This class was created by Brainscape user Sam Allen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (151)

Oral Board
Where are most apus located in mo...,
What is the function of an apu,
What are two sources of compresse...
9  cards
Inspection and Repair of Aluminum Propeller Blades.
What is the extent of the repairs...,
Where can examples of acceptable ...,
Is it permissible to cold straigh...
9  cards
Install, Troubleshoot, And Remove Propellers
What can be done to prevent the f...,
What is the function of the snap ...,
Why is a propeller indexed to the...
5  cards
Inspect, Check, Service, and Repair Fixed-Pitch, Constant-Speed and Feathering Propellers, and Propeller Governing Systems.
Who or what facility is authorize...,
What checks and maintenance is a ...,
What adjustment can a mechanic wi...
16  cards
Identify and Select Propeller Lubricants
Where do you find a list of the l...
1  cards
Inspect, Check, And Repair Propeller Synchronizing And Ice Control Systems.
What is meant by a slave engine w...,
What does the pilot do to change ...,
How is ice prevented from forming...
6  cards
Troubleshoot And Repair Engine Thrust Reverser Systems And Related Components
Why are thrust reverses not norma...,
What is a mechanical blockage thr...,
How does a cascade type thrust re...
3  cards
Troubleshoot And Repair Engine Thrust Reverser Systems And Related Components.
0  cards
Inspect, Check, Troubleshoot, and Repair Engine Exhaust, Heat Exchangers, and Turbocharger Systems.
How does a leak appear in an engi...,
How can you check an exhaust syst...,
How do the components in the exha...
5  cards
Check, Troubleshoot, and Repair Engine Cooling Systems.
What is meant by pressure cooling...
1  cards
Basic Electricity
What constitutes a capacaitor,
What is the purpose of a capacitor,
Does a capacitor in an ac circuit...
4  cards
Calculate Inductance
Why should electrolytic capacitor...
1  cards
Calculate Inductance 2
What is meant by inductance,
What is the basic unit of inductance,
What is an example of an inductor...
7  cards
Calculate And Measure Electrical Power
What are five sources of electric...,
What is the basic unit of power o...,
What is meant by a kilowatt
13  cards
Measure Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Continunity
Which law of electricity is the m...,
What are the elements of ohm s law,
What is voltage
21  cards
Determine The Relationship Of Voltage, Current, And Resistance In Electrical Circuits.
What three things must an electri...,
What are three types of dc circui...,
What is the name of the law that ...
12  cards
Read And Interpret Electrical Doagrams
What is meant by the capacity rat...,
In what units is battery capacity...,
What electrolyte is used in a lea...
15  cards
Inspect and Service Nickel Batteries
What is the electrolyte used in a...,
Why is a hydrometer not used to m...
2  cards
Inspect and Service Nickel-cadmium Batteries 2
Is the electrolyte level of a nic...,
What is a result of cell imbalanc...,
What is a thermal runaway
6  cards
Use Drawings, Symbols, and Sytem Schematics
How many views can there be on an...,
How many views are used to show m...,
What information is given in the ...
13  cards
Draw Sketches Of Repairs and Alterations
What is the purpose of a sketch o...,
What are the four steps in making...,
What is the purpose of a center l...
3  cards
Weigh Aircraft
When should an aircraft be reweighed,
Why is it necessary to consider t...,
Where do you find the leveling me...
18  cards
Perform Weight-and-balance Check and Record Data.
What are two reasons weight and b...,
Where is the center of gravity fo...,
What is meant by the datum that i...
5  cards
Perform Weight And Balance 2
What is meant by the arm of an it...,
Where do you find the arm of an i...,
What is meant by the center of gr...
8  cards
Fabricate And Install Rigid Fluid Lines And Fittings.
Of what material are most low pre...,
Is the size of a rigid fluid line...,
When routing a fluid line paralle...
10  cards
Fabricate And Install Flexible Fluid Lines And Fittings
What is the function of the lay l...,
Where are quick disconnect fluid ...,
Is the size of a flexible hose de...
6  cards
Identify And Select Appropriate Nondestructive Testing Methods
What is the proper type of ndi is...,
What ndi method would be most app...,
What ndi method would be most app...
6  cards
Perform NDI Inspections.
Explain the procedure to use when...,
Why is it important that all part...,
Explain the procedure to use when...
7  cards
Perform Basic Heat Treating Processes
Why is it important that a piece ...,
What is meant by normalizing a pi...,
Explain the way a steel structure...
13  cards
Identify And Select Rivets And Hatdwear
What type of loading should be av...,
What determines the correct grip ...,
How tight should the nut be insta...
10  cards
Identify And Select Aircraft Materials
What is the basic wood used for a...,
What type of fabric is most widel...,
What is the alloy number of the m...
11  cards
Inspect Welds
What determines the size of tip t...,
How is the welding flux removed f...,
What must be done to a welded joi...
3  cards
Perform Precision Measurements
What kind of measuring instrument...,
What measuring instruments are us...,
In what increments can a vernier ...
7  cards
Start, Ground Operate And Move Aircraft.
What special precautions should b...,
What publication lists the standa...,
What action should a mechanic tak...
9  cards
Service Aircraft
Why is it important that the airc...,
What information must be located ...,
What information must be located ...
5  cards
Secure Aircraft
What kind of rope is best to tie ...,
What kind of knot is used for sec...
2  cards
Identify And Select Fuels
Why is it important that turbine ...,
What grade of aviation gasoline i...,
What damage is likely to occur if...
8  cards
Identify And Select Cleaning Materials
What is used to clean transparent...,
What is used to neutralize the el...,
What is used to neutralize the el...
4  cards
Inspect And Identify Aircraft Corrrosion
Where is filiform corrosion most ...,
Where is fretting corrosion most ...,
Where is dissimilar metal corrosi...
4  cards
Remove And Treat Aircraft Corrosion
What must be done to a piece of a...,
What is used to keep corrosion fr...,
How may rust be removed from a hi...
8  cards
Clean And Protect Metallic Materials
What is used to keep corrosion fr...,
How is rust removed from a highly...
2  cards
Clean And Protect Plastic And Composite Materials
Explain the methods used to remov...,
What is used to clean a composite...,
What is the proper way to clean p...
4  cards
Complete Required Maintenance Forms, Records, And Inspection Reports
What record must be made of a maj...,
How many copies must be made of a...,
Who is authorized to perform a 10...
10  cards
What Is Meant By Matter
What is meant by matter,
What are the three basic physical...,
What is meant by pressure
11  cards
Use And Understand The Principles Of Fluid Dynamics
What are two types of fluids,
What is meant by the density of a...,
What is meant by the specific gra...
13  cards
Use And Understand The Principles Of Heat Dynamics
What is meant by a temperature of...,
What is the celsius equivalent of...,
What are three methods of heat tr...
8  cards
Use And Understand The Principles Of Heat Dynamics 2
What is the basic unit of heat in...,
How much heat energy is in a smal...,
How much heat energy is in a larg...
9  cards
Aircraft Maintenance Specifications And Data Sheets
What is a type certificate data s...,
What are aircraft specidications,
What document specifies the type ...
4  cards
Maintenance Manuals And Related Publications
Who issues a service bulletin and...,
May the data in an aircraft maint...,
Where would you find the dimensio...
11  cards
Information Contained In Federal Aviation Regulations
Are instructions included in the ...,
What is the purpose of 14 cfr par...,
Who is authorized to approve an a...
6  cards
Airworthiness Directived
What is the purpose of an ad,
What is the first step in the iss...,
How is information on an ad disse...
7  cards
Information Contained In Advisory Marerial
Is it mandatory that the informat...,
With which part of 14 cfr is ac 4...,
May all of the information in ac ...
4  cards
Limitations Prescribed By 14 CFR Part 65
What is the minimum age for mecha...,
What are the two ratings that can...,
How many months of practical expe...
4  cards
Inspect Wood Structures
Which species of wood is consider...,
Why must abrupt changes in the cr...,
What is the basic difference betw...
6  cards
Identify Wood Defects
How do you detect decay in a wood...,
Are mineral streaks in a piece of...,
How is compression wood identified
5  cards
Repair Of Wood Structures
What kind of glue is recommended ...,
What reference material may be us...,
How is a scarf splice on a wing s...
17  cards
Select Aircraft Covering
What reference material may be us...,
What are three types of fabric th...,
What paperwork must be completed ...
4  cards
Apply Fabric Finishing Materials
Why should wooden wing spars be f...,
Why is retarded used in dope when...,
When an aircraft is being recover...
19  cards
Apply Finishes To STC'd Covering Materials
What instructions must be followe...,
What finishing materials must be ...
2  cards
Apply Paint Finishing Materials
How thick should a coat of wash p...,
When mixing epoxy paint should th...,
What are three types of primer th...
9  cards
Inspect Finishes And Identify Defects
What is a cause of poor adhesion ...,
What is a cause of a rough finish...,
What causes sags and runs on a su...
7  cards
Layout And Form A U-Channel
For maximum strength of a formed ...,
What determines the minimum bend ...,
What is meant by the neutral axis...
15  cards
Rivet Sheet Metal Joints
What is the minimum edge distance...,
What is the recommended transvers...,
Why should aluminum alloy rivets ...
11  cards
Inspect And Test A Composite Structure
How can water entrapped in a hone...,
What effect can entrapped moistur...,
What is the simplest way to detec...
4  cards
Repair Composite Structures
What kind of repair can be made t...,
What special precautions must be ...,
How do you grind the point of a t...
18  cards
Inspect And Repair Transparent Plastic Windows
Of what class of resins are aircr...,
What type of transparent plastic ...,
How should sheets of transparent ...
6  cards
Gas Welding
What are the two fuel gasses most...,
What fuel gases are used for weld...,
What are two types of torches use...
6  cards
Gas Welding 2
What determines the amount of hea...,
What is the difference in the app...,
What is one method of minimizing ...
13  cards
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
What is another name for gta welding,
What type of shielding gases are ...,
Why is gta welding preferred over...
8  cards
Fabricate Tublar Structure
What type of repair can be used w...,
What type of repair can be used w...,
What is preferred method of splic...
6  cards
Soft Solder Wire And Connecter
What is the function of the flux ...,
What kind of solder is recommende...,
What is the composition of 60 40 ...
5  cards
Install A Control Surface
What is the function of the ailer...,
What is a stabilator,
What is the function of the eleva...
10  cards
Rig Rotary Wing Aircraft
What causes dissymmetery of lift ...,
Why do single rotor helicopters u...,
Why is it important that the blad...
13  cards
Balance Flight Controls
Why is it important that control ...,
Where can you find the specificat...,
What in addition to static unbala...
3  cards
Jack Aircraft
Where can you find instructions f...,
Where can you find instructions f...,
Where can you find instructions f...
3  cards
Aircraft Inspections
What must the mechanic give the o...,
Where can you find the recommende...,
Under what conditions can an airc...
18  cards
Inspect And Service Landing Gear
Where may instructions for greasi...,
Where may a list of the approved ...,
Where can you find safety precaut...
5  cards
Service Landing Gear Shock Strut
Where can you find the specificat...,
What absorbs the initial landing ...,
What absorbs the taxi shocks in a...
6  cards
Replace Brake Linings
Where can you find a list of brak...,
What is used to flush brake lines...,
What is used to flush brake lines...
9  cards
Disassemble And Inspect A Landing Gear Wheel
When removing a wheel from an air...,
What should be used to deflate hi...,
What is used in a split wheel to ...
5  cards
Inspect And Service A Landing Gear Tire
What is meant by the ply rating o...,
What is the function of the bead ...,
Is it proper to use a tube in a t...
18  cards
Remove, Clean And Install Hydraulic Filter
What kind of filter is a micronic...,
What is a double action pump,
Why do most engine driven hydraul...
10  cards
Remove And Install A Hydraulic Seal
Is a chevron seal a one way or a ...,
To which side of a chevron seal s...,
Is an o ring seal a one way or a ...
6  cards
Inspect And Service A Pneumatic Power System
What are two basic differences be...,
What are two functions of a low p...,
What type of pump is used in a lo...
9  cards
Service A Hydraulic Reservoir
What are two basic types of hydra...,
Does the main hydraulic pump take...,
Why are some hydraulic reservoirs...
11  cards
Inspect And Service Hydraulic Pumps And Valved
Explain the difference between a ...,
What type of pump is a gear pump ...,
What is the difference in functio...
4  cards
Inspecting And Testing An Exhaust Heating System
Where does the warm air come from...,
What is the danger of a leak in a...,
How can an exhaust system be chec...
4  cards
Inspect And Operate A Combustion Heater System
Where does the fuel used in an ai...,
What happens to a combustion heat...,
What regulates the temperature in...
4  cards
Inspect And Operate Of A Vapor-cycle Cooling System
What are two types of air conditi...,
How is the heat removed from an a...,
What produces the cool air in a v...
12  cards
Inspect And Operate An Air Cycle Cooling System
Where does the warm air come from...,
Where is the first place the hot ...,
What is the function of the air c...
5  cards
Inspect And Operate A Cabin Pressurization System
What is meant by the isobaric mod...
1  cards
Leak Test Gaseous Oxygen System
What are the two main gases that ...,
What is used to check an oxygen s...,
Why must fittings in an oxygen sy...
4  cards
Leak Test Gaseous Oxygen System 2
What kind of gaseous oxygen must ...,
What is a continuous flow oxygen ...,
What is a pressure demand oxygen ...
5  cards
Replace An Oxygen Valve Or Fitting
What kind of lubricant can be use...,
What is used to check for leaks a...,
What cleaning solutions can be us...
6  cards
Swing A Magnetic Compass
What error is corrected when an a...,
What fluid is used in an aircraft...,
What is the maximum amount of dev...
6  cards
Replace Vacuum Or Pressure System Filter
What are the gyroscopic instrumen...,
What device is used with a wet pu...,
What are two types of filters use...
4  cards
Replace Vacuum Or Pressure System Pump
What two types of pumps are used ...,
What are the vanes of a wet type ...,
What are the vanes of a dry type ...
7  cards
Install A Sensitive Altimeter
Who is authorized to perform the ...,
Where are the requirements for th...,
How often should an altimeter be ...
10  cards
Perform Static System Check
What instruments in an aircraft a...
1  cards
Perform Static System Check 2
Who is authorized to conduct a st...,
How much leakage is allowed in th...,
What indication on the on the alt...
6  cards
Check Instrument Systems
Why is the length of a thermocoup...,
A failure of an airspeed indicato...,
What may be causing an attitude i...
3  cards
Replace ELT Batteries
On what two frequencies does the ...,
Where is the elt transmitter norm...,
How often should elt batteries be...
6  cards
Check, Install, And Troubleshoot A Coaxial Cable With BNC Connectors
What kind of conductor is used to...,
What is a coaxial cable,
How can you determine the proper ...
5  cards
Identification Of Antennas
What is the preferred location fo...,
Which component of the instrument...,
What is the preferred location fo...
7  cards
Check Autopilot For Proper Operation
What are the basic subsystems of ...,
What type of device is normally u...,
What is the purpose of the follow...
4  cards
Install A Nav/Com Radio
Is a certificated airframe mechan...,
Which frequency band is used for ...,
In which frequency band does the ...
5  cards
Inspect, Service, Ans Replace Fuel Systen Transmitters
What is used as the sensor in the...,
What is the principal upon which ...,
What is used as a sensor in the f...
8  cards
Service A Fuel System Syrainer?
Where are fuel system strainers l...,
Why do the fuel strainer used on ...,
What must be done after a fuel sy...
3  cards
Drain Fuel Sumps
Why is it important to drain all ...,
Is the procedure of draining the ...,
How does water appear in the fuel...
6  cards
Remove And Install A Fuel Tank Valve
Why must an aircraft fuel valve h...,
What must be done before a fuel s...,
What must be done after a fuel va...
4  cards
Inspect Fuel Tanks
What is the function of the sump ...,
What are the three different type...,
What problem can occur in a bladd...
5  cards
Replace An Electric Switch
Why must a switch be defeated if ...
1  cards
Replace An Electric Switch 2
What is an spdt switch,
Where could you find the part num...,
If no specific instructions are a...
3  cards
Replace A Circuit Breaker
What is meant by a trip free circ...,
What is meant by a slow blow fuse,
What is the function of a fuse or...
6  cards
Splice And Install Electrical Wire
What two things must you take int...,
What is the maximum number of wir...,
How is a wire bundle protected fr...
9  cards
Adjust A Voltage Regulator
What size generator must be used ...,
What is meant by flashing the fie...,
What is meant by paralleling the ...
6  cards
Inspect Check And Troubleshoot Aircraft Electrical Systems
Can you substitute aluminum wire ...,
Can wire in free air carry the sa...,
What are common causes of wire fa...
6  cards
Adjust Landing Gear Position Switch
What is a squat switch and where ...,
What kind of device is normally u...
2  cards
Adjust Flap Position Switch
What type of system is used to in...,
What information is shown by the ...
2  cards
Repair Lamding Gear Warning System
What is the most likely cause of ...
1  cards
Troubleshoot Landing Gear Warning System
What would cause the warning horn...,
What is indicated by a red light ...,
What information is given to a pi...
3  cards
Inspect Check And Troubleshoot Brake Systems
What abnormal event warrants a sp...,
What is the likely cause of spong...,
What are the two methods of bleed...
6  cards
Check And Troubleshoot An Electrically Heated Pitot System
How is ice kept from forming on t...,
How can you tell on a preflight i...
2  cards
Replace Electrically Heated Pitot Tube
Where can you find the correct pa...,
If the pitot head includes ports ...
2  cards
Repair A Pneumatic Deicer Boot
Why is it important that ice not ...,
Are pneumatic deicer boots operat...,
Where does the air come from to o...
7  cards
Rain Control
How is ice prevented from forming...,
What are two ways rain can be kep...,
When should rain repellent be use...
4  cards
Inspect And Check Anti Ice Systems
How can you test if the pitot hea...,
What is the sequence of inflation...,
What might be likely causes for a...
4  cards
Fire Detection And Indication Systems
What type of fire detection syste...,
What type of detector is commonly...,
What type of detector is usually ...
4  cards
Fire Extinguisher Container Pressure Check?
What type of fire extinguisher ag...,
What is a major disadvantage of c...,
Why is carbon tetrachloride not r...
7  cards
Inspect Fire Extinguisher Bottle Or Cylinder
What releases the fire extinguish...,
What precaution must you observe ...
2  cards
Troubleshoot Fire Detection System?
Does a thermocouple fire detectio...,
Does a thermal switch fire detect...,
How is a thermoswitch fire detect...
6  cards
Service Fire Extinguisher System
What must be done to release the ...,
What type of fire extinguisher is...,
How can you determine whether or ...
5  cards
Inspection And Repair Of A Radial Engine
In what position should the crank...,
What is the purpose of a cold cyl...,
What is checked on engine runup t...
11  cards
Inspect Check Service Troubleshoot And Repair Reciprocating Engines
What must be inspected to determi...,
What checks should be made to det...,
Where can you find the correct gr...
5  cards
Install And Remove Reciprocating Engines
Where do you find instructions fo...,
What must normally be done to a n...,
What should be done to the cylind...
6  cards
Inspect Check Turbine Engines
What is meant by a hot section in...,
What is meant by on condition mai...,
What checks of a turbine engine a...
5  cards
Perform Powerplant Airworthiness Inspection
Where can you find the model of m...,
What is a supplemental type certi...,
What paperwork is necessary for t...
3  cards
Troubleshoot And Repair Turbine Engine Electrical
What are three types of flow indi...,
What do mass flow systems measure,
In what units is an electronic mo...
7  cards
Inspect Check Troubleshoot Everything
What kind of indicating system is...,
What type of instrument system is...,
What kind of electrical instrumen...
19  cards
Inspect, Check, Troubleshoot Fire Detectio
What are four types of engine fir...,
Which type of fire detection syst...,
Why must the reference junction i...
15  cards
Repair Engine Electrical System Components
When should the brushes in a star...,
How is the direction of rotation ...,
How is the direction of rotation ...
11  cards
Electrical Wiring And Protective Devices
What is used to protect a wire bu...,
How are electrical wires protecte...,
What is the minimum separation al...
8  cards
Identify And Select Lubricants
What is straight mineral oil,
What is ashless dispersant oil,
What is synthetic oil
6  cards
Inspect Lubrications Systems
What two instruments show the con...,
What must be done to an oil filte...,
What is the purpose of an air oil...
11  cards
Inspect Engine Ignition Systems
What is the main advantage of a m...,
What is the function of the capac...,
What happens in a magneto ignitio...
22  cards
Troubleshoot Electrical Starting Systems
What kind of electrical starting ...,
What is indicated if the starter ...
2  cards
Pneumatic Starting Systems
Why are air turbine starters supe...,
Where does an air turbine starter...,
What is the purpose of the shear ...
6  cards
Troubleshoot Electronic Engine Fuel Controls
What is meant by trimming a turbi...,
What are two types of electronic ...,
Does a turbine engine controlled ...
6  cards
Inspect Turbine Engine Fuel Systems
What is meant by a compensated fu...,
What would likely cause a recipro...,
Why do aircraft fuel metering sys...
11  cards
Repair Engine Ice Systems
Why does ice form in the throat o...,
Does the application of carbureto...,
What happens to engine rpm when c...
6  cards
Inspect Inductio. Manifolds
What does a fuel injected engine ...,
What would be the effect on engin...,
Why is it very important that the...
3  cards

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Oral Board

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