This class was created by Brainscape user raniya robb. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

What are the two main types of ne...,
What is the difference between mu...,
What is the difference between mo...
180  cards
What is the cns composed of,
What is the pns composed o,
What are the first 3 swellings of...
116  cards
Introduction to Neurones, Nerve Conduction & Synaptic Transmission
What is the role of dendrites,
What does the cell body soma contain,
What is the role of the cell body...
35  cards
Introduction to Sensory Receptors and Sensory Neurones
What does the somatosensory syste...,
What is the role of the exterocep...,
What is the role of the proprioce...
62  cards
Central Processing of Somatosensory Input
What is the grey matter subdivide...,
What is the fibre class of nocice...,
What is the fibre class of ltms a...
23  cards
Motor Units, Muscle Spindles, Golgi Tendon Organs and Joint Receptors
The somatic motor system is respo...,
What two neurones make up the som...,
What is the main function of umns...
48  cards
Sensory Transduction: Auditory and Vestibular System
What ion causes depolarisation to...,
Explain how the hair cells cause ...,
More aps are generated when cilia...
25  cards
Upper Motor Neurones and Control of Movement
No input is needed from the motor...,
Describe the 3 levels of motor co...,
What areas of the brain are invol...
28  cards
An Introduction to Pain and Thermosensation
What are the three main types of ...,
Describe the difference in sensat...,
What potential stimuli can activa...
21  cards
Tumours of Nervous System
Primary brain tumours are the 2nd...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are general symptoms of brai...
79  cards
Genetics of CNS Disease
What type of inheritance is duche...,
What is the progression of dmd,
What is the tell tale signs of dmd
31  cards
Infections of Nervous System
What may untreated cns infection ...,
What is bacterial meningitis,
What are the two types of meningitis
72  cards
Primary and Secondary Headaches
What are the red flags of a headache,
What should you be aware of in te...,
What is family history particular...
65  cards
What is the definition of a stroke,
85 of strokes are haemorrhagic tr...,
What condition is associated with...
51  cards
Epilepsy: Seizures, Syndromes and Management
What kind of questions would you ...,
What kind of questions would you ...,
What kind of questions would you ...
53  cards
Raised ICP, Space Occupying Lesions & Trauma
What can cause a raised icp,
What is responsible for re absorp...,
What should normal csf contain an...
31  cards
Sleep Physiology, Hypersomnolence, Parasomnias
What is sleep,
What makes sleep not a conscious ...,
What makes sleep not an unconscio...
42  cards
Parkinsonism and Movement Disorders
What is role of basal ganglia,
What is the most common neurodege...,
What is cause of parkinsons
28  cards
Peripheral Neuropathy
Name all areas that are considere...,
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy...,
Damage to what type of fibres cau...
37  cards
Multiple Sclerosis and Inflammatory CNS Disease
What is ms,
When does ms typically initially ...,
What is ratio of females males in ms
36  cards
Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction
What are three characteristics of...,
Where do the cell bodies of motor...,
What does the terminal portion of...
73  cards
Traumatic Brain and Head Injury
What is a traumatic brain injury,
Tbi is the commonest cause of dea...,
What groups are high risk to tbi
24  cards
Management of Chronic Pain
What is pain,
What fibres transmit painful stim...,
What is released in spinal cord
18  cards
Demyelination & Dementia
What 2 structures are damaged dur...,
What is the primary demyelinating...,
What primary demyelinating diseas...
41  cards
What is cognition,
What 5 processes is cognition oft...,
What is the dsmv criteria for dia...
66  cards
Motor Neurone Disease
What is motor neurone disease,
How is motor neurone disease diag...,
What are symptoms of mnd
48  cards
Intracranial Haemorrhage
What fluid does a subarachnoid ha...,
What are the most common reasons ...,
Where in the circle of willis are...
41  cards
Spinal Cord Compression
The corticospinal tract is a _ ne...,
Where does upper motor neurone of...,
What is the lower motor neurone
38  cards
Patterns of Neurological Presentation
What type of movement disorders a...,
What type of movement disorders a...,
What type of movement disorders a...
29  cards
Raised ICP and Hydrocephalus
What 3 intracranial components ma...,
What does the monroe kellie doctr...,
What physiological functions can ...
37  cards
Back Pain and Sciatica
What should you ask a patient abo...,
How may patient describe characte...,
Location and radiation of back pa...
37  cards
Neurological Rehabilitation
When in a patients journey is neu...,
What is the aim of neuro rehab,
What healthcare professionals are...
12  cards

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