This class was created by Brainscape user Mara T. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Ch 64
What is the si unit for length,
What is the si unit for mass,
What is the si unit for force
36  cards
Ch 65
What kind of quantity is force n,
What is the equation used to calc...,
What is the equation used to calc...
23  cards
What is the equation for vx,
What is the equation for vy,
37  cards
Elasticity of Solids
What is the equation for stress,
What is the equation for stretchi...,
What is the equation for sheer de...
6  cards
What is density,
What is the density of water,
What is specific gravity
8  cards
What is the resultant,
What is the equation used if the ...,
What is the equation used if the ...
23  cards
Light + Optics
Electromagnetic waves are transve...,
What is the equation of light,
What does the law of reflection s...
11  cards
Images can be either,
Real images are when,
Virtual images are when
34  cards
Fluid Stats
Liquids and gases are known as,
What is density p,
What is the equation for density p
18  cards
Conductors allow for,
What is the function of insulators,
How do electrons move in conductors
38  cards
Modern Physics
At any t above absolute 0 matter ...,
What is the value for plancks con...,
What does the photoelectric effec...
18  cards
Simple Harmonic Motion + Waves
Harmonic motion shows,
What is the period t,
What is the frequency f
51  cards
Simple Harmonic Motion + Waves II
How is the wavelength for pipes t...,
How is the frequency for pipes th...,
For pipes closed at one end and o...
23  cards
Coulombs law describes the,
Charge is displayed by the letter,
What is the charge of a charged s...
26  cards
Energy and Momentum
Work is responsible for the,
Impulse is responsible for the,
Work is the measure of
41  cards
Temperature is the measure of,
What is the equation to determine...,
How do solids experience thermal ...
23  cards

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oat kaplan physics

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