This class was created by Brainscape user Ali Kazim. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

1.1 Cell Structure
What is the function of the cell ...,
What is the function of the mitoc...,
What is the function of the chlor...
11  cards
1.2 Transport Across the cell membrane
What is the cell membrane made of,
Is the cell membrane selectively ...,
What is passive transport
12  cards
1.3 DNA and the production of proteins
What is the structure of dna,
What are the names of the 4 dna b...,
Which dna bases pair with each other
9  cards
1.5 Genetic Engineering
What is a gene,
What is genetic engineering,
What are used to cut the gene out...
7  cards
1.6 Respiration
What substrate is broken down to ...,
The energy released from the brea...,
What is the first stage of respir...
21  cards
1.4 Proteins and Enzymes
Name 5 different types of proteins,
What is an enzyme,
What is a degradation reaction
13  cards
3.1 Ecosystems
What is a species,
What is biodiversity,
What is a population
17  cards
3.2 Distribution of organisms
Name 5 biotic factors,
Name 4 abiotic factors,
What is an indicator species
19  cards
3.3 Photosynthesis
Why do plants photosynthesise,
Where in the plant does photosynt...,
What is the name of the green pig...
16  cards
3.4 Energy in ecosystems
Where is the majority of energy l...,
What is a pyramid of numbers,
What is a pyramid of energy
4  cards
3.5 Food Production
What is a common problem which oc...,
What are 2 alternatives to pestic...,
What chemicals are present in fer...
12  cards
3.6 Evolution of species
What is a mutation,
How do mutations occur,
What are 2 environmental factors ...
17  cards
2.1 Producing New Cells
What is the 1st stage of mitosis,
What is the 2nd stage of mitosis,
What is the 3rd stage of mitosis
20  cards
2.2 Control And Communication
What does the nervous system cons...,
What does the central nervous sys...,
What are the parts of the brain
25  cards
2.3 Reproduction
How many chromosomes does a norma...,
What types of cells have a haploi...,
What types of gametes are present...
26  cards
2.4 Variation And Inheritance
What is discrete variation,
What is continuous variation,
What is variation caused by
20  cards
2.5 Transport Systems - Plants
What transport organs are in plants,
What is a leaf structure made up of,
What is transpiration
21  cards
2.6 Transport Systems - Animals
What 3 parts make up blood,
What does blood transport,
How are red blood cells specialised
30  cards
2.7 Absorption Of Materials
What materials must be transporte...,
What waste materials need to be r...,
How are surfaces involved with th...
6  cards

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n5 biology

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