neuroscience and behaviour

This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy Butler. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Emotion 1
What are states,
Why have physiological behavioura...,
What are the advantages of using ...
23  cards
Emotion 2
What is a reward,
What is clinical relevance,
What is instrumental conditioning
18  cards
Sex differences in behaviour and cognition
What are types of sex differences,
Genetic or chromosomal sex,
Sexual differentiation
19  cards
Sex difference in behaviour and relevant neural substances
What do sex differences refer to,
Heterosexual mating behaviour in ...,
Reproductive and hormonal cycles ...
22  cards
Neuroscience Methods: TMS; EEG and ERP
What would be an ideal method for...,
What is cytoarchitectonics,
What do the cytoarchitectonic fea...
38  cards
Neuroscience methods for physiological psychology
What does mri stand for,
What the 2 types of mri,
What are the goals of structural ...
17  cards
Alzheimer's Disease
What is neurodegeneration,
What is are some examples of chro...,
What is dementia
41  cards
Anxiety Disorder
What is anxiety,
What is fear,
How to fear and anxiety overlap
41  cards
What is neurodegeneration,
What are some causes from brain d...,
What is a cerebral stroke
32  cards
Who was emil kraepelin 1898,
Who was eugen bleuler 1911,
What is schizophrenia
37  cards
Neurobiology of decision making
Decisions as links between memory...,
How does longterm memory influenc...,
What is the prediction choice out...
29  cards
Introduction to Learning
What is a stimulus,
What is a response,
What is learning
15  cards
Classical Conditioning
What is an unconditioned stimulus...,
What is unconditioned response ur...,
What happens during classical con...
16  cards
Instrumental/Operant Conditioning
What is instrumental operant cond...,
What is shaping,
What is a discriminative stimulus
28  cards
Numbers and Counting
What abilities are involved in co...,
What is relative numerosity discr...,
Relative numerosity discriminatio...
18  cards
A theory of associative learning
How did we learn about causality ...,
What is delay conditioning,
What is trace conditioning
17  cards
Learning about time
What is periodic timing,
What is interval timing,
Cockroaches and timing roberts 1965
14  cards
Classical/instrumental interactions
How are classical and instrumenta...,
Can animals ever do rational inst...,
What is omission
24  cards
Categorisation and concept formation
What is concept formation,
What does it mean if something is...,
Basic level concept formation in ...
21  cards
Animal Cognition: An introduction
What is cognition shettleworth 2010,
Why do we study animals,
What is anthropomorphism
24  cards
What is communication,
Why do animals communicate,
Honeybee dance karl von frisch 1919
11  cards
Define reasoning,
Reasoning by analogy gillan prema...,
Crows match to sample smirnova et...
8  cards
Social Learning
Definition of learning,
What is social facilitation,
What is stimulus enhancement
16  cards
Rescorla & Wagner’s Model
What did the rescorla and wagner ...,
What is the rmw equation,
Rescorla and wagner equation
10  cards
Wagner's "SOP" Model
What phenomena does sop fix,
What phenomena does sop fail at,
What model can resorla and wagner...
16  cards
Memory and State dependence 1
How did hermann ebbinghaus discov...,
Forgetting in rats by excitatory ...,
Forgetting in rats by inhibitory ...
14  cards
Memory and state dependence 2
What are some examples of context...,
2  cards

More about
neuroscience and behaviour

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