This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Roberts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

What is geriatric medicine,
What is frailty,
How do complex co morbidities rel...
228  cards
What are the big 3 causes of blac...,
What is a seizure,
What can seizures be due to
34  cards
What is epilepsy,
How common is epilepsy,
What are the 2 types of epilepsy
41  cards
Multiple sclerosis
What is ms,
What is a clinically isolated syn...,
How common is ms
19  cards
Visual problems
What questions should you ask in ...,
What does monocular partial field...,
What does bilateral vision loss s...
68  cards
Neurological emergencies
What do you need to check in a ab...,
Name 3 examples of neurological e...,
What does unconscious mean
31  cards
Spinal cord disorders
How is the spinal cord arranged,
What is the most important descen...,
What is that pathway of the later...
54  cards
What is the definition of a stroke,
What is the onset of stroke like,
What might carotid territory stro...
42  cards
Muscle weakness
What are the 2 types of descendin...,
Where do the pyramidal tracts ori...,
What is the function of the pyram...
74  cards
Neuro assessment and neurosurgery
What is core in the neurological ...,
What do you do for a patient that...,
What is in a mini neurological ex...
73  cards
Clinical neurophysiology
What is clinical neurophysiology,
What are the main tests in clinic...,
How do you test sensory function ...
36  cards
Applied peripheral neuropathy
What are the dermatomes of the up...,
What are the dermatomes of the lo...,
What are the nerve innervations f...
40  cards
Principles of electrophysiology
What are the 3 layers of connecti...,
What is the physiology of nerve c...,
What affect does temperature have...
21  cards
Prolonged disorder of consciousness, brainstem death, and coma
What is a prolonged disorder of c...,
What is wakefulness,
What is sleep
20  cards
Motor neuron disease
What is motor neuron disease,
What are the 4 different presenta...,
How common is mnd
25  cards
Myopathic disoders
What is polymyositis,
How common is polymyositis,
What can increase your risk of po...
21  cards
Parkinson's disease and movement disorders
What is parkinsons disease,
What is the difference between pa...,
How common is parkinsons
68  cards
Functional neurological disorders
What is a functional neurological...,
What sensory symptoms can you get...,
What concentration memory and fat...
6  cards
When should you perform a head scan,
What risk factors might make you ...,
What are the primary traumatic br...
20  cards
How common are headaches,
What is a primary headache,
What is a secondary headache
123  cards
Brain tumours
How common are primary brain tumours,
How common are secondary brain tu...,
Which cancers are secondary brain...
24  cards

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neuro and geriatrics

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