This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Tobin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (5)

Describe the historical and current foundations of cognitive psychology Understand the importance of representations in Cognitive Psychology
5  cards
Appreciate philosophical and methodological importance of psychophysics to psychology Recognise and understand basic psychophysical terms List and understand common experimental designs for psychophysical experiments Appreciate basics of signal detection theory
8  cards
Explain the basic concepts of sensation and perception Recognise and apply Gestalt laws Understand feature representation in the visual pathway Explain how bottom up and top down processing combine to enable visual perception Describe how perception aids in action
12  cards
Explain the basic principles of attention Explain how the attention system processes inform spatially, using evidence from research paradigms Explain how the attention system integrates features, using evidence from research paradigms Explain the Simon effect Explain how visual information reaches the brain Outline how the eyes move under differing task demands Explain how eye-trackers work Explain how eye-trackers can help us to understand cognition
31  cards
methods in cog neuro science
Describe the basic principles of how information travels around the brain Explain the fundamental principle of the following techniques; fMRI, MEG, EEG, PET, TMS and neuropsychology Compare and contrast the relative benefits of fMRI, MEG and EEG
23  cards

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