reproductive health (y4)

This class was created by Brainscape user Saskia Chapman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

1- Menstrual disorders (physiology, history, PMS and menopause)
Hormonal production involved in t...,
Normal duration of cycle,
When does ovulation occur within ...
65  cards
1- Menstrual disorders (conditions)
68  cards
1- Menstrual disorders (irregular periods)
Primary amenorrhoea is defined as...,
Normal puberty in girls,
Normal puberty in boys
43  cards
2- Urinary incontinence and prolapse
What innervation is the bladder u...,
As the bladder fills the rugae di...,
Outline the storage phase of mict...
55  cards
3- Pelvic pain (acute)
Pelvic pain is a,
Aetiology of pelvic pain broad,
Aetiology of acute and chronic pe...
63  cards
3- Pelvic pain (chronic pain)
Define chronic pelvic paion,
Examples of chronic pelvic pain,
Non gynaecological causes of chro...
32  cards
4- Early pregnancy physiology (conception, implantation and placental development)
Primary follicles and primary ooc...,
Primordial follicles grow and become,
Layers of the primary follicle
53  cards
4- Early pregnancy complications (ectopic, miscarriage and molar)
Ectopic pregnancy,
Rf for ectopic pregnancy,
When does ectopic pregnancy present
76  cards
4- Early pregnancy complications (hyperemesis gravidarum and abortion)
When does n and v start in pregnancy,
Which sort of pregnancies can mak...
44  cards
5- Infertility
Primary infertility,
Secondary infertility
65  cards
5- Infertility (disorders and IVF)
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,
Hyperprolactinaemiahigh prolactin...,
Causes of hyperprolactinoma
49  cards
6- Gynaecological oncology
Gynae cancers,
Endometrial cancer background,
Types of endometrial cancer
82  cards
7- Normal pregnancy and labour ( Antenatal care: appointments, screening, lifestyle advice, medication))
Antenatal care for uncomplicated ...,
Antenatal care for complicated pr...,
Higher risk pregnancies include i...
74  cards
7- Normal pregnancy and labour (Physiological changes in pregnancy)
In order to meet with the demands...,
Endocrine system sex hormones,
Endocrine system progesterone
42  cards
7- Normal pregnancy and labour (normal labour and delivery )
Normal labour occurs between,
Prostaglandins and labour,
Define labour
65  cards
7- Normal pregnancy and labour (common issues and breastfeeding))
When are women screened for anaem...,
Causes of anaemia in pregnancy,
Presentation of anaemia
51  cards
7- Normal pregnancy and labour (Antenatal care con: Safeguarding and mothers mental health)
Vulnerable women in pregnancy inc...,
When should relevant vulnerabilit...,
What sort of questions should be ...
55  cards
7- Postnatal period
Management of women in the first ...,
Postnal discussions with new mother,
Postnal discussions with new mother
58  cards
8- Complicated pregnancy (abnormal development)
Define small for gestational age,
Severe sga is when the fetus is b...,
Low birth weight is defined as a ...
91  cards
8- Complicated pregnancy (life threatening problems)
What makes a women at high risk o...,
Older women and pregnancy,
Underweight women and pregnancy
85  cards
8- Complicated pregnancy (complicated labour)
Cardiotocography ctg measures,
When are ctgs used,
How are readings obtained for ctg
82  cards
8- Complicated pregnancy (Operative delivery and pain relief)
Instrumental delivery refers to,
Indications for instrumental deli...,
Rf for requiring instruemntal del...
58  cards
9- Medical problems in pregnancy (new problems in pregnancy)
Define hypertension,
Hypertensive disorders classifica...,
Gestational hypertension vs pre e...
92  cards
9- Medical problems in pregnancy (pre-existing conditions, safe prescribing for common conditions)
What aspect of being pregnant can...,
Asthma treatmenrs and pregnancy,
Asthma treatment and breastfeeding
32  cards
9- Medical problems in pregnancy (systemic and blood borne infections)
Rubella is also known as,
Congenital rubella syndrome,
Why has incidence of rubella dropped
73  cards
10- Sexual health and presentation of STI
Sexual history,
Presenting complaints in females ...,
Presenting complaint males trans ...
41  cards
10- Sexually transmitted disease (bacterial)
Bacterial vaginosis,
Rf for bv,
Presentation of bv
76  cards
10- Sexually transmitted disease (viral)
Hpv strain with highest risk of n...,
Pathophysiology of hpv
89  cards
10- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease pid,
Organs which can be affected by pid,
Causes of pid sti
14  cards
11- Contraception
Methods of contraception,
How effectiveness works with cont...,
3 most effective forms of contrac...
82  cards
Repro Quiz
A 30 year old woman is referred t...,
A 42 year old woman attends the g...,
A 35 year old woman attends the g...
83  cards
Ethics in reproductive care
Conscentious objection in health ...,
When is a person engaging in cons...,
When is a person engaging in cons...
8  cards
History taking (Gynaecological, sexual, obstetrics)
In the uk pregnant women attend a...,
Overview of obestetric history,
Previous obstetric history can be...
52  cards
Reproductive health general
How would p,
A newborn on the postnatal ward d...,
You see a 24 year old primigravid...
70  cards

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reproductive health (y4)

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