section 1 - fixed income

This class was created by Brainscape user Al Kart. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Section 1
9  cards
What is interest rate level risk ...,
What is yield curve risk and what...,
Cases when reinvestment risk is h...
8  cards
What kinds of taxes are treasury ...,
Types of treasury securities by m...,
How are treasury securities sold ...
4  cards
HOFIS 12 - Corporate Bonds
Participating bonds,
Types of corporate bonds,
Income bonds
28  cards
HOFIS 13 - Leveraged Loans
Leveraged loans,
Speculative grade cutoff,
State the key characteristics of ...
13  cards
HOFIS 18 - Inflation Protection Securities
Overview of inflation linked bonds,
Benefits of tips,
Real yield fo tips
15  cards
HOFIS 21 - Exchanged Traded Funds
Overview of etfs,
Benefits of fixed income etfs,
Intraday liquidity of fixed incom...
27  cards
HOFIS 23 - Preferred Stocks
Features of preferred stock,
Describe three types of preferred...,
Adjustable rate preferred stocks ...
5  cards
HOFIS 24 - Mortgages & the Mortgage Market
Mortgage definition,
Lien status,
Balloon mortgages
37  cards
HOFIS 31 - Nonagency Residential MBS
Nonagency rmbs,
Nonagency rmbs characteristics,
Rmbs prospectus
26  cards
HOFIS 35 - Collateralized Loan Obligations
Definition of collateralized loan...,
How are cash flows of cdos distri...,
What assets do collateralized loa...
12  cards
HOFIS 58 - Financing Positions in the Bond Market
Repurchase agreement repo,
Reverse repo,
Define the term haircut in the co...
20  cards
QFIP-135 - High-Yield Bond Market Primer
Define high yield bonds and expla...,
What are some names for speculati...,
What are the cutoff ratings thres...
26  cards
CRE 16 - Mortgage Basics
Definition and types of residenti...,
Commercial mortgages,
Describe differences between resi...
22  cards
CRE 19 - Mortgage Economics and Investment
Describe the expectations hypothe...,
How does inflation impact short t...,
How does the fed influence short ...
28  cards
CRE 20 - Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities
Describe key features of a cmbs,
Describe securitization in cmbs,
Benefits of cmbs market toward co...
27  cards
MIP 6 - Fixed Income Portfolio Management
What are the 4 key activities in ...,
List and describe the 5 strategie...,
Describe disadvantages of pure bo...
117  cards
QFIP-146: Private Debt in an Institutional Portfolio
Describe private debt,
State the three steps of the priv...,
Compare the characteristics of pr...
5  cards

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section 1 - fixed income

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