This class was created by Brainscape user Trevor Logan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (95)

6  cards
Necrosis, Apoptosis, Topics A1-A5
Causes morphology and mechanisms ...,
A 1 causes morphology and mechani...,
A 1 causes morphology and mechani...
17  cards
Cell injury, Accumulations, Pigments, Calcification A6-A11
A 6 the morphology and mechanisms...,
A 6 the morphology and mechanisms...,
A 7 pathomorphology and complicat...
25  cards
Cellular adaptation to stress, regeneration, and wound healing. A12-A15
A 12 pahtomechanisms and caracter...,
A 12 pathomechanisms and caracter...,
A 12 pathomechanisms and caracter...
17  cards
Hemodynamic Disorders. A16-A21
A 16 pathogenesis stages and type...,
A 16 pathogenesis stages and type...,
A 16 pathogenesis stages and type...
25  cards
Inflammation A22-A25
A 22 characteristics of acute inf...,
A 22 characteristics of acute inf...,
A 23 morphologic patterns of acut...
8  cards
Immunopathology A26-A33
A 26 type i ii hypersensitivity r...,
A 26 type i ii hypersensitivity r...,
A 26 type i ii hypersensitivity r...
36  cards
Genetic Disorders and Developmental Abnormalities A34-A38
A 34 diagnosis of genetic diseases,
A 35 autosomal dominant disorders,
A 36 autosomal recessive and x li...
10  cards
Pediatric diseases A39-44
A 39 congenital anomalies,
A 39 congenital anomaliesagenesis...,
A 39 congenital anomalies
24  cards
General pathology of infectious diseases. A45-A49
A 45 categories of infectious agents,
A 46 transmission of microbes,
A 46 transmission of microbes
8  cards
Environmental causes of disease. A50-A52
A 50 effects of tobacco and air p...,
A 50 effects of tobacco and air p...,
Indoor air pollution
5  cards
Neoplasias A53-A59
Neoplastic definition,
A 53 general characteristics of n...,
A 53 general characteristics of n...
17  cards
Neoplasia topics 2, A60-A71
A 60 cytogenetic aberrations and ...,
A 60 cytogenetic aberrations and ...,
A 61 epigenetic changes dna methy...
26  cards
Pathology of the Cardiovascular System B1-B15
B 1 congenital heart disease,
B 1 congenital heart diseasecateg...,
B 1 congenital heart disease
72  cards
Lung B 34, vascular origin diseases and atelectasis
Types of atelectasis and their ba...,
What are the diseases of vascular...,
What are the acquired risk factor...
7  cards
Lung B/35 Bronchial asthma and emphysema
Characteristic fvc and fev1 value...,
The two main forms of bronchial a...,
How is asthma treated
14  cards
Lung B36. Chronic bronchitis, Brochiectasis, cystic fibrosis.
Clinical definition of chronic br...,
What are the 3 types of chronic b...,
What is the origin pathogenesis o...
9  cards
Lung B37 Diffuse alveolar damage, pneumoconioses
What is diffuse alveolar damage,
What causes diffuse alveolar damage,
What is the morphology of diffuse...
13  cards
Lung B38 Pulmonary infections (except tuberculosis)
What are the clinical types of pn...,
What pathogens cause community ac...,
What are the characteristics of a...
13  cards
Lung B39 Pulmonary hypertenstion, plueral lesions
What are 4 main categories that c...,
What signalling pathway is often ...,
What signalling pathway is often ...
17  cards
Male Genital B90 Diseases of the penis, scrotom, and funiculus spermaticus
What are the 3 most common malfor...,
What is the term for local infect...,
9  cards
B21 Disorders that effect the spleen and thymus
Sources of massive splenomegaly,
Sources of moderate medium spleno...,
Sources of mild splenomegaly
5  cards
B32 Infeections of upper respiratory tract
Most common pathogens causing upp...,
Types of upper resp infections an...,
Rhinitis types and causes
5  cards
B33, Inflammation of the trachea and larynx
Tracheitis causes and symptoms,
Decubituscauses symptoms,
Laryngitis causes and symptoms
3  cards
B40, Tumors of the nasal passages, nasopharyns, and larynx
List primary tumors of the nasal ...,
Benign tumors of the larynx,
Malignant tumors of the larynx
4  cards
B41. Benign and metastatic tumors of the lung
List the benign lung tumors,
What is a hamartoma,
Describe solitary fibrous lung tu...
8  cards
B42. Malignant lung tumors
By location what types of lung ca...,
Where do lung cancers typically m...,
Frequencies of the various types ...
15  cards
B43. pathology of the lips oral cavity and pharynx
What are the congenital malformat...,
What are the ulcerative lesions o...,
Benign proliferative disorders of...
11  cards
B44, salivary gland diseases
What are the main causes of saliv...,
What is xerostomia what causes it...,
What are the most frequent benign...
10  cards
Cancers and their correlated gene mutations
Burkitt lymphoma
1  cards
B45 pathology of the esophagus
What are the major types of patho...,
What are the malformations of the...,
What is achalasia what causes it
10  cards
B46. Gastritis
What are the main causes of gastr...,
Describe the histology of mild vs...,
What are the symptoms of acut gas...
7  cards
B47 Peptic ulcers
What is the difference between an...,
What defines a peptic ulcer,
What causes peptic ulcers
11  cards
B49 Developmental anomalies of the GI tract
List the developmental abdormalit...
12  cards
B49 part 2, Vascular disorders of GI
What are the categories of infarc...,
What are predisposing factors to ...,
Difference between a slow develop...
6  cards
B48 Gastric tumors
What are the types of benign and ...,
What are the differences in epide...,
How does gastric cancer usually p...
7  cards
B50 Malabsorption
What are the 3 main processes tha...,
How does malabsorption syndrome p...,
What is the allergen causing celi...
9  cards
B51 enterocolitis
What are the major types of diarr...,
Describe secretory diarrhea,
Describe osmotic diarrhea
8  cards
B52 Colonic diverticulosis and bowel obstruction
What is a diverticulosis,
What are the weak points where ac...,
What causes acquired diverticula
7  cards
B53 Inflammatory bowel diseases
What is the basic eitiology of in...,
Crohn disease bullet points,
Ulcerative colitis bullet points
7  cards
B55 tumors of the intestines
What are the types of polyps of t...,
What are the types of malignant c...,
How does most colorectal carcinom...
12  cards
B54 pathology of the appendix and peritoneum
Appendicitis causes,
Describe pathogenesis of appendic...,
Clinical presentation of appendic...
11  cards
B56 Liver failure
How much of the liver function is...,
What are the 3 categories of hepa...,
Symptoms of liver failure
4  cards
B57, Cholestasis, PSC, PBC, cholelithiasis, jaundice
What is psc and pbc,
What are the causes of cholestasis 8,
Describe primary sclerosing chola...
18  cards
B58, Circulatory disorders of the liver
When is hepatic infarction an issue,
What arepossible causes of portal...,
What are the consequences of acut...
6  cards
B59, Acute and chronic hepatitis
What are all of the potential cau...,
What are the causes of chronic he...
5  cards
B60 alcohol and drug induced liver disease
What are the 3 forms of liver inj...,
What are the molecular mechanisms...,
Describe alcohol metabolism in th...
9  cards
B61 metabolic and inherited liver disease
What is the progression of metabo...,
How does insulin resistance cause...,
What are the histologic features ...
11  cards
B62 liver cirrhosis
Main histology characteristics of...,
Gross morphology changes of cirrh...,
3  cards
B63 Tumors and tumor like lesions of the liver
Tumor like lesions,
What are the primary liver tumors,
Describe hepatic adenoma
12  cards
B64 inflammation and tumors of the biliary tract and gallbladder
Classifications of cholecystitis,
What is cholangitis and its causes,
How does calculous cholelithiasis...
7  cards
B68 End stage kidney and renal failure
Define uremia and azotemia,
What are the clinical symptoms of...,
What are the causes of end stage ...
5  cards
B69 developmental abnormalities and cystic disease of the kidneys
What are the developmental kidney...,
What are the two types of polycys...,
How does autosomal recessive pckd...
12  cards
B70. Pathogenesis of glomerular disease
What comprises the filtration,
What is the more common name for ...,
What is the end stage of glomerul...
19  cards
B72, nephrosis syndrome
How does nephrosis syndrome cause...,
What is the clinical presentation...,
Describe the pathogenesis of neph...
16  cards
B71 nephritic syndrome
What are the causes of nephritic ...,
What are the clinical symptoms of...,
8  cards
B73 Systemic diseases associated with glomerular damage
List the systemic diseases that d...,
Breif bulletpoints for diabetic n...,
How does amyloidosis cause glomer...
9  cards
B74 vascular diseases of the kidney
What are the vascular diseases di...,
Describe arteriolonephrosclerosis,
Describe malignant hypertension
6  cards
B75 Diabetic Nephropathy
What are the 3 major types of kid...,
Describe the glomerular lesions s...,
Describe the vascular lesions ass...
7  cards
B76 Acute tubular necrosis
What are the 3 types of atn,
What is the clinical presentation...,
What can cause ischemic atn
7  cards
B77 Tubulointerstitial nephritis
What is tubulointerstitial nephritis,
What are the causes of interstiti...,
What is the histology morphology ...
5  cards
B78 Urinary outflow obstructions
What are the causes of obstruction,
What are the types of kidney stones,
What factors lead to kidney stone...
7  cards
B79 tumors of the kidney
What are the benign tumors of the...,
What are the malignant tumors of ...,
Etiology of renal clear cell carc...
14  cards
B80 Tumors of the urinary bladder and collecting system
Etiology and prevalence of bladde...,
Types of bladder tumors,
What are the morphologies of urot...
6  cards
B95. Hypo and Hyperfunction of the hypthalamic hypophysial system
What are the major hormones lost ...,
What are the causes of panhypopit...,
What is the presentation of sheeh...
24  cards
B96 Thyroiditis, hypo and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
What are the clinical types of th...,
Describe the symptoms and present...,
What is the histology of the itss...
22  cards
B97 Tumors of the thyroid gland
What are the tumors of the thyroi...,
What are some basic principles of...,
What is the main radiologic metho...
13  cards
B98 Pathology of the parathyroid glands
See the topics in internal med cards
1  cards
B101 Congenital diseases of bone
List the congintal bone diseases,
Osteogenesis imperfecta causes an...,
5  cards
B102 Acquired diseases of bone development, Osteoperosis, Rachitis, and Osteomalacia
Describe the two major types of o...,
What causes senile osteoperosis,
Why dont we just use estrogen rep...
9  cards
B103 Osteomyelitis, Pagets disease
Osteomyelitis what is it what cau...,
Morphology and histology of osteo...,
What are the main anatomical poin...
9  cards
B104 Tumor and tumor like lesions of the bone
What are the primary tumors of th...,
What are the metastatic tumors of...,
What is the presentation morpholo...
22  cards
B105 Degenererative and inflammatory joint disease
What are the primary degenerative...,
Osteoarthritis pathogenesis types,
Osteoarthritis morphology
11  cards
B106 Muscular atrophy, dystrophies, and myositis
Types causes of muscular atrophy,
How are inherited muscle disorder...,
Myopathy vs dystrophy
14  cards
B107 Tumors of the joints and muscles
List the tumors of the joints,
Tenosynovial giant cell tumor,
Morphology and histology of tenos...
19  cards
B108 Blistering skin disorders, Pemphigus, Bullous pemphigoid, Dermatitis hepatiformis.
What ccauses pemphigus what are t...,
What causes bullous pemphigoid pa...,
Dermatitis herpetiformis
4  cards
B109 Acute inflammatory dermatoses
List the acute inflammatory derma...,
Describe urtricaria,
Types of acute eczematous dermatitis
14  cards
B110 Melanocytic tumors
List the types of melanocytic tumors,
Common melanocytic nevus morpholo...,
What is melanocyte maturation
10  cards
B111 Non-melanocytic skin tumors
List the non melanocytic skin tumors,
Bening epithelial neoplasms,
Seborrheic keratosis
7  cards
B112 Pathology of increased ICP
What are the compensatory mechani...,
What are the types of disorders t...,
Pathogenesis of cerebral edema
8  cards
B113 Congenital malformations of the nervous system
What are the major classes of con...,
What are the neural tube defects,
Describe spina bifida occultameni...
13  cards
B114 Cerebrovascular diseases
What are the 3 major,
When does generalized cerebral is...,
Symptoms of mild and severe gener...
13  cards
B115 intracranial hmorrhages
What causes intra parenchymal int...,
What are the types of intracrania...,
Describe sub ependymal hemorrhage
7  cards
B116 Degenerative diseases and dementias
General characteristic of degener...,
Parkinsons cause and symptoms
9  cards
B117 Infections of the nervous system, Meningitis, Encephalitis
What are the routes of infection ...,
Bacterial meningitis major agents,
Aseptic meningitis agents
20  cards
B118 Prions, CJC, vCJD
General prion disease facts,
Prion protein what is it called i...,
Cjd presentation prognosis
4  cards
B119 Primary diseases of myelin, and acquired metabolic and toxic distrubances of the brain
Multiples sclerosis,
Presentation of ms and classifica...,
Ms pathogenesis
6  cards
B120 Tumors of the CNS and PNS
General cns tumor characteristics,
Types of cns tumors list,
Diffuse astrocytomas
23  cards
B92 tumors of the prostate
Prostate tumors,
Prostate adenocarcinoa epedemiolo...,
Prostate adenocarcinoma morpholog...
7  cards
B93 inflammatory lesions of testis and epididymis, cyrptochidism, infertility
What are causes of inflammation o...,
What are the symptoms of ochitis ...,
Mumps orchitis
8  cards
B94, tumors of the testis and epididymis
General characteristics of these ...,
Germ cell tumors prognosis and tr...,
Types of testicular epididymis tu...
18  cards
B65 Pancreatitis
Causes of acute pancreatitis,
Mutations that predispose to acut...,
What are the types of acute pancr...
14  cards
B67 tumors of the exocrine and endocrine pancreats
Types of exocrine pancreas tumors,
Tumors of the endocrine pancreas ...,
Serous cystadeonmas prevalence pr...
15  cards
Organ weights
7  cards
Male reproduction organs and female pelvic diseases
Diseases evaluated,
What methods are used for testicu...,
What is most commonly affected if...
13  cards

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