This class was created by Brainscape user student 01. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Introduction to Genomics
What is the different between gen...,
Define transcriptomics,
What is the proteome
5  cards
DNA Hybridisation
As a recap describe the structure...,
As a recap describe the 4 nucleot...,
What is watson and crick bonding
24  cards
PCR and its role in Diagnostics
What is polymerase chain reaction...,
What is a chain reaction,
Under which conditions is pcr spe...
18  cards
Molecular Evolution
What makes a theory scientific,
Describe variations,
Describe relative fitness w
15  cards
Genome Structure
As a recap what is dna,
How does dna exist in 3d,
What is the order in which dna is...
15  cards
Genome Variation
What is considered a variant,
What is an snv snp single nucleot...,
Describe how snvs snps come about
14  cards
Inheritance Patterns
Describe the characteristics of t...,
What is penetrance,
List and describe some features o...
13  cards
Enzyme and Restriction Mapping
List some examples of recombinant...,
The capacity weve got to manipula...,
What are nucleases what are the t...
14  cards
Recombinant DNA and Cloning Vectors
We can use plasmids as vectors ho...,
Define plasmids,
What are the characteristics of a...
15  cards
DNA Sequencing
Describe how dna sequencing has b...,
Define dideoxy chain termination,
What are the steps in dideoxy cha...
13  cards
Linkage Analysis
What is genetic variation,
What are some effects of genetic ...,
Why is genetic variation important
25  cards
Association Analysis
What is genetic association,
What are case control studies,
How would you use case control st...
18  cards
What are microarrays,
What are transcriptomics and how ...,
How are microarrays used to calcu...
20  cards
Next Generation Sequencing
As a recap describe pcr,
Describe sanger sequencing,
Describe how next generation sequ...
15  cards
The Epigenome
As a recap describe genome organi...,
Describe the nucleosome,
Define euchromatin and heterochro...
20  cards
The Functional Genome
What are two examples of next gen...,
Describe candidate gene filtering...,
The filtered wes variants do not ...
17  cards
The Mitochondrial Genome
Describe the function of mitochon...,
Describe the mitochondrial genome,
How is mtdna packaged
20  cards
The Metagenome
As a recap define genomics transc...,
Define metagenomics,
Define microbiota
16  cards
Mapping Mendelian Disease
As a recap what are the different...,
How do we study medelian genetic ...,
How do we fine disease causing mu...
17  cards
Genetics of Common Disease
Describe some characteristics of ...,
Common diseases are often multi f...,
What is scd
16  cards

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sem 3 genomics

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