norman maccaig poetry

This class was created by Brainscape user Kathryn McLaren. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Man's Flaws and Failings
Three quotes to show mans flaws a...,
Three quotes to show mans flaws a...,
Three quotes to show mans flaws a...
6  cards
Mans Relationship With Nature
Three quotes to show mans relatio...,
Three quotes to show mans relatio...,
Four quotes to show mans relation...
4  cards
Appealing to the Senses
Quotes to show how the poet appea...,
Quotes to show how the poet appea...,
Quotes to show how the poet appea...
6  cards
Suffering in visiting hour quotes,
Suffering in assisi,
Vulnerability in assisi
5  cards
Wry Humour
Wry humour is assisi,
Wry humour in basking shark,
Wry humour in visiting hour
4  cards
Aunt Julia
Describe the structure form of th...,
What three elements of nature is ...,
How does the poem end with a tone...
30  cards
Sounds of The Day
What is this poem about,
What does macaig use in the first...,
How is the nature in the first st...
27  cards
What is the subject of the poem,
What is the structure of an elegy,
What makes the loss even more dif...
44  cards
What is the poem about,
What are the three key things in ...
22  cards
Basking Shark
Subject of the poem,
With reference to language show h...,
What happens in the opening stanza
32  cards
Visiting Hour
How is setting and character esta...,
Explain the use of synecdoche,
Word choice of hospital and green
37  cards
How does maccaig use symbolism to...,
Basking shark the shark,
Visiting hour flower metaphor
6  cards
MacCaig often focuses on upsetting aspects of life in his poetry. Referring closely to this poem and to at least one other poem by MacCaig, show how MacCaig addressed such themes in his poetry. (10 marks)
Identify an appropriate technique...
5  cards
Key Analysis on All Poems
Aunt julia main themes,
Rhythm in aunt julia,
How effective do you find the fin...
13  cards
Links With All Poems
Life death and suffering,
48  cards
Basking Shark and Assisi
Basking shark and assisi,
Both learning experiences for the...,
Both raise significant questions ...
7  cards
Aunt Julia and Visiting Hour
Both about visiting a female rela...,
Repetition used to convey strong ...,
Use of colour in the poet s image...
8  cards

More about
norman maccaig poetry

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Kathryn McLaren's Norman MacCaig Poetry flashcards for their Mary Erskine class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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Looking for something else?

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Decks: Visiting Hour, And more!
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