This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Glass. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

1.2 Plate Tectonics
What are the different processes ...,
What is mantle convection,
What is the slab pull theory
50  cards
1.8 Tectonics- Geophysical disaster trends and hazard profiles
How has the number of natural dis...,
What factors are worth noting whi...,
What highlights the idea that eve...
23  cards
3.4 Coastal Erosion- Processes And Landforms
What are the ways in which the fo...,
What is abrasion,
What is hydraulic action
29  cards
3.5 Coastal Transport And Deposition
What is longshore drift,
What is an example of a coastline...,
How are spits formed
54  cards
3.6 Weathering and mass movement at the coast
What is weathering,
What is mass movement,
What are the different types of m...
31  cards
3.7 sea level change
What is isostatic change,
What is eustatic change,
What is marine regression
30  cards
3.8 The Holderness Coastline
What is some context and facts on...,
What are the three main reasons a...,
Where is the holderness
10  cards
3.9 Coastal flooding
What is some context information ...,
How is the coast flooded in bangl...,
How is human action cauisng subsi...
47  cards
3.10 Managing coastal erosion and flooding
What is hard engineering,
What is soft engineering,
What are groynes
39  cards
3.11 Managing coasts in a holistic way
How much of the holderness coastl...,
What is a cost benefit analysis,
What are tangible costs and benefits
32  cards
5.1 the importance of the global hydrological cycle
Is the hydrological system open o...,
What drives the hydrological system,
How important is the hydrological...
27  cards
5.2 drainage basins
Is a drainage basin an open or cl...,
What is a drainage basin,
What physical factors affect drai...
41  cards
5.3 The water balance and river regimes
What is a water budget,
How else can the water budget be ...,
What are the inputs of a water bu...
42  cards
5.4 Deficits within the hydrological system
What is a drought,
What is a meteorological drought,
What is a hydrological drought
54  cards
5.5 Surpluses in the hydrological system
What is flooding,
What are the four metrological ca...,
What are some examples of
33  cards
5.6 Climate change and the hydrological system
What are the different components...,
How will climate change vary the ...,
How will climate change vary evap...
31  cards
5.7 climate change and the hydrological cycle
How does climate change vary the ...,
How does climate change influence...,
How does climate change influence...
40  cards
5.8 water insecurity- the causes
What has the un named the crisis ...,
In theory why is there no global ...,
What is the world water gap
46  cards
5.9 Water insecurity- the consequences
What are the three causes of wate...,
What is physical economic scarcity,
What is economic scarcity
41  cards
Water 1.10
Which players may face conflict i...,
Who are the players involved in w...,
What are hard engineering projects
39  cards
What plate margins can volcanoes ...,
What type of volcano happens at a...,
Why type of volcano happens at de...
34  cards
Earthquakes and tsunamis
On average how many people die pe...,
What in earthquakes causes the gr...,
What is the name of the point ins...
51  cards
Carbon 2.1
What are some of the stores of ca...,
What is a flux,
What are the two different types ...
40  cards
Carbon 2.2
What are carbon cycle pumps,
What is the biological carbon pump,
How much carbon does the biologic...
43  cards
Carbon 2.3
What is the order of biomes is te...,
What are the positive role of gre...,
What are the characteristics of co2
28  cards
Carbon 2.4
Fact about how people from contra...,
What is meant by the term energy mix,
What is meant by the term energy ...
46  cards
Carbon final push
Discuss energy pathways of coal,
Discuss energy pathways of oil,
Discuss energy pathways of gas
6  cards

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physical geography

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