This class was created by Brainscape user Thomas Pears. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Nav Equipment DME+VOR
What does dme stand for,
What is a dme,
List the equipment required for vor
52  cards
Form Of The Earth 02
What shape is the earth,
What is a great circle,
What is a small circle
29  cards
Time 03
Which way does the way rotate,
At what angle is the earth tilted,
How many seasons are there
15  cards
Magnetism & Compass 04
There are irregularities and fluc...,
What is variation,
What are isogonals
6  cards
Inclination 04
Lines of magnetic force vary from...,
What is inclination,
The compass north end will point ...
4  cards
Position 05
Directions on the earth are made ...,
Indicating a position on the eart...,
Define latitude
32  cards
Maps And Charts 06
Define maps and charts,
What features do charts have,
What features do maps have
21  cards
Vertical Chart relief 10
What do contour lines do,
The closer contour lines are it mean,
What does space between contour l...
9  cards
Speed 12
What is speed,
What are the different units of s...,
What is pitot pressure
17  cards
Vector triangles
How many figures are used to expr...,
The wind direction refers to a ma...,
What is drift angle
4  cards
Navigation Techniques
What is the one in sixty rule,
What are the 3 techniques pilots ...
2  cards
Direction Finding (VDF + ADF)
What is df and rdf,
What is a true radio bearing,
What is a magnetic radio bearing
39  cards
Instrument Landing System
Is ils a precision or non precisi...,
What does ils provide,
What conditions is ils designed for
56  cards
Is ins a self contained system,
Can ins be restarted once in flight,
How many systems are in ins for r...
51  cards
Instrument Approaches
List the 5 precision approaches,
List the 6 non precision approaches,
What is a precision approach
30  cards
What does rnav stand for,
What is rnav,
What does pbn stand for
43  cards

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