards
Social Inclusion and Exclusion Glossary
What does social mobility mean,
What does ethnicity mean,
What does race mean
12  cards
SIE Statistics+future directions
What percentage of atsi children ...,
What is the difference between th...,
What are the student attendance r...
64  cards
Course Concepts Definitions + social and cultural literacy
What does the concepts of persons...,
What does the concept of,
What does the concept of culture ...
17  cards

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society and culture

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