This class was created by Brainscape user Salman Majid. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (163)

17 - Fever of Unknown Origin
What are the 4 criteria for fuo 1,
Fuo is usually an _ presentation ...,
The common etiologies of fuo are 6 3
6  cards
48 - Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities
Azotemia __ 1,
Plasma cr is __ to gfr 2,
Urine cr is __ with gfr 3
19  cards
49 - Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances
0  cards
50 - Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia
In which mechanisms is calcium in...,
What are the etiological groups f...,
High levels of pth is usually due...
33  cards
51 - Acidosis and Alkalosis
Physiological ph is between __ an...,
Normal paco2 is ___ 2,
When the disturbance is due to re...
19  cards
65 - Approach to the Patient with Cancer
The prognosis of a patient with p...,
The following organs are most com...,
The following cancers are most le...
14  cards
74 - Neoplasms of the Lung
A smoker is ___ more likely to su...,
A former smoker is ___ more likel...,
If you quit smoking and you are n...
62  cards
75 - Breast Cancer
Women without ____ or who experie...,
Women with ___ have 60 80 to suff...,
Men with brca 1 are in risk for 2 3
6  cards
89 - Paraneoplastic Syndrome: Endocrinologic/Hematologic
What is neoplastic syndrome 1,
What are the two most common type...,
What is the most common reason fo...
17  cards
93 - Iron Deficiency
What are the 3 stages of iron def...,
In iron deficient erythropoiesis ...,
Iron deficiency anemia is defined...
44  cards
94- Disorders of Hemoglobin
What are the 5 types of hemoglobi...,
Hemoglobinopathy has an ___ inher...,
High performance liquid chromatog...
41  cards
95 - Megaloblastic Anemias
35  cards
96 - Hemolytic Anemias
What are the main signs of ha hem...,
What do you find in ha lab workup 2,
What is the definition of ha 3
42  cards
98 - Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome (AA, MDS)
Hypoproliferative anemias can be ...,
Define aa aplastic anemia 2,
Give 3 examples of genetic aa 3
29  cards
99 - Polycythemia Vera
What are the two groups of chroni...,
What are the three myeloid phenot...,
What are the three megakaryocyte ...
31  cards
100 - Acute Myeloid Lymphoma
Aml ___ is a neoplastic disease c...,
Aml is the most common leukemia i...,
Most cases of aml are __ myeloid ...
46  cards
101 - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Cml chronic myeloid leukemia is a...,
Thanks to the __ treatment surviv...,
Cml makes up to __ of leukemia ca...
19  cards
102 - Acute Lymphoid Leukemia
In all acute lymphoid leukemia th...,
The disease is characterized by a...,
Infiltration to the bm leads to t...
20  cards
103 - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Cll chronic lymphocytic leukemia ...,
The presence of __ 5x10 9 2,
Cll is more common in adults with...
31  cards
104 - Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
Nhl non hodgkin lymphoma is a gro...,
Unlike hl hodgkin lymphoma nhl do...,
The prognosis of nhl _ greatly un...
48  cards
105 - Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Hl is defined as lymphoma of _ ce...,
Hl is more common in _ typical ag...,
Hl is classified into 4 types 3
33  cards
107 - Plasma Cell Disorders
What is the best cancer marker fo...,
In which cases will you see m com...,
Define mm multiple myeloma 3
62  cards
108 - Amyloidosis
What does al amyloidosis stand fo...,
What does aa amyloidosis stand for 2,
To which group of amyloidosis do ...
15  cards
111 - Disorders of Platelet & Vessel Wall
Platelets are activated by attach...,
Platelets are released from _ in ...,
What are the main reasons or thro...
46  cards
112 - Coagulation Disorders
What are the common hemophilia 2 1,
Elongated pt factor _ deficiency 2,
Most hemophilia is type in of cas...
42  cards
113 - Arterial & Venous Thrombosis
What are the 3 most common factor...,
Venous thrombosis has more to do ...,
Arterial thrombosis has a more di...
26  cards
114 - Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrinolytic Drugs
What are the three antithrombotic...,
Antiplatelet drugs are used mostl...,
Anticoagulant drugs are used for ...
22  cards
121 - Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an _ of the lung s _ 1,
Pneumocystis pneumonia and viral ...,
What are the 4 categories of pneu...
56  cards
122 - Lung Abscess
Acute lung abscess duration __ 1,
The main reason for lung abscess ...,
What are the most common areas in...
11  cards
123 - Infective Endocarditis
What is the typical sign of endoc...,
Endocarditis usually involve the ...,
Infective endarteritis vegetation...
49  cards
124 - Infections of the Skin, Muscles and Soft Tissues
Which pathogens lead to vesicles ...,
Through which process do varicell...,
___ is the pathogen causing erysi...
20  cards
125 - Infective Arthritis
Acute infectious arthritis usuall...,
What are the main pathogens that ...,
Subacute or chronic monoarticular...
24  cards
126 - Osteomyelitis
Om osteomyelitis may spread via _...,
Om in elder patients is usually i...,
The most common area for om is th...
21  cards
127 - Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses
Abdominal cavity infections occur...,
What are the 4 etiologies of pbp ...,
Pbp is found in _ of patients wit...
28  cards
128 - Acute Infectious Diarrheal Disease
Chronic diarrhea 2 weeks __ 1,
Diarrhea fever __ 2,
Diarrhea abdominal pain __ 3
28  cards
129 - Clostridium difficile Infection, Including Pseudomembranous Colitis
Cd clostridium difficile is an ob...,
Which abx increase the risk for c...,
The rate of cd colonization raise...
30  cards
130 - Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Prostatitis
Uti can be _ or _ 1,
What are the risk factors for acu...,
In diabetic patients long term us...
30  cards
133 - Acute Meningitis
General damage usually due to a _...,
Neck stiffness is pathognomonic f...,
Acute meningitis empiric _ should...
45  cards
139 - Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial infections
Which abx belong to the b lactams 1,
Which abx belong to the glycopept...,
Both _ and _ abx are cell wall in...
24  cards
141 - Pneumococcal Infections
Pneumococcal bacteria are _ with ...,
Strep pneumoniae belongs to the g...,
Pcv __ 3
11  cards
142 - Staphylococcal Infections
What are the main staph infections 1,
Staph aureus can convert _ to _ u...,
Name the main risk factors for sa...
24  cards
143 - Streptococcal Infections
Gas is responsible for _ and _ 1,
Gba is responsible for bacterial ...,
Strep __ is the leading strain ca...
22  cards
144 - Enterococcal Infections
Enterococcal bacteria are g _ the...,
__ is the more frequent enterococ...,
Vre __ 3
11  cards
145 - Diphtheria and Other Corynebacterial Infections
Diphtheria corynebacterial is a g...,
Diphtheria risk factors include 5 2,
Respiratory diphtheria is caused ...
19  cards
146 - Listeria Monocytogenes infections
Listeria is g can grow even in an...,
Listeria is found mostly in soft_...,
Diagnosis of listeria is made wit...
14  cards
147 - Tetanus
Tetanus is an _ disease with high...,
Diagnosis is done _ and treatment...,
C tetani is g infection is via th...
11  cards
148 - Botulism
Botulism is a _ disease caused by...,
Botulism is made by one of the 4 ...,
In order for the toxin to be made...
14  cards
149 - Gas gangrene and other Clostridial Infections
Clostridium is g obligatory _ 1,
Clostridium can cause infections ...,
Clostridium produce 2 virulent to...
11  cards
150 - Meningococcal Infections
Neisseria meningitides is an _ g ...,
In the _ countries meningococcus ...,
Which genetic deficiency is a ris...
21  cards
151 - Gonococcal Infections
What is the clinical presentation...,
What is the clinical presentation...,
Mucopurulent cervicitis usually d...
19  cards
152 - Haemophilus and Moraxella Infections
Haemophilus influenzae is a g tha...,
When growing in an anaerobic envi...,
H influenzae transmission is via ...
20  cards
154 - Legionella Infections
What are the two disease caused b...,
Legionella is a g growing on a _ ...,
Legionella is found in __ and tra...
19  cards
155 - Pertussis and Other Bordetella Infections
Which pathogen causes pertusis 1,
Bordetella pertussis is a g and _ 2,
What is the virulent factor of pe...
15  cards
157 - Acinetobacter Infections
Acinetobacter is a g bacteria the...,
A baumannii is common in __ patie...,
What are the two common acquisiti...
7  cards
158 - Helicobacter pylori Infections
H pylori is found in __ of the wo...,
H pylori is the main risk factor ...,
H pylori reduce the frequency of ...
16  cards
159 - Infections Due to Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, and Stenotrophomonas Species
Pa pseudomonas aeruginosa is a g ...,
Pa bacteremia is common in _ pati...,
Acute _ is the most common presen...
10  cards
160 - Salmonellosis
Factors that make the stomach les...,
Patients in the incubation period...,
Typhoid enteric fever is a _ dise...
19  cards
161 - Shigellosis
Shigella is a g bacteria know to ...,
Shigella transmission is but also...,
Name the 4 serotypes of shigella 3
16  cards
162 - Infections Due to Campylobacter and Related Organisms
Campylobacter jejuni usually caus...,
Campylobacter is usually transmit...,
C jejuni symptoms start showing w...
10  cards
163 - Cholera and Other Vibrioses
Cholera is a _ disease which can ...,
Which serotypes of v cholera caus...,
Cholera transmission is via conta...
23  cards
164 - Brucellosis
Brucella has several strains each...,
Brucellosis should be suspected i...,
Brucella incubation is between 3
20  cards
166 - Plague and other Yersinia infections
Yersinia pestis incubates for day...,
In bubonic plague the _ will occu...,
What is the ddx for bubonic plagu...
12  cards
167 - Bartonella Infections, Including Cat-Scratch Disease
Bartonella infection causes ___ 1,
Typical csd causes local _ while ...,
Csd primary lesion will be a smal...
18  cards
169 - Nocardiosis
Actinomycetoma is more common in ...,
__ is a man risk factor for nocar...,
Give an example to immunocompromi...
12  cards
170 - Actinomycosis
What are the 3 classic signs sugg...,
Why does relapse resistance occur...,
Patients suffering from actinomyc...
10  cards
173 - Tuberculosis
Latent tb is more common in and _ 1,
Tb transmission is via _ from a p...,
The risk to get infected depends ...
78  cards
177 - Syphilis
Treponema pallidum is transmitted...,
After incubation period of _ days...,
Chancre is usually __ and has a c...
38  cards
179 - Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is usually __ or wi...,
Severe leptospirosis present with...,
Leptospirosis transmission is via...
23  cards
181 - Lyme Borreliosis
What are the 3 stages of lyme dis...,
The first stage is _ after incuba...,
The second stage is _ days weeks ...
13  cards
182 - Rickettsial Diseases
Rocky mediterranean spotted fever...,
The symptoms in the first 5 days ...,
3 days after infection of patient...
29  cards
183 - Infections Due to Mycoplasmas
Humoral vaccination against mycop...,
Mycoplasma pneumonia incubation l...,
Outbreaks of mycoplasma pneumonia...
18  cards
187 - Herpes Simplex Virus Infections (HSV)
The most common hsv1 infection is...,
Trigeminal nerve __ 2,
The most common hsv 1 genital inf...
29  cards
188 - Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections (VZV)
Vzv primary infection transmissio...,
Incubation is between days and in...,
The rash is _ and later becomes i...
13  cards
189 - Epstein-Barr Virus Infections- Infectious mononucleosis (EBV)
Ebv causes ___ 1,
_ cells play a major role in defe...,
Which cancer types are associated...
20  cards
192 - Parvovirus infections
Parvovirus b19v transmission is _...,
Parvovirus is _ and _resistance 2,
Parvovirus stops __ leading to a ...
12  cards
193 - Human Papillomavirus Infections
Which hpv are low risk 1,
Which hpv are high risk 2,
Hpv is __ transmitted 3
11  cards
194 - Common Viral Respiratory Infections
What is the mark separating the u...,
Influenza a is the most _ while b...,
Rsv epidemic is usually around 3
23  cards
197 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease: AIDS and Related Disorders
Hiv patients are classified accor...,
There are 5 levels for hiv classi...,
Treatment __ determined according...
85  cards
199 - Enterovirus, Parechovirus, and Reovirus Infections
Enterovirus _ in the gi system bu...,
Enterovirus are sensitive to _ di...,
Common enteroviruses relevant to ...
23  cards
200 - Measles (Rubeola)
Measles is caused by __ virus 1,
Measles can spread in populations...,
People with measles stay infectiv...
13  cards
201 - Rubella
Rubella transmission is via __ 1,
Infectivity starts days before th...,
Newborn infected with rubella can...
16  cards
202 - Mumps
Incubation lasts for __ days 1,
Infectivity lasts _ week before a...,
First infection start at the _ fr...
10  cards
203 - Rabies (other rhabdovirus infections – not included)
Incubation period lasts days 1,
Rabies virus infects __ cells 2,
Once rabies virus reaches the cns...
15  cards
207 - Histoplasmosis
In immunocompetent patient __ are...,
In immunocompromised patient __ o...,
Pdh may involve different organs ...
14  cards
211 - Candidiasis
Candidiasis risk factors include 5 1,
Hematogenic spread of candida usu...,
Oral thrush are white _ lesions o...
16  cards
212 - Aspergillosis
Immunocompetent patients with int...,
Incubation period is variable bet...,
The main risk factor for aspergil...
22  cards
215 - Pneumocystis Infections
Pneumocystis is not sensitive to ...,
Pneumocystis is the most common e...,
Clinical presentation of pneumocy...
15  cards
218 - Amebiasis and Infection with Free-Living Amebae
Invasive amebiasis manifestations...,
Extra intestinal amebiasis is the...,
Amebiasis is common in _ and sout...
19  cards
219 - Malaria
Falciparum and malariae are more ...,
Vivax is more common in ___ 2,
Death due to malaria is usually c...
15  cards
223 - Toxoplasma Infections
What is the host for toxoplasma g...,
In immunocompetent patients the d...,
Possible symptoms may include 4 3
9  cards
239 - The Bradyarrhythmias: Disorders of the Sinoatrial Node
Where does bradycardia result from 1,
Which system modulates the rate o...,
Which system mainly influences on...
18  cards
240 - The Bradyarrhythmias: Disorders of the Atrioventricular Node
0  cards
241 - 244 SVT
0  cards
245 - Common Atrial Flutter, Macroreentrant and Multifocal Atrial Tachycardias
0  cards
246 - Atrial Fibrillation
0  cards
247-251 Approach to Ventricular Arrhythmias
0  cards
252 - Heart Failure: Pathophysiology and Diagnosis
0  cards
253 - Heart Failure : Management
What is the goal of treating hfpe...,
What is the most effective type o...,
How does arb influence patient ma...
31  cards
254 - Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis
How much of the hf heart failure ...,
Define cardiomyopathy 2,
How can cardiomyopathies by class...
36  cards
256 - Aortic Valve Disease
What is the most dominant factor ...,
As includes __ of the patients wi...,
As in adults occurs due to ___ of...
40  cards
257 - Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic insufficiency can be the r...,
What are the main causes for aort...,
What are the main causes for aort...
21  cards
258 - Mitral Stenosis
What is the most common cause for...,
What are the common causes for ms...,
Ms caused by rheumatic disease is...
32  cards
259 - Mitral Regurgitation
0  cards
260 - Mitral Valve Prolapse
0  cards
261-262 Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valve Disease
0  cards
263 - Multiple and Mixed Valvular Heart Disease
0  cards
265 - Pericardial Disease
0  cards
266 - Atrial myxoma and other cardiac tumors
0  cards
267 - Ischemic Heart Disease
0  cards
268 - Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome (NSTEMI, MI, Unstable angina)
0  cards
269 - ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
0  cards
270 - ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
0  cards
271 - Hypertensive Vascular Disease
Which disease are doubled in freq...,
____ and ____ are strong independ...,
The ratio between ___ and ___ in ...
85  cards
273 - Deep Venous Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Thromboembolism
What are the common complications...,
What does the virchow triad inclu...,
What are the two common autosomal...
20  cards
274 - Diseases of the Aorta
0  cards
275 - Arterial Diseases of the Extremities
0  cards
277 - Pulmonary Hypertension
0  cards
278 - Approach to the Patient with Disease of the Respiratory System
What are the common obstructive l...,
What are the common restrictive l...,
What are the common pulmonary vas...
3  cards
279 - Disturbances of Respiratory Function
What does tlc measure 1,
What does rv measure 2,
What is vc 3
9  cards
281 - Asthma
Asthma is an __ disease 1,
As developed countries become mor...,
The increase in __ disease is cor...
65  cards
284 - Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis is an ___ dilation...,
Focal bronchiectasis is caused by...,
Intrinsic focal bronchiectasis is...
17  cards
286 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Copd is defined by __ respiratory...,
Emphysema is defined by a __ of t...,
Chronic bronchitis is defined by ...
34  cards
287 - Interstitial Lung Disease
Ild is a group of diseases involv...,
Typical presentation of ild inclu...,
In order to achieve diagnosis of ...
36  cards
288 - Disorders of the Pleura
What are the sources of pleural f...,
The lymph vessels can absorb ___ ...,
Pleural effusion will occur when ...
23  cards
289 - Disorders of the Mediastinum
What are the three compartment of...,
The first step when assessing med...,
Mediastinum should be examined us...
8  cards
290 - Disorders of Ventilation
What is the normal paco2 in arter...,
Disease affecting co2 production ...,
Chronic ventilation disorders usu...
23  cards
291 - Sleep Apnea
Osahs __ 1,
Osahs diagnosis requires respirat...,
Osahs is most severe during _ and...
10  cards
294 - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Ards is defined a syndrome of _ d...,
Ards is caused by extensive _ dam...,
What are the main clinical disord...
18  cards
295 - Mechanical Ventilatory Support
Niv __ 1,
Niv is the recommended method for...,
Name the top 5 c i for niv 3
3  cards
297 - Sepsis and Septic Shock
Define sepsis __ 1,
Define septic shock __ 2,
What are the most common causes o...
14  cards
298 - Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Edema
0  cards
299 - Sudden Cardiac Death Cardiovascular Collapse, and Cardiac Arrest
0  cards
300 - Coma
0  cards
304 - Acute Kidney Injury
Aki can be defined by one of the ...,
Aki is responsible for __ of the ...,
Main causes for aki in developing...
44  cards
305 - Chronic Kidney Disease
Define ckd 1,
Esrd is __ with accumulation of _...,
Esrd can be treated by __ or __ 3
51  cards
308 - Glomerular Diseases (nephritic)
Glomerular disease are usually ac...,
In most cases hematuria will not ...,
When microscopic anemia is found ...
82  cards
308 - Glomerular Diseases (nephrotic)
Mcd ___ 1,
Mcd is usually in children __ and...,
Mcd is usually ___ but can be _ t...
60  cards
309 - Polycystic Kidney Disease and other disorders of tubule growth and development
Pkd is usually _ in adults and _ ...,
The main pathology in pkd is __ 2,
What are the 4 damage mechanism i...
39  cards
310 - Tubulointerstitial Diseases of the Kidneys
We differentiate tubulointerstiti...,
Tin ___ 2,
Acute tin is defined as aggressiv...
28  cards
312 - Nephrolithiasis
Which kidney stone do you know 1,
Which disease are considered as p...,
Which disease are likely to appea...
46  cards
313 - Urinary Tract Obstruction
What is the most common cause for...,
_ _ is the most common cause for ...,
In adults uto is caused usually d...
16  cards
318 - Disorders of Absorption *Celiac Disease*
What are the two disease in which...,
Most of the absorption disorders ...,
Define diarrhea 3
17  cards
319 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What are the two age decades grou...,
What are the risk factors for ibd...,
Smoking is a risk factor for ___ ...
96  cards
337 - Cirrhosis and Its Complications
Cirrhosis pathology includes __ d...,
Liver cirrhosis can be classified...,
___ of liver cirrhosis represent ...
73  cards
350 - Antiphospholipid Syndrome
What are the common characteristi...,
When will aps be considered secon...,
Define catastrophic aps 3
18  cards
356 - The Vasculitis Syndrome
Anca is a family of autoantibodie...,
C anca __ common in __ 2,
P anca __ is more common in _ nev...
77  cards
344 - Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases
0  cards
345 - Urticaria, Angioedema and Allergic Rhinitis
0  cards
346 - Anaphylaxis
0  cards
349 - Systemic lupus erythematosus
0  cards
351 - Rheumatoid arthritis
0  cards
353 - Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) and Related Disorders
0  cards
354 - Sjögren’s Syndrome
0  cards
355 - The Spondyloarthritides
0  cards
357 - Behçet’s Syndrome
0  cards
358 - Inflammatory myopathies
0  cards
360 - Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is a non ____ caseati...,
The presence of granulomas is not...,
The most common organs to be affe...
28  cards
362 - Familial Mediterranean Fever and Other Hereditary Autoinflammatory Diseases
0  cards
364 - Osteoarthritis
0  cards
365 - Gout and Other Crystal-Associated Arthropathies
0  cards
366 - Fibromyalgia
0  cards
373 - Pituitary Tumor syndromes
The mass effect includes 5 1,
The pituitary gland is about __ m...,
The loss of __ color is an early ...
25  cards
379 - Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex
The adrenal cortex synthesize __ ...,
Glucocorticoids __ and mineraloco...,
The blood supply for the adrenal ...
22  cards

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