This class was created by Brainscape user Sola Ndaba. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Lecture 1
What are fungi,
What are hyphae,
19  cards
Lecture 2: Fungal Structures
How are fungal structures studied,
Coenocytic hyphae
27  cards
Lecture 3: Growth and nutrients
What are 3 regions that hyphae ar...,
Fungi can grow at,
Where does fungal growth take place
16  cards
Lecture 4: Fungal spores
What are spores specialised for,
Types of spores and the class the...,
10  cards
Lecture 5a: Fungal diversity
Which fungal species are easier t...,
What do taxonomists do,
What are the basis of describing ...
29  cards
Lecture 5b: Mucoromycota, Chytridiomycota and Glomeromycota
What are mucoromycota,
What type of organisms are they c...,
Which species do they inlude
37  cards
Lecture 5c: Oomycota
How do zoospores move
13  cards
Lecture 6: Sex in Fungi
Term for male and female mating t...
11  cards
Lecture 7a: Fungal ecology
Importance of decomposing fungi,
Epiphytic fungi,
17  cards
Lecture 7b: Fungal Ecology
How do decomposing fungi spread,
Mycelial cords,
Short range branching patterns of...
32  cards
Lecture 8a: Symbiosis
Mycorrhizal fungi,
Benefit for the plant in mycohrri...,
Benefit for the fungus in mycohrr...
11  cards
Lecture 8b: Symbiosis
Scientific name of wasps,
Which trees do these wasps associ...,
Which fungal species associates w...
15  cards
Lecture 9a: Fungal Genetics and Omits
12  cards
Lecture 9b: Fungal Genetic and Omits
Comparative genomics,
Functional genomics
17  cards
Lecture 10a: Plant-Pathogenic Fungi and OOmycetes
Late blight of potatoes is caused by,
Brown leaf spot disease of rice,
26  cards
Lecture 10b: Plant-Pathogen Fungi and OOmycetes
Major types of plant diseases,
Soil borne pathogens,
Vascular wilt diseases
21  cards
Lecture 10c: Plant-Pathogen Fungi and OOmycetes
Root rot diseases,
Host and pathogen white root rot,
Info about rosellinia necatrix
28  cards
Lecture 11: Fungal Plant Pathogenesis Mediated By effectors
Virulence factors
24  cards
Lecture 12: Mycotoxins
Symptoms depend on
28  cards

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