This class was created by Brainscape user ruby clements. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

The nervous system and neuron
What are the two subsystems of th...,
What does the brain do,
What does the spinal cord do
26  cards
synaptic transmission
Outline snaptic transmission 5 steps,
What is the action potential,
What is summation
11  cards
endocrine system
What is the endocrine system,
What do hormones do,
What does the hypothalamus do
17  cards
fight or flight response
What is the fight or flight response,
What is a stressor,
What are the two types of stressors
17  cards
ways of studying the brain
What are the 4 types of studying ...,
Describe a post mortem,
Strengths of a post mortem
24  cards
localisation of function
What is meant by the term localis...,
What is the motor cortex responsi...,
Where is the motor cortex located...
28  cards
lateralisation and split brain research
What is hemeispheric lateralisation,
What is the function of the left ...,
What is the function of the right...
15  cards
brain plasticity and brain recovery
What does plasticity refer to,
What is functional recovery,
What is the concept of synaptic p...
24  cards
Endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers
What is an exogenous zeitgebers ezs,
Examples of exogenous zeitgebers ezs,
What is an endogenous pacemakers eps
17  cards
Circadian rhythms
What is a biological rhythm,
What is a circadian rhythm,
What are circadian rhythms
11  cards
Ultradian and Infradian rhythms
Define indradian rhythms,
Examples of infradian rhythms,
Define ultradian rhythms
30  cards

More about
psych biopsychology

  • Class purpose General learning

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