This class was created by Brainscape user Zina Kalid. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Unit 1 - Topic 1 - Rates of Reaction
What are the different ways we ca...,
Give 3 examples of physical changes,
What is the difference between a ...
51  cards
Unit 1 - Topic 2 - Acids and Alkalis
What are indicators,
What does universal indicator tel...,
What does the ph scale do
79  cards
Unit 1 - Topic 3 - Atoms and Bonding
What are rows called in the perio...,
What are columns called in the pe...,
How many different groups does th...
67  cards
Unit 1 - Topic 4 - Writing Chemical Formulae
What are all substances made up of,
What is an element,
What are unreactive elements called
51  cards
Unit 1 - Topic 5 - Bonding, Structures, and Properties
Describe classification,
How many different types of bondi...,
What are the different types of b...
48  cards
Unit 1 - Topic 6 - Chemical Formula & Reaction Quantities
What is relative atomic mass,
What if formula mass,
What is 1 mole equal to
7  cards
Unit 2 - Topic 1 - Hydrocarbons
Name the hydrocarbons obtained fr...,
Name the different ways you can s...,
Give the prefix for 1
76  cards
Unit 2 - Topic 2 - Alcohols
Describe alcohol ethanol as a fuel,
What is common alcohol called,
Describe the hydroxyl group
23  cards
Unit 2 - Topic 3 - Carboxylic Acids
Describe vinegar,
What are the cooh group of atoms ...,
Describe carboxylic acids
40  cards
Unit 2 - Topic 4 - Energy from Fuels
What is a fuel,
What is combustion,
What is the unit for measuring en...
8  cards
Unit 3 - Topic 1 - Metals
Do metals have a high or low dens...,
Describe metallic bonding,
Why are atoms in a metal said to ...
39  cards
Unit 3 - Topic 2 - Electricity and Chemistry
Describe electrolysis,
Describe the electrolysis of copp...,
Why is a dc current used
18  cards
Unit 3 - Topic 3 - Plastics and Polymers
Describe plastics,
Give 4 examples of polymers,
Name the monomer used to make pol...
19  cards
Unit 3 - Topic 4 - Plant Nutrients and Fertilisers
Describe the importance of plants,
Describe solubility,
What does soluble mean
32  cards
Unit 3 - Topic 5 - Nuclear Chemistry
What is nuclear chemistry,
Describe unstable nuclei,
Describe the properties of radiation
19  cards

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national 5 chemistry

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