n5 chemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Victor Brzezinski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Nature's Chemistry: Hydrocarbons
What is a hydrocarbon,
What is a homologous series,
Name 3 homologous series which ar...
19  cards
Nature's Chemistry: Fuels
What does the word fuel mean,
What is meant by an exothermic re...,
What is meant by an endothermic r...
13  cards
Nature's Chemistry: Consumer Products
How can alcohols be made from alk...,
Why are alcohols used as fuels,
Which alcohols are miscible can d...
21  cards
Chemical Changes & Structure: Formula & Calculations
What is the prefix rule and when ...,
What is valency and when can we u...,
How can we determine the valency ...
11  cards
Chemical Changes & Structure: Periodic tabel
What does the top number in nucli...,
What does the bottom number on nu...,
What is ram and where can u find it
16  cards
Chemical Changes & Structure: Rate Of Reactions
What happens in all chemical reac...,
When can you determine whether a ...,
What are a couple signs of a chem...
16  cards
Chemical Changes & Structure: Bonding
State why elements form bonds,
What types of elements are usuall...,
Define the term covalent bond
28  cards
Chemistry In Society: Metals
What is metallic bonding,
What product do you get when you ...,
What product do you get when you ...
19  cards
Chemistry In Society: Plastics
Plastics are materials known as,
Polymers are long chain molecules...,
What is the name of the reaction ...
4  cards
Chemistry In Society: Fertilisers
What 3 substances do growing plan...,
What are fertilisers used for,
Why do fertilisers need to be sol...
13  cards
Chemistry In Society: Nuclear Chemistry
Where does radioactive radiation ...,
Unstable nuclei become more stabl...,
What are alpha particles attracte...
6  cards
Chemical Changes & Structure: Acids And Bases
Describe the concentration of h a...,
Describe the concentration of,
Describe the concentration of h a...
8  cards

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n5 chemistry

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