This class was created by Brainscape user Theophile Guillet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Week 2
Meaning by generalisation,
Methods of generalisation,
Ieee classification
21  cards
Week 2
Relative costs of development vs ...,
What is a monoloithic program,
What is a quantified expression w...
28  cards
Week 1
Mistakes vs defects faults vs fai...,
Some properties of defects
37  cards
Week 3
Procedural abstraction,
How does,
What is modularisation for data
54  cards
Week 3 Only
Procedural abstraction,
How does procedural abstraction c...,
What is modularisation for data
54  cards
Week 2 ONLY
Mistakes vs defects faults vs fai...,
Some properties of defects
37  cards
Week 1 ONLY
Relative costs of development vs ...,
What is a monoloithic program,
What is a quantified expression w...
28  cards
Week 3/4 ONLY
Procedural abstraction,
How does procedural abstraction c...,
What is modularisation for data
54  cards
UML Diagrams
1  cards
Week 5
Textual user interface,
Graphical user interface,
Event in guis
41  cards
Week 6/7
Various degrees of undo,
Various degree of redo,
Solutions for undo redo facility
37  cards
Final Review
Test driven development requires ...,
Functional decomposition,
42  cards
Design Patterns
Strategy intent
16  cards
Week 2 Resit
Relative costs of development vs ...,
What is a monoloithic program,
What is a quantified expression w...
28  cards
Week 1 Resit
Mistakes vs defects faults vs fai...,
Some properties of defects
37  cards
Week 3 Resit
Procedural abstraction,
How does procedural abstraction c...,
What is modularisation for data
54  cards
Week 5 Resit
Textual user interface,
Graphical user interface,
Event in guis
41  cards
63  cards

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programming methods

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