This class was created by Brainscape user Abdul Rahman Ali. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (103)

Cardiology - General Cardio tips, Aortic Stenosis
General cardio tips aortic stenos...,
General cardio tips aortic stenos...,
General cardio tips aortic stenos...
34  cards
Cardiology - Mitral regurgitation, Aortic Regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation aortic regur...,
Mitral regurgitation aortic regur...,
Mitral regurgitation aortic regur...
45  cards
Cardiology - Mitral Stenosis, Rheumatic Fever and Infective Endocarditis
Mitral stenosis rheumatic fever a...,
Mitral stenosis rheumatic fever a...,
Mitral stenosis rheumatic fever a...
38  cards
Cardiology - Valve replacement, Valve Prostheses
Valve replacement valve prosthese...,
Valve replacement valve prostheses,
Valve replacement valve prostheses
30  cards
Cardiology - Atrial Fibrilation
Atrial fibrillation what are the ...,
Atrial fibrillation what are the ...,
Atrial fibrillation what are the ...
26  cards
Cardiology - Pacemakers, Chronic Heart Failure
Pacemakers chronic heart failure ...,
Pacemakers chronic heart failure ...,
Pacemakers chronic heart failure ...
32  cards
Respiratory Medicine - COPD
Copdwhat are the paraphernalia fi...,
Copdwhat are the paraphernalia fi...,
Copd what are the hand signs of c...
41  cards
Respiratory Medicine - Asthma
Asthma what are the paraphernalia...,
Asthma what are the general findi...,
Asthma what are the face signs of...
37  cards
Respiratory Medicine - Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pleural Effusion
Pulmonary fibrosis pleural effusi...,
Pulmonary fibrosis pleural effusi...,
Pulmonary fibrosis pleural effusi...
36  cards
Respiratory Medicine - Lung Cancer, Lobectomy and Pneumonectomy
Lung cancer lobectomy and pneumon...,
Lung cancer lobectomy and pneumon...,
Lung cancer lobectomy and pneumon...
42  cards
Respiratory Medicine - Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis
Bronchiectasis cystic fibrosis wh...,
Bronchiectasis cystic fibrosis wh...,
Bronchiectasis cystic fibrosis wh...
41  cards
Respiratory Medicine - Pneumonia, Old TB
Pneumonia old tb what are the par...,
Pneumonia old tb what are the che...,
Pneumonia old tb what are the ext...
47  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Ascites, Medical Jaundice, Liver transplant
Ascites medical jaundice liver tr...,
Ascites medical jaundice liver tr...,
Ascites medical jaundice liver tr...
52  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Chronic Liver Disease
Chronic liver disease,
Chronic liver disease,
Chronic liver disease
30  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly
Hepatomegaly splenomegaly what ar...,
Hepatomegaly splenomegaly what ar...,
Hepatomegaly splenomegaly what ar...
33  cards
The Medical Abdomen: Myeloproliferative Disorders, Spleen and Splenomegaly
Myeloproliferative disorders sple...,
Myeloproliferative disorders sple...,
Myeloproliferative disorders sple...
18  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Enlarged Kidneys, Cystic Renal Disease, RCC/Hypernephroma
Enlarged kidneys cystic renal dis...,
Enlarged kidneys cystic renal dis...,
Enlarged kidneys cystic renal dis...
39  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Renal transplant, Renal replacement therapy
Renal transplant renal replacemen...,
Renal transplant renal replacemen...,
Renal transplant renal replacemen...
49  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Renal access, Chronic Renal failure
Renal access chronic renal failur...,
Renal access chronic renal failur...,
Renal access chronic renal failur...
46  cards
The Medical Abdomen - Inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease what a...,
Inflammatory bowel disease what a...,
Inflammatory bowel disease what a...
31  cards
Neurology - Parkinson's
Parkinsons what are the general f...,
Parkinsons what are the arm findi...,
Parkinsons what are the eye signs...
36  cards
Neurology - Upper Motor Neuron Signs
Upper motor neuron signs what are...,
Upper motor neuron signs what are...,
Upper motor neuron signs what are...
29  cards
Neurology - Acute Stroke, Non-Acute Stroke
Acute stroke non acute stroke wha...,
Acute stroke non acute stroke wha...,
Acute stroke non acute stroke wha...
25  cards
Neurology - Hearing Loss, Speech
Hearing loss speech what is is ke...,
Hearing loss speech what is rinne...,
Hearing loss speech what is weber...
25  cards
Neurology - Abnormal Pupils, Visual Fields, Ophthalmoplegia
Abnormal pupils visual fields oph...,
Abnormal pupils visual fields oph...,
Abnormal pupils visual fields oph...
52  cards
Neurology - Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease
Multiple sclerosis motor neurone ...,
Multiple sclerosis motor neurone ...,
Multiple sclerosis motor neurone ...
43  cards
Neurology - Lower Motor Neuron Signs, Peripheral Polyneuropathy
Lower motor neuron signs peripher...,
Lower motor neuron signs peripher...,
Lower motor neuron signs peripher...
51  cards
Neurology - Myasthenia Gravis, GBS, Facial Nerve Palsy, Facial Anaesthesia
Myasthenia gravis gbs facial nerv...,
Myasthenia gravis gbs facial nerv...,
Myasthenia gravis gbs facial nerv...
57  cards
Shorts - Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Cutaneous Manifestations of DM
Psoriasis dermatitis cutaneous ma...,
Psoriasis dermatitis cutaneous ma...,
Psoriasis dermatitis cutaneous ma...
34  cards
Shorts - Skin Malignancy, Neurofibromatosis, Tuberous Sclerosis
Skin malignancy neurofibromatosis...,
Skin malignancy neurofibromatosis...,
Skin malignancy neurofibromatosis...
28  cards
Shorts - Spot Skin Diagnoses, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Spot skin diagnoses rheumatoid ar...,
Spot skin diagnoses rheumatoid ar...,
Spot skin diagnoses rheumatoid ar...
53  cards
Shorts - Systemic Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic sclerosis systemic lupus...,
Systemic sclerosis systemic lupus...,
Systemic sclerosis systemic lupus...
32  cards
Shorts - Ankylosing Spondylitis, Marfans Syndrome
Ankylosing spondylitis marfans sy...,
Ankylosing spondylitis marfans sy...,
Ankylosing spondylitis marfans sy...
24  cards
Shorts - Tophaceous Gout, Osteoarthritis
Tophaceous gout osteoarthritiswha...,
Tophaceous gout osteoarthritiswha...,
What are the differentials for to...
19  cards
Shorts - Thryotoxicosis, Hypothyroidism
Thryotoxicosis hypothyroidismwhat...,
What are the peripheral signs of ...,
What are the neck signs of thryot...
34  cards
Shorts - Acromegaly, Cushing's Syndrome, Addison's
Acromegaly cushings syndrome addi...,
What are the arm signs of acromeg...,
What are the face signs of acrome...
43  cards
Shorts - Steroids, Neuro Shorts
Steroids neuro shortswhat are the...,
Steroids neuro shortswhat are the...,
What are the metabolic side effec...
15  cards
Surgery: Superficial Lesions - Lump Examination, Skin Lumps
Lump examination skin lumpswhat a...,
What are the features of an intra...,
What are the features of a subcut...
59  cards
Surgery: Superficial Lumps - Goitre
What is needed to prepare a thyro...,
What are the key features of gene...,
What are the hand signs in a thyr...
34  cards
Surgery: Superficial Lumps - Solitary Thyroid Nodules, The Neck
Solitary thyroid nodules the neck...,
What is the management of follicu...,
What are the features of thyroid ...
55  cards
Surgery: Superficial Lumps - Anterior, Midline and Posterior Triangle Lumps
Anterior midline and posterior tr...,
What is the pathology of thyroglo...,
What is the presentation of thyro...
31  cards
Surgery: Superficial Lumps - Cervical Lymphadenopathy, Salivary Glands
Cervical lymphadenopathy salivary...,
What is the technique of a cervic...,
What are the additional examinati...
23  cards
Surgery: Superficial Lesions - Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars, Digital Clubbing
Hypertrophic and keloid scars dig...,
What are the features of hypertro...,
What are the features of keloid s...
11  cards
Surgery: Abdomen - Abdominal Examination
Abdominal examinationwhat is the ...,
What are the general signs on ins...,
What are the hand signs in an abd...
15  cards
Surgery: Abdomen - Inguinal Hernia
Inguinal herniawhat is the set up...,
What are the inspection findings ...,
What are the palpation findings i...
33  cards
Surgery: Abdomen - Incisional Hernia, Umbilical and Paraumbilical Hernia, Epigastric Hernia
Incisional hernia umbilical and p...,
What are the palpation findings o...,
What are the auscultation finding...
31  cards
Surgery: Abdomen - Examination of a Scrotal Lump, Hydrocele, Epididymal Cyst, Varicocele, Testicular Tumour
Examination of a scrotal lump hyd...,
What are the inspection findings ...,
What are the 4 key questions in a...
44  cards
Surgery: Stomas, Surgical Scars
Stomas surgical scarswhat are the...,
What are the key palpation findin...,
What is needed to complete a stom...
75  cards
Surgery: Abdomen - Colonic Resections
Colonic resectionswhat is the app...,
What is the indication for a righ...,
What are the scars of a right hem...
48  cards
Surgery: Abdomen - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel diseasewhat ar...,
What are the hand signs of inflam...,
What are the eye signs of inflamm...
30  cards
Surgery: Surgical Jaundice
Surgical jaundicewhat are the key...,
What are the key abdominal signs ...,
What are the key signs of surgica...
54  cards
Surgery: Breast - Breast Examination, Breast Lumps
What is the set up of a breast ex...,
What are the positions needed for...,
What are the key shape considerat...
25  cards
Surgery: Breast - Post-Mastectomy Breast, Breast Reconstruction
Post mastectomy breast breast rec...,
What are the palpation signs of a...,
What is needed to complete a post...
26  cards
Surgery: Breast - Gynaecomastia
Gynaecomastiawhat are the inspect...,
What are the palpation signs of g...,
What is needed to complete a gyna...
11  cards
Surgery: Vascular - Venous Examination, Varicose Veins, Post-Phlebitic Limb
Venous examination varicose veins...,
What are the skin change and scar...,
What are the site and size of var...
42  cards
Surgery: Vascular - Arterial Examination, Chronic Limb Ischaemia
What is the set up for a lower li...,
What are the main inspection sign...,
What are the colour inspection si...
35  cards
Surgery: Vascular - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Popliteal Aneurysm, False Aneurysm
Abdominal aortic aneurysm poplite...,
What are the palpation signs of a...,
Where needs to be auscultated for...
34  cards
Surgery: Vascular - Amputations, Carotid Artery Disease, Vascular Effects of the Diabetic Foot, Gangrene
What are the inspection signs of ...,
What are the palpation signs of a...,
How is movement used in an amputa...
42  cards
Surgery: Vascular - Raynaud's, Thoracic Outlet, Lymphoedema
Raynauds thoracic outlet lymphoed...,
What are the signs of raynauds ph...,
What are the signs of raynauds ph...
27  cards
Surgery: Vascular - Ulcers
Ulcerswhat are the main features ...,
What are the ulcer base features ...,
What are the ulcer edge features ...
29  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Hip Exam, Knee Exam
Hip exam knee examwhat is the set...,
What are the gait signs in a hip ...,
What needs to be examined when th...
29  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal: Osteoarthritis, Hip Arthroplasty
Osteoarthritis hip arthroplastywh...,
What is the aetiology risk factor...,
What is the classification of ost...
46  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Knee Arthroscopy, Knee Ligament Damage
Knee arthroscopy knee ligament da...,
What are the aims of knee arthros...,
What is the procedure of knee art...
18  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Hallux Valgus, Lesser Toe Deformities, Charcot Joints
Hallux valgus lesser toe deformit...,
What are the bunion signs hallux ...,
What are the extra not hallux or ...
18  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Gait, Popliteal Swellings, Dupuytren's Contracture, Carpal Tunnel
Gait popliteal swellings dupytren...,
What is the description and cause...,
What is the description and cause...
39  cards
PACES: Musculoskeletal - Shoulder and Hand examination
Shoulder and hand examinationwhat...,
What are the main features of loo...,
What are the key skin feature to ...
35  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Rheumatoid Hands, Osteoarthritis Hands
What are the hand inspection sign...,
What are the hand deformity signs...,
What are the surgical scar inspec...
29  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Ulnar Nerve Palsy, Radial Nerve Palsy, Mallet Finger, Trigger Finger
Ulnar nerve palsy radial nerve pa...,
What are the palpation sings of u...,
What are the special tests in uln...
34  cards
Surgery: Musculoskeletal - Back Examination, Lumbar Disc Herniation
Back examination lumbar disc hern...,
What are the inspection sings in ...,
What are the palpation signs of b...
25  cards
Surgery: Practical Surgery - Minimal Access Surgery, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, Surgical Complications
Minimal access surgery enhanced r...,
What are the advantages of a smal...,
What are the advantages of better...
28  cards
Surgery: Practical Surgery - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Inguinal Hernia Repair, Appendicectomy, Nissen Fundoplication
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy ingu...,
What is needed to establish pneum...,
How does calots triangle help to ...
32  cards
Surgery: Pactical Surgery - Gastrectomy, Ivor-Lewis Oesophagectomy
Gastrectomy ivor lewis oesophagec...,
What is a total gastrectomy,
What is a subtotal gastrectomy
15  cards
Surgery: Practical Surgery - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Carotid Endarterectomy, Bypass Grafting, Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
Abdominal aortic aneurysm carotid...,
Abdominal aortic aneurysm carotid...,
What is an endovascular repair of...
19  cards
Surgery: Practical Surgery - Surgical Procedures Summary
Surgical procedures summarywhat i...,
What is the procedure of dohlman ...,
What is the pathology of nissen f...
52  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Achalasia, Oesophageal Cancer, Pharyngeal Pouch: Zenker’s Diverticulum, Sliding Hiatus Hernia
Achalasia oesophageal cancer phar...,
What is the definition of achalasia,
What are the causes of achalasia
24  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Small Bowel Obstruction, Large Bowel Obstruction
Small bowel obstruction large bow...,
What are the common causes of sma...,
What are the less common causes o...
33  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Volvulus, Other AXRs, Perforated Viscus, Tension Pneumothorax
Volvulus other axrs perforated vi...,
What is the pathophysiology of vo...,
What is the presentation of volvulus
35  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Diverticulosis, Colorectal Cancer, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's
Diverticulosis colorectal cancer ...,
What is the definition of diverti...,
What is the pathophysiology of di...
33  cards
Surgery; Surgical Radiology - Gallstones, Pancreatitis, Acute Cholecystitis
Gallstones pancreatitis acute cho...,
What is ercp,
What are the film findings of ercp
37  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Nephrolithiasis
Nephrolithiasiswhat are the intra...,
What of kidney stones are radio o...,
What are the technical details of...
15  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Subdural or Extradural Haematoma, Critical Limb Ischaemia
Subdural or extradural haematomaw...,
What are the common associated fe...,
What does the colour of the haema...
25  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Cervical Spine, Hip Fracture, Shoulder Dislocation, Femoral and Tibial Fractures
Cervical spine hip fracture shoul...,
What is needed for an adequate im...,
What is needed for an alignment o...
29  cards
Surgery: Surgical Radiology - Colles’ Fracture, Other Fractures, Fracture Complications
Colles fracture other fractures f...,
What is the origin of the eponym,
What is the management of a colle...
33  cards
Surgery: Instruments - Vascular Access, Phlebotomy
Vascular accesswhat is the indica...,
What are the corresponding gauges...,
What is poiseuille s law
44  cards
Surgery: Instruments - Airways and Breathing
Airways and breathingwhat are the...,
What are the features of a cuffed...,
What are the features of an uncuf...
43  cards
Surgery: Instruments - Perioperative Management
Perioperative managementwhat is t...,
What are the indications for a ry...,
What are the features of a ryles ...
48  cards
Surgery: Instruments - General Surgery (Drains, Sutures, Instruments)
What are the indications for surg...,
What are the types of surgical drain,
What are the features of open sur...
59  cards
Surgery: Instruments - General Surgery (Proctoscope, Proctoscope, Staples)
What are the indications for disp...,
What are the features of a dispos...,
What is the method of a disposabl...
30  cards
Surgery: Instruments - Urology
Urologywhat are the diagnostic in...,
What are the therapeutic indicati...,
What are the features of a foley ...
34  cards
Surgery: Instruments - Trauma and Orthopaedics
What is the appearance of a chest...,
What are the indications for ches...,
What is the set up of using a che...
53  cards
Surgery: Instruments - Miscellaneous
What is the appearance of a swan ...,
What are the indications of a swa...,
What is the method of a swan ganz...
14  cards
Surgery: Key Anatomy - Chest Wall and Thoracic Cavity
What are the surface landmarks of...,
What are surface markings of the ...,
Where is the oblique fissure
25  cards
Surgery: Key Anatomy - Inguinal Region, Abdominal Wall and Surface Anatomy, Urinary Tract
Where is the deep inguinal ring,
Where is the superficial inguinal...,
What are the boarders of the ingu...
38  cards
Surgery: Key Anatomy - The Bowel, Abdomen Neurovascular Supply
What is the anatomical division o...,
What are the features of at the f...,
What are the features of at the s...
37  cards
Surgery: Key Anatomy - Head and Neck
What are the main types of neck f...,
What are the features of the supe...,
What are the features of the inve...
20  cards
Surgery: Key Anatomy - The Thigh, The Leg
What are the features of the two ...,
What is the function of the ligam...,
What is the function of the fibro...
47  cards
Surgery: Key Anatomy - The Arm
What is the structure of the brac...,
Draw out the brachial plexus,
What is are the function includin...
11  cards
Emergencies - Shock, Narrow and Broad Complex Tachycardia
Emergencies what is the approach ...,
Emergencies what are the causes o...
21  cards
Emergencies - STEMI/NSTEMI
Stemi nstemiwhat is the treatment...,
Stemi nstemiwhat is the pci treat...,
Stemi nstemiwhat is the continuin...
4  cards
Emergencies - Pulmonary Oedema, Cardiogenic Shock
Pulmonary oedema cardiogenic shoc...,
Pulmonary oedema cardiogenic shoc...,
Pulmonary oedema cardiogenic shoc...
13  cards
Emergencies - Aystole, Bradycardia, Narrow and Broad Complex Tachycardia
Emergencies what is the approach ...,
Emergencies what is the managment...,
4  cards
Surgery: Definitions
Definitions what are the difnitio...
1  cards
Cardiology - General Cardio tips, Aortic Stenosis COPY
General cardio tips aortic stenos...,
General cardio tips aortic stenos...,
General cardio tips aortic stenos...
34  cards

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