This class was created by Brainscape user Craig Douglas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Unit 1 - Rates of Reaction
What is meant by the rate of a ch...,
Name the four factors which speed...,
What word is used to describe a b...
10  cards
Unit 1 - Atomic Structure
Everything in the world is made u...,
Describe the charge mass and posi...,
Describe the charge mass and posi...
12  cards
Unit 1 - Bonding
Which type of chemicals will cont...,
Which type of chemicals will cont...,
Which type of chemicals will cont...
14  cards
Unit 1 - Formulae
What information does a chemical ...,
What do the following prefixes me...,
What is the formula for sulphur m...
17  cards
Unit 1 - Reaction Quantities
What is meant by the gram formula...,
How do you calculate the gram for...,
What is the gfm of carbon dioxide
14  cards
Unit 1 - Acids and Bases
What does the ph of a substance t...,
What word is used to describe che...,
What is the difference between a ...
12  cards
Unit 1 - Neutralisation
What is a neutralisation reaction,
What is the general equation when...,
What is the general equation when...
9  cards
Unit 2 - Energy from Fuels
What name is given to any chemica...,
What is the equation for the comp...,
What is the equation for the inco...
7  cards
Unit 2 - Everyday Consumer Products
Describe how to identify an alcoh...,
What is the general formula of al...,
What are the steps need to name a...
12  cards
Unit 2 - Homologous Series
What is a hydrocarbon,
State the prefixes for hydrocarbo...,
What is a homologous series
12  cards
Unit 3 - Metals
Explain why every metal conducts ...,
What is the word equation for whe...,
What are the word balanced chemic...
17  cards
Unit 3 - Plastics
What is the name of the reaction ...,
What happens in an addition polym...,
What do all addition monomers hav...
8  cards
Unit 3 - Fertilisers
Which 3 essential elements do fer...,
Why do fertilisers have to be sol...,
What is the name of the process w...
8  cards
Unit 3 - Nuclear Chemistry
Most atoms have a stable nucleus ...,
Radioactive elements can become s...,
What are the electrical charges o...
8  cards

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national 5 chemistry

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Decks: Reaction Rate Atomic Structure, Bonding Formulae, Reacting Quantities, And more!
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