This class was created by Brainscape user Scott Stauffer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Ch. 10 - Neurophysiology
What are the right and left cereb...,
What are the 4 lobes per hemisphe...,
What are the functions of the lobes
36  cards
Ch. 10 - Neurophysiology 2
What are the divisions of the par...,
What are all preganglionic autono...,
What are the cholinergic effects ...
38  cards
Ch. 10 - Neurophysiology 3
What is the most common type of s...,
What is the term for the synapse ...,
What is the threshold for nueromu...
18  cards
Ch. 11 - Muscle Physiology
In a muscle cell what is the netw...,
What is the major structural unit...,
What do thick and thin filaments ...
22  cards
Ch. 12 - Circulatory & Cardiac Physiology
What is the perfusion pressure,
What has the most powerful relati...,
What are the names of the vessels...
29  cards
Ch. 13 - Respiratory Physiology
What is the formula for total lun...,
What is the formula for vital cap...,
What is air inspired with maximal...
28  cards
Ch. 14 - Renal, Fluid, and Acid-Base Physiology
How does the total body water bre...,
What is the fluid movement formular,
How is nephrotic syndrome defined
17  cards
Ch. 15 - Gastrointestinal Physiology
What is the extrinsic nervous con...,
What are the intrinsic nevous con...,
What is released by the small int...
24  cards
Ch. 16 - Nutrition
What is the function of vitamin a...,
What does a deficiency in vitamin...,
What is the function of vitamin d...
30  cards
Ch. 17 - Endocrine Physiology
What type of hormones are derived...,
What is the route of synthesis fo...,
Where do steroid amine and peptid...
13  cards
Neck Muscle Triangles
Which triangle has the boundaries...,
Which triangle has the following ...,
Which triangle has the following ...
6  cards
Rules of Nerve Supply
All muscles of the pharynx are su...,
All muscles of the larynx are sup...,
All muscles of the tongue are sup...
7  cards
Spinal Tracts
What is the function of the later...,
What is the function and location...,
What is the function and location...
7  cards
DA - Compendium
What is the widest tooth mesiodis...,
What is the widest primary tooth ...,
What is the widest anterior tooth...
28  cards
What defect might result in a pat...,
What is the normal range of motio...,
What is the range of motion for a...
16  cards
Primary Teeth
Which primary tooth resembles the...,
Which primary tooth has the mesia...,
Which direction do the primary an...
19  cards
Review ?'s from Classmates
What is acanthosis and what does ...,
What vitamin is associated with p...,
All rickettsia diseases are passe...
55  cards

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