This class was created by Brainscape user rowan cross. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

the multi store memory model
What is the definition of memory,
Who was the multi store memory mo...,
Describe the sensory register
22  cards
the working memory model
Who proposed the working memory m...,
Describe the function of the cent...,
What are the two components of th...
13  cards
tulving's long term memory
What is meant by a semantic memory,
How are semantic memories encoded,
How are semantic memories retrieved
12  cards
reconstructive memory & schemas
Who proposed the theory of recons...,
What is meant by a schema,
What is meant by input
10  cards
individual differences in memory
Define individual differences,
How does chunking expand the capa...,
How does chunking expand the capa...
7  cards
developmental psychology
Define developmental differences
1  cards
contemporary study: sebastien & hernandez gill
What is meant by digit span,
State the 3 aims of the study,
Describe the sample
12  cards
research methods
Describe a lab experiment,
What is a strength of lab experim...,
What is a weakness of lab experim...
45  cards
maths skills
What are descriptive statistics,
What are the measures of central ...,
How might a mean calculate a misl...
5  cards
classic study: Baddeley
State the two aims of baddeley s ...,
What was the sample,
What was the research method
14  cards
key question
0  cards
0  cards
stats tests
Which 3 tests are used for a test...,
Which test is used for a test of ...,
How is the data from mann whitney...
17  cards

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psychology 1: cognitive

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