This class was created by Brainscape user Catherine Hercules. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (93)

Pathoma: Growth Adaptations, Cell Injury, and Cell Death
Organs will often change in size ...,
The increase in cell size hypertr...,
Hyperplasia usually involves ____...
22  cards
Pathoma: Cell Injury
What are the three causes of hypo...,
Describe the types of ischemia,
The difference between fio2 pao2 ...
12  cards
Pathoma: Cell Death
Describe pyknosis karyorrhexis an...,
________ necrosis is characterize...,
What are the two major characteri...
10  cards
Pathoma: Free Radical Injury
Reactive oxygen species are gener...,
When oxygen accepts electrons it ...,
The _______ free radical is the m...
12  cards
Pathoma: Amyloidosis
What are amyloid proteins,
Amyloid is usually in the _______...,
Describe primary amyloidosis
9  cards
Pathoma: Leukopenia and Leukocytosis
Cd34 is found on ________,
Broadly neutropenia can arise fro...,
High cortisol induces ______ in l...
12  cards
Pathoma: Lymphoma and Hodgkin's
Lad is __________,
Painful lad is usually _______ wh...,
Which region of the lymph node wo...
17  cards
Pathoma: Acute Leukemias
Patients with acute leukemias typ...,
Tdt is a _________,
The defining enzyme of aml is ___...
10  cards
Pathoma: Chronic Leukemia
Chronic leukemias result in high ...,
Cll is a neoplastic proliferation...,
Complications of cll include ______
9  cards
Pathoma: Plasma Cell Disorders and Histiocytosis
What cytokine is often elevated i...,
Why do those with plasma cell mye...,
Explain the pathophysiology of wa...
5  cards
Pathoma: Myeloproliferative Disorders
What are some complications of mpns,
In cml _________ cells are increa...,
Cml patients often have _________...
11  cards
Pathoma: Acute Inflammation
Explain the purposes and typical ...,
_____ is a classic toll like rece...,
Tlrs are present on _________
37  cards
Pathoma: Chronic Inflammation
Histologically plasma cells are c...,
The most common stimulus for chro...,
Other than mhc ii binding to cd4 ...
15  cards
Pathoma: Primary Immunodeficiency
Digeorge is caused by _________,
In digeorge syndrome the ________...,
Scid can be caused by _____________
10  cards
Pathoma: Tumor Progression
The first step of tumor spread is...,
The basement membrane is composed...,
List sattars steps for tumor spread
4  cards
Pathoma: Anemia
Anemia is ___________,
The clinical symptoms of anemia i...,
Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels ...
4  cards
Pathoma: Normocytic Anemia
Histologically reticulocytes are ...,
In properly functioning marrow re...,
Reticulocyte count can be _______...
7  cards
Pathoma: Macrocytic Anemia
Why do macrocytic anemias occur,
The body takes folate in as _____...,
Vitamin b12 gives its methyl grou...
11  cards
Pathoma: Epithelial Tumors
Describe seborrheic keratoses,
Histologically seborrheic keratos...,
Multiple seborrheic keratoses app...
8  cards
Pathoma: Infectious Disorders [of the skin]
Impetigo is __________,
Impetigo and cellulitis are both ...,
Explain the pathophysiology of st...
6  cards
Pathoma: Disorders of Pigmentation and Melanocytes
Melanin is made from _________,
Melanosomes are passed off to ___...,
Melanocytes are derived from the ...
13  cards
Pathoma: Inflammatory Dermatoses
In the skin the basement membrane...,
Keratinocytes includes __________,
The stem cells of the skin are fo...
13  cards
Pathoma: Blistering Dermatoses
Pemphigus vulgaris results from _...,
Pemphigus vulgaris can also invol...,
Bullous pemphigoid results from _...
8  cards
Pathoma: Anemias Due to Intravascular Hemolysis and Underproduction
Cells in the bloodstream have two...,
Daf and mirl are anchored to rbcs...,
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinur...
23  cards
Pathoma: Wound Healing
The labile tissues include ______...,
______ is a marker of hematopoiet...,
The stem cells of the lungs are _...
19  cards
Pathoma: Clinical Characteristics [of Neoplasia]
__________ neoplasias are mobile ...,
Benign neoplasias will have _____...,
Malignant neoplasias have nuclear...
6  cards
Pathoma: Normocytic Anemia with Extravascular Hemolysis
Disorders with extravascular hemo...,
Hereditary spherocytosis results ...,
Histologically hereditary spheroc...
24  cards
Pathoma: Embolism
An embolus is just _________,
The most common type of embolus i...,
Atherosclerotic emboli are charac...
9  cards
Pathoma: Primary Hemostasis and Related Bleeding Disorders
The platelet plug is relatively _...,
The very first step of primary he...,
What is vasoconstriction mediated by
23  cards
Pathoma: Secondary Hemostasis
The clinical features of secondar...,
Describe the inheritance of hemop...,
Those with factor viii inhibitors...
8  cards
Pathoma: Other Disorders of Hemostasis
Heparin can form a complex with t...,
Patients clot in heparin induced ...,
Bleeding from an iv site is a cla...
8  cards
Pathoma: Thrombosis
Postmortem clots are distinguishe...,
What factors can cause stasis,
Where is t pa made
7  cards
Pathoma: Neoplasia
Monoclonality can be determined b...,
Neoplasia both malignant and beni...,
Similar to g6pd testing b cell ne...
9  cards
Pathoma: Carcinogenesis
Hepatocellular carcinoma in some ...,
Alcohol increases the risk of ___...,
Arsenic increases the risk of ___...
25  cards
Pathoma: Autoimmune Disorders
Positive selection is the process...,
Negative selection is the process...,
Double positive cells are found i...
24  cards
Pathoma: Microcytic Anemias
Microcytic anemia is always due t...,
Why do rbcs divide an extra time ...,
List the four microcytic anemias
25  cards
Pathoma: Vasculitis
The intima layer is composed of _...,
Most cases of vasculitis are not ...,
Why do symptoms of organ ischemia...
21  cards
Pathoma: Hypertension
Systemic hypertension is defined ...,
Secondary hypertension results fr...,
Angiotensin ii does ___________
4  cards
Pathoma: Vascular Tumors
Hemangiomas present at birth will...,
Often present on the skin hemangi...,
Angiosarcoma is ____________
7  cards
Pathoma: Aortic Dissection and Aneurysm
What is an aortic dissection,
The predisposing factors for aort...,
Weakness of the tunica media occu...
10  cards
Pathoma: Arteriosclerosis
In atherosclerosis the ________ b...,
The core of atherosclerotic plaqu...,
The four modifiable risk factors ...
13  cards
Pathoma: Congestive Heart Failure
Heart failure cells can accumulat...
1  cards
Pathoma: Cardiomyopathy & Cardiac Tumors
Dilated cardiomyopathy involves _...,
_______ virus can cause dilated c...,
__________ can all cause dilated ...
8  cards
Pathoma: Endocarditis
Endocarditis is inflammation of t...,
The most common source of infecti...,
Streptococcus viridans is a low v...
11  cards
Pathoma: Congenital Defects
Congenital heart defects are pres...,
Ventricular septal defect is asso...,
Describe the progression of vsd
15  cards
Pathoma: Valvular Disorders
Antibodies to _______ in ss hemol...,
The jones criteria are used to di...,
The major jones criteria for acut...
10  cards
Pathoma: Ischemic Heart Disease
Stable angina refers to ____________,
Patients with atherosclerosis typ...,
In stable angina the cells are __...
15  cards
Pathoma: Nasopharynx and Larynx
Rhinitis is inflammation of the _...,
Nasal polyps can result from ____...,
Nasal polyps are a sign of ______...
9  cards
Pathoma: Pulmonary Hypertension and ARDS
Atherosclerosis of the __________...,
The pulmonary arteries can get __...,
What are plexiform lesions
11  cards
Pathoma: Pleura
Spontaneous pneumothorax is often...,
Tension pneumothorax often result...,
How do pneumothoraces affect the ...
4  cards
Pathoma: Lung Cancer
Average age of lung cancer presen...,
Radon normally arises from the __...,
Those exposed to asbestos are mor...
14  cards
Pathoma: Pulmonary Infections
Mucus plugging increases risk of ...,
Auscultation of patients with pne...,
Lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumo...
10  cards
Pathoma: Restrictive Diseases
What cytokine induces fibrosis ex...,
Some medical treatments can cause...,
Symptoms of idiopathic pulmonary ...
8  cards
Pathoma: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Fev and fvc decrease in copd but ...,
What does pseudostratified mean,
In the respiratory epithelium the...
15  cards
Pathoma: Congenital [Kidney Problems]
__________ is the most common kid...,
Horseshoe kidneys usually get stu...,
In unilateral renal agenesis the ...
13  cards
Pathoma: Acute Renal Failure
Azotemia means ____________,
Oliguria means ___________,
Prerenal azotemia results from __...
13  cards
Pathoma: Nephritic Syndrome
List the four big signs of nephri...,
Subepithelial humps are indicativ...,
In crescentic disorders what are ...
6  cards
Pathoma: Nephrotic Syndrome
The hallmark of nephrotic syndrom...,
What are the five major traits of...,
What three risk factors does neph...
19  cards
Pathoma: Nephrolithiasis, UTIs, and Chronic Renal Disease
Cystitis will present with ______...,
Sexual intercouse catheters and u...,
People usually dont have systemic...
12  cards
Pathoma: Renal Neoplasia
The incidence of angiomyolipomas ...,
What are angiomyolipomas,
What tissue does clear cell carci...
9  cards
Pathoma: Lower Urinary Tract Carcinoma
The most common type of lower uri...,
The most common location for urin...,
What are three carcinogens known ...
9  cards
Pathoma: Developmental [Neural] Anomalies
The walls of the neural tube go o...,
Neural tube defects are correlate...,
Neural tube defects can be detect...
10  cards
Pathoma: Spinal Cord Lesions
Other than chiari malformations s...,
Syringomyelia usually begins on t...,
Syringomyelia most often occurs o...
6  cards
Pathoma: Meningitis
What are the leptomeninges,
List the most common infecting ag...,
How does n meningitidis enter the...
4  cards
Pathoma: Cerebrovascular Disease
What type of stroke is most common,
What four things can cause global...,
Moderate global ischemia can lead...
11  cards
Pathoma: CNS Tumors
Where do metastatic lesions devel...,
What cells make up the meninges,
What are the most common primary ...
13  cards
Pathoma: Trauma and Demyelinating Disorders
Why do you need an arterial injur...,
Explain why lucid intervals can h...,
What direction will the affected ...
13  cards
Pathoma: Oral Cavity
Cleft lip usually co occurs with ...,
Describe apthous ulcers,
What is behcet syndrome
8  cards
Pathoma: Salivary Gland
The salivary glands are _________...,
There are three salivary glands _...,
Viral infection of the parotid gl...
10  cards
Pathoma: Colon (1)
The disease that presents with de...,
True or false you need meissners ...,
Why is a suction biopsy necessary...
19  cards
Pathoma: Colorectal Carcinoma (2)
The most common pathway for color...,
Microsatellites occur in ________...,
Other than hnpcc mutations in mis...
9  cards
Pathoma: Liver (Jaundice)
Jaundice arises when bilirubin ri...,
After being conjugated and sent i...,
Why does ineffective erythropoies...
8  cards
Pathoma: Liver (Hepatitis)
Other than the hepatitis viruses ...,
What bilirubin pattern is seen in...,
The symptoms of acute hepatitis u...
11  cards
Pathoma: Liver Cirrhosis and Tumors
The classic description of cirrho...,
Fibrosis in the liver is mediated...,
What is hypersplenism
28  cards
Pathoma: Exocrine Pancreas
I accidentally put this in the de...
1  cards
Pathoma: Appendix & IBD
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is guarding,
Recurrent bouts of bloody diarrhe...
8  cards
Pathoma: Gallbladder and Biliary Tract
Biliary atresia is failure to for...,
Biliary atresia presents with ele...,
Why does cholestyramine increase ...
13  cards
Pathoma: Stomach
Gastroschisis results from ______...,
Omphalocele results from __________,
Pyloric stenosis results from ___...
36  cards
Pathoma: Esophagus
In the most common form of trache...,
What effect of te fistula is most...,
What symptoms will babies with th...
18  cards
Pathoma: Small Bowel
Duodenal atresia is common in ___...,
How can you differentiate pyloric...,
What is the double bubble sign
23  cards
Pathoma: Anterior and Posterior Pituitary
Which kind of pituitary adenoma i...,
The most common functional pituit...,
Contrast the effects of prolactin...
7  cards
Pathoma: Thyroid Gland
Thyroid development can stop at o...,
Thyroid hormone stimulates increa...,
Thyroid hormone stimulates ______...
30  cards
Pathoma: Endocrine Pancreas
Each islet of langerhans contains...,
Beta cells are typically in the _...,
Type 1 dm is a type ___________ h...
13  cards
Pathoma: Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla
True or false those with cushings...,
Once again how does cushings lead...,
In which kind of cushings will th...
15  cards
Pathoma: Parathyroid Gland
True or false parathyroid hormone...,
Pth causes increased serum levels...,
Adenoma is the cause of _________...
11  cards
Pathoma: Penis
___________ is due to failure of ...,
What causes epispadias,
Epispadias is associated with ___...
8  cards
Pathoma: Testicle
The most common congenital abnorm...,
True or false it is recommended t...,
What are the most common causes o...
11  cards
Pathoma: Prostate
What are the most common etiologi...,
What are presenting signs and sym...,
How is chronic prostatitis distin...
15  cards
Pathoma: Vulva
What is included in the vulva,
Which are posterior bartholins gl...,
Describe bartholins cysts
13  cards
Pathoma: Vagina
What type of epithelium lines the...,
What is adenosis,
What will you see on histologic e...
9  cards
Pathoma: Cervix
The __________ is lined with stra...,
Hpv infects the ___________,
E6 disrupts ____________ and e7 d...
12  cards
Pathoma: Endometrium and Myometrium
Growth of the endometrium is driv...,
Shedding of the endometrium occur...,
What is d c
20  cards
Pathoma: Ovary
___________ cells produce androge...,
Oocytes mature in response to ___...,
The endometrium undergoes prolife...
9  cards

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