This class was created by Brainscape user Louise Emerson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

How many cranial and spinal nerves,
How does the brain form,
What does the telecephalon form
194  cards
Anatomy 2
What are the dimples in you back ...,
What is the first palpable spinou...,
What are the extrinsic back muscles
215  cards
Anatomy Workshops
Where is the location of the thir...,
Where do 85 of upper motor neuron...,
Testing the actions of the biceps...
47  cards
What do dendrites do,
What does the soma contain,
What is the axon hillock and init...
199  cards
Physiology Auditory and Vestibular System
What makes up hair cells,
How do hair cells create action p...,
What do the otolith organs sense
52  cards
Physiology Vision
What is the order of cells light ...,
What is the order of cells the si...,
What do horizontal cells in the r...
29  cards
Physiology Pain
What is pain,
What is nocieptive pain,
What is inflammatory pain
59  cards
Neuroradiology and Brain Tumours
What can cause a headache due to ...,
What is ct good for,
What is ct bad for
66  cards
What are 2 possible side effects ...,
What do you worry about with nigh...,
What are spinal red flags
186  cards
What type of inheritance is duche...,
What is the onset and progression...,
What is the characteristic postur...
40  cards
CNS infections
What is meningitis inflammation of,
Why is time important in cns infe...,
What is encephalitis
85  cards
Physiology Analgesia and Analgesic Drugs
What are the different mechanisms...,
What is the who analgesic ladder,
Whats the difference between opia...
55  cards
Cerebrovascular Disease
What are bridging veins,
What are the types of glial cells...,
What can damage to nerve cells le...
68  cards
What is the exam usually like in ...,
Name the ha visual disturbance su...,
Name the ha headache every time y...
60  cards
What are the types of stroke,
What scan to work out type of stroke,
What are the features of a poster...
44  cards
What are the important parts of a...,
If there is bilateral movement an...,
What type of seizure causes right...
47  cards
Space Occupying Lesions
What happens when the brain enlarges,
What can cause raised icp,
What is hydrocephalus
67  cards
Sleep Disorders
What is consciousness and unconsc...,
What is non rem sleep,
What is rem sleep
28  cards
Movement disorders
What is the role of the basal gan...,
What are the two types of movemen...,
What descending pathway do basal ...
82  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
What is multiple sclerosis,
What is a ms plaque,
Is there a gender bias in ma
42  cards
Peripheral Neuropathy
Does ms cause peripheral neuropathy,
Loss of reflexes means a problem ...,
Which type of fibres conduct the ...
44  cards
NMJ and Muscle disorders
What distinguishes a lmn lesion f...,
What part of spinal cord to motor...,
What do the terminal projections ...
59  cards
Head Trauma
Who are at high risk of head inju...,
What do over half of head injurie...,
When do most deaths occur after h...
43  cards
Neuropsychology Clinical Skills
What is cognition,
What are the main causes of congi...,
When do you not screen someones c...
9  cards
Chronic Pain Management
What is pain,
What is the pathway of pain,
How does peripheral tissue injury...
20  cards
Demyelination and Dementia
What is demyelination,
What is the role of myelination,
What cell myelinates
60  cards
Cognitive Neurology
What generally causes dementias,
What is cognition,
What is dementia
43  cards
Motor Neurone Disease
What is als,
How does mnd present and progess,
How much of mnd is familial
39  cards
Localising Lesions
What are movement disorder featur...,
What are the types of movement di...,
What movement disorders arise fro...
80  cards
Spontaneous Intercranial Haemorrhage
What are the types of spontaneous...,
What usually causes a spontaneous...,
What is the mortality like in spo...
36  cards
Spinal cord compression
Summarise the corticospinal tracts,
What are upper motor neurone lesi...,
What are the lower motor neurone ...
38  cards
Intracranial Pressure and Hydrocephalus
What is intracranial pressure,
What is the monroe kellie doctrine,
What is normal icp
28  cards
Neurosurgery Cortex
What is the function of the corti...,
Explain the differences between a...,
What tracts originate from the br...
368  cards
Back Pain and Sciatica
What is buttock pain likely to be,
What is back pain going to below ...,
What are the general red flags fo...
32  cards
Revision 2
What area is affected early in al...,
What is the treatments for alzhei...,
What mutation 100 penetrance of h...
198  cards

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