This class was created by Brainscape user Alexa Schiavone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Holistic Health Assessment
What is the purpose of a physical...,
What is subjective data,
How to organize subjective data
20  cards
Vital Signs
What are the vital signs,
42  cards
IPAC & Documentation
What does aseptic mean,
What is a chain of infection,
What is the difference between a ...
33  cards
If the patient is sleeping can th...,
Is pain an expected part of aging,
What is pain
25  cards
What is a dermatome,
What is paraesthesia,
Presyncope vs syncope
39  cards
Active vs passive rom,
What is atony,
What is crepitus
46  cards
What are accessory organs,
What are adventitious sounds,
What are alveoli
29  cards
Genitourinary and Fluid Balance
What are the functions of the kidney,
What does the urinary system cons...,
What is micturition
24  cards
Sexual Health
What are the 5 factors influencin...,
How does the individual affect se...,
How does family affect sexual health
11  cards
Cardiovascular & Peripheral Vascular
What are the modifiable risk fact...,
What are the non modifiable risk ...,
What are the physical health reco...
35  cards
Which organs are located in the r...,
Which organs are located in the l...,
Which organs are located in the r...
20  cards
Mental Health
What is mental health,
What are the 7 characteristics of...,
Which 2 factors impact mental health
21  cards
Cognitive Assessment
What is dementia,
What are normal cognitive changes...,
What are abnormal cognitive chang...
13  cards

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  • Class purpose General learning

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