This class was created by Brainscape user Marc Place. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Catastrophic haemorrhage
What is a ocmpressible haemorrhage,
What is a non compressable haemor...,
How would you manage a haemorrhage
15  cards
Airway and C-spine
What structures in the oral cavit...,
Wht is the unconscious patient at...,
What is the easiest way to assess...
80  cards
What are signs of respiratory dis...,
How would you assess someones bre...,
When you are inspecting the chest...
54  cards
What proportion of tbw is intrace...,
What proportion of the ecf is pla...,
What proportion of the ecf is int...
40  cards
What are examples of primary head...,
What are examples of secondary he...,
If someone is hypotensive how doe...
47  cards
What is the purpose of exposure e...,
How would you expose a patient,
What is a log roll
74  cards
How would you assess a suspected ...,
What are important things to cove...,
What immediate management would y...
28  cards
What are important points to cons...,
What are the main analgesic drugs...,
How is morphine administered in a...
10  cards
What are the main causes of burns,
What simple measures can be taken...,
What methods can you use to stop ...
23  cards
Why do children lose more heat th...,
Why are children more prone to ge...,
What is always important to remem...
37  cards
Mass casualty
What is the first priority at a m...,
Who tends to be in control of sce...,
Who controls access to the scene ...
21  cards
Secondary survey
What is the purpose of the second...,
What are the main components of a...,
What mnemonic would you use to re...
15  cards
Traumatic Cardiac Arrest and ATLS
0  cards
Pregnant casualties
Why do pregnant women have reduce...,
What impact does decreased residu...,
Why do pregnant woman have increa...
14  cards
Pre-hospital Formulary
0  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Marc Place's Pre-Hospital flashcards for their University of Aberdeen class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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