This class was created by Brainscape user Hugh Janus. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Mood Disorders
Definition of a mood disorder,
Examples of mood disorders,
Who are more affected by mood dis...
40  cards
Psychosis and Schizophrenia
What is the definition of psychosis,
What is the difference between ne...,
What is the definition of a delusion
34  cards
Health Anxiety, Somatization and unexplained disorders
Health anxiety definition,
Somatisation definition,
Hypochondria disorder definition
20  cards
Eating Disorders
True or false eds have the highes...,
What is the gender split for eati...,
When is the peak age for eating d...
33  cards
Pharmacology for mood disorders
What are indications for antidepr...,
What is the neurropharmacology of...,
How long do antidepressants take ...
60  cards
Perinatal Psychiatry
What are the pinks and when do th...,
What are the baby blues,
When do the baby blues occur
22  cards
Child and adolescent psychiatry
How many children are affected by...,
What are some modulators of risk ...,
What are some examples of neurode...
12  cards
Definition of psychotherapy,
What are some common characterist...,
What are the keys for effective p...
37  cards
Personality Disorders
What is required for a personalit...,
What is the aetiology of personal...,
What neurochemical disturbances a...
26  cards
Anxiety Disorders and Reaction to stress and trauma
What are the features of patholog...,
What are the classifications of a...,
What is the most prevalent psychi...
59  cards
Intellectual Disability
What is the definition of intelle...,
What is the iq cutoff between nor...,
How is intellectual disability cl...
22  cards
Psychiatric Emergency
What is neuroleptic malignant syn...,
How many people on antipsychotics...,
What are risk factors for neurole...
32  cards
Substance Abuse
What are examples of class a drugs,
Examples of class b drugs,
Examples of class c drugs
68  cards

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