oncology, haematology and palliative care

This class was created by Brainscape user Adele Atkins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Give the intrinsic risk factors f...,
Give the extrinsic risk factors f...,
What ratio of people does cancer ...
35  cards
What are the two classes of lymphoma,
What chemotherapy is used for dlb...,
Describe how high calcium leads t...
36  cards
Lung cancer
List some associations of lung ca...,
List the local symptoms of lung c...,
List the systemic symptoms of lun...
31  cards
What is haematocrit,
Why do men have higher hb than women,
What is the mcv useful for
28  cards
What is anaemia defined as,
Give the symptoms of anaemia,
What are some signs of anaemia
123  cards
Bleeding disorders
After injury what 3 processes hal...,
What 3 groups do disorders of hae...,
What pattern of bleeding do coagu...
48  cards
Blood products
What must be measured every 30min...,
What is the haematocrit of the re...,
When are red cells used
37  cards
What are the two main indications...,
Describe how low molecular weight...,
How often is lmwh given and by wh...
42  cards
List the 4 main types of leukaemia,
List the ways leukaemia patients ...,
What tests should you order for a...
77  cards
Pancytopenia and bone marrow failure
What is responsible for haematopo...,
Describe how some anaemias such a...,
What is pancytopenia
28  cards
Myeloproliferative disorders
What are myeloproliferative disor...,
Name the myeloproliferative disor...,
Name the myeloproliferative disor...
32  cards
What is myeloma an example of,
What are plasma cell dyscrasias,
Describe the classification of my...
28  cards
What is amyloidosis,
In which conditions is amyloid de...,
List the 3 types of amyloidosis
14  cards
Hyperviscositiy syndrome
What are the symptoms of hyper vi...,
What can cause high blood viscosity,
What is the treatment for hypervi...
3  cards
What are the two main classes of ...,
What is thrombophilia,
What are some risk factors for ar...
20  cards
Genetics of cancer
List the 6 hallmarks of cancer,
Name the two classes of genes tha...,
Give an example of a tumour suppr...
9  cards
Chemo and radiotherapy
What is chemotherapy,
What is the aim of chemotherapy,
How frequently is chemo given
51  cards
Oncological emergencies
When should you suspect neutropen...,
What are the signs of neutropenic...,
Describe the management of neutro...
34  cards
Drugs in palliative care
What causes nausea and vomiting i...,
How should anti emetics be chosen,
Describe how cyclizine works and ...
28  cards

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oncology, haematology and palliative care

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