
This class was created by Brainscape user Jack Molyneux. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (123)

Skeletal muscle physiology
What are the 5 main functions of ...,
What are the 3 types of muscle 1,
Which types of muscle are striated 2
65  cards
Anatomy of the lower limb
What are the main regions of the ...,
What are the main functions of th...,
Where is the gluteal region found 3
116  cards
Possible causes of back pain
What is meant by chronic back pain 1,
What is pain in the neck known as 2,
What is pain in the middle back k...
16  cards
Cauda equina syndrome
What is cauda equine syndrome 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are some symptoms of cauda e...
8  cards
What is scoliosis 1,
What are some causes of scoliosis...,
How will sciatica present with a ...
9  cards
What is kyphosis 1,
What are some causes of acquired ...,
What is meant by postural kyphosis 3
9  cards
What is spondylolisthesis 1,
What are the 5 types of spondylol...,
What is an example of a type i dy...
14  cards
Cervical myelopathy and radiculopathy
What is cervical myelopathy 1,
What are some early slow progress...,
What are some of the later sympto...
23  cards
Cerebral palsy
What is cerebral palsy 1,
What causes cerebral palsy 2,
What are some causes of antenatal...
22  cards
Congenital Talipes EquinoVarus (CTEV)
What is the more common name for ...,
What is ctev 2,
What proportion of live births wi...
12  cards
Postural talipes
What is postural talipes 1,
What are some common causes of po...,
Blank 3
3  cards
Rockerbottom feet
What is rockerbottom feet 1
1  cards
Growing pains
What is the common presentation o...,
Who is more likely to feel growin...,
What are some red flag symptoms t...
4  cards
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
What is patellofemoral pain syndr...,
What is the supposed underlying a...,
What are some subtle skeletal con...
6  cards
Osteochondritis dissecans
What is osteochondritis dissecans 1,
What disease does osteochondritis...,
Describe the aetiology of osteoch...
7  cards
HSMN - Hereditary Sensory Motor Neuropathy
What is hsmn 1,
How will hsmn usually present 2,
When will hsmn present 3
5  cards
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
What is ddh 1,
Which gender is more likely to ge...,
What are some risk factors that p...
6  cards
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
What is scfe 1,
What is another name for scfe 2,
What is the main cause of scfe 3
8  cards
Perthes disease
What is perthes disease 1,
What age and gender are most like...,
What are some risk factors of per...
9  cards
Transient synovitis
What is transient synovitis 1,
Describe the aetiology of transie...,
What are some common presentation...
8  cards
Septic arthritis
Who is septic arthritis most comm...,
What is septic arthritis 1,
What are the most commonly affect...
17  cards
Rheumatoid arthritis
What type of arthritis is rheumat...,
What is rheumatoid arthritis 2,
What are some risk factors for de...
44  cards
Systemic lupus erythemtosus (SLE)
What is sle 1,
How is most likely to be affected...,
What are some predisposing factor...
27  cards
Antiphospholipid syndrome (Basic)
What antibodies are involved in a...,
What are some complications of an...,
What is the main physical symptom...
4  cards
How many people in the uk are aff...,
What is raynaud s disease 2,
What is meant by primary and seco...
10  cards
Sjögren's syndrome
What is sjogren s syndrome 1,
Who is most likely to get sjogren...,
What are some causes of secondary...
20  cards
Systemic sclerosis
What is the old name for systemic...,
What is systemic sclerosis 2,
Who is most likely to have system...
24  cards
Blank 1,
What are spondyloarthropathies 2,
What are the 4 sub types of spond...
60  cards
What is vasculitis 1,
What are the 3 main sub types of ...,
What are the 3 sub groups of smal...
85  cards
Inflammatory myopathy
What is a myopathy 1,
What main symptom characterises i...,
What is polymyositis 3
25  cards
Polymyalgia rheumatica
What is myalgia 1,
What is polymyalgia rheumatica 2,
Who is most at risk of polymyalgi...
9  cards
What is fibromyalgia 1,
Who is most likely to develop fib...,
What are some predisposing factor...
9  cards
What is sciatica 1,
What are the most commonly affect...,
What is the most common cause of ...
13  cards
Mechanical back pain
What is mechanical back pain 1,
Who is most likely to develop mec...,
What are some risk factors of mec...
8  cards
Spinal stenosis and claudication
What is spinal stenosis 1,
What are the most common causes o...,
What age is most likely to develo...
8  cards
Acute disc tear
What is an acute disc tear 1,
How does acute disc tear present 2,
How is acute disc tear investigat...
4  cards
Intervertebral disc prolapse
Describe the makeup of an interve...,
How does intervertebral disc prol...,
How does intervertebral disc prol...
4  cards
Growth and development of the human skeleton
When does limb development begin 1,
What layer of the trilaminar embr...,
What are the main 3 genes that co...
21  cards
Disorders of development
What are the 7 points of swanson ...,
What are the 2 types of failure o...,
What is a condition occurring due...
12  cards
Disorders of growth
What are some factors that cause ...,
What are some causes of growth pl...,
Describe the salter harris classi...
39  cards
What is osteoarthritis 1,
How many people in the uk are tho...,
What are the most commonly affect...
39  cards
What is gout 1,
Who is most at risk of developing...,
What are the 2 pathways of develo...
28  cards
What is pseudogout 1,
Who is most ay risk of pseudogout 2,
What joints are most commonly aff...
10  cards
Hydroxyapatite deposition
What is another name given to hyd...,
What is hydroxyapatite deposition...,
Who is most at risk of hydroxyapa...
5  cards
Soft tissue rheumatism
What is soft tissue rheumatism 1,
How will soft tissue rheumatism p...,
What should be considered in case...
8  cards
Joint hyper-mobility syndrome
What is joint hyper mobility synd...,
When does joint hyper mobility sy...,
What are some possible causes of ...
8  cards
Hallux valgus
What is hallux valgus 1,
What is the more common name for ...,
Who is most likely to develop hal...
12  cards
Lesser toe deformities
What are lesser toe deformities 1,
What are the 4 main types of less...,
What causes claw toes 3
11  cards
Morton's neuroma
What is morton s neuroma 1,
How does morton s neuroma occur 2,
What is the most commonly affecte...
12  cards
What is in toeing 1,
How will in toeing present 2,
What are some causes of in toeing 3
5  cards
Ankle arthritis
What is the most common cause of ...,
How will ankle arthritis present 2,
What are some conservative manage...
5  cards
Hallux rigidus
What is hallux rigidus 1,
What are some factors that can in...,
How will hallux rigidus present 3
8  cards
Pes Plans (Flatfoot)
What is pes planus 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are some less common causes ...
9  cards
Tibialis posterior dysfunction
Where does the tibialis posterior...,
What are some risk factors for ti...,
Describe the pathophysiology of t...
9  cards
Pes cavus (High arch)
What is pes cavus 1,
What are some conditions that may...,
What other deformities may occur ...
5  cards
Plantar fasciitis
What is plantar fasciitis 1,
What are some causes of plantar f...,
How will plantar fasciitis present 3
7  cards
Tendo-Achilles tendinosis and rupture
What is tendon achilles tendinosis 1,
What causes tendo achilles tendin...,
Where is the most common region f...
12  cards
Ankle sprains
What is a sprain 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the most common ligament...
12  cards
Meniscal tears
What are menisci 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common cause of ...
20  cards
Ligament rupture
What are the 3 grades of knee lig...,
What the main ligaments that can ...,
What is the acl 3
41  cards
Extensor mechanism rupture
What structures make up the exten...,
Who is most likely to develop an ...,
What are some symptoms of extenso...
13  cards
Bone marrow oedema (Bone bruising)
How does bone bruising occur 1,
How long will bone bruising take ...,
How will bone bruising present 3
5  cards
Loose bodies
What are some possible causes of ...,
What can happen to loose bodies o...,
How will loose bodies present 3
8  cards
Osteomyelitis (+infection basics)
What antibiotic is 1st line again...,
What antibiotic is 1st line again...,
What antibiotic is 1st line again...
24  cards
Prosthetic joint infection
What is a pji 1,
What is the maximum percentage of...,
What are some risk factors for pji 3
20  cards
What is myonecrosis 1,
How will myonecrosis usually pres...,
How quickly can myonecrosis lead ...
7  cards
What is pyomyositis 1,
What are some risk factors that i...,
What is the most common causative...
10  cards
Viral myositis
What is viral myositis 1,
What are some viruses that can le...,
How will viral myositis usually p...
7  cards
What is tetanus 1,
Where are c tetani spores usually...,
How does c tetani usually enter t...
11  cards
Pott's disease
What is pott s disease 1,
Who is most at risk of developing...,
How will pott s disease usually p...
7  cards
Femeroacetabular impingement syndrome
What is femeroacetabular impingem...,
What are the 3 types of lesion fo...,
What actions are usually affected...
16  cards
Avascular necrosis of the femur
What is avascular necrosis of the...,
What are some possible causes of ...,
What is the supposed pathophysiol...
16  cards
Idiopathic transient osteonecrosis of the hip (ITOH)
What does itoh stand for 1,
What is itoh 2,
How will itoh present 3
10  cards
Nodular fasciitis
What is nodular fasciitis 1,
Who is nodular fasciitis most com...,
Where is the most common region f...
7  cards
Myositis ossificans
What is myositis ossificans 1,
Where is most commonly affected b...,
Describe the histology of myositi...
7  cards
Deep fibromatoses
What is the most common deep fibr...,
Who is most at risk of developing...,
What are the most common sites of...
4  cards
What are the 2 types of tenosynov...,
What is a giant cell tumour of th...,
Describe the histology of giant c...
6  cards
Benign MSK tumours
What is a benign tumour of fat ce...,
What is a benign tumour of blood ...,
What is a benign tumour of smooth...
52  cards
Malignant MSK tumours
What is a malignant tumour of fat...,
What is a malignant tumour of blo...,
What is a malignant tumour of smo...
51  cards
What is osteoporosis 1,
How is osteoporosis quantified 2,
How is osteopenia quantified 3
32  cards
Osteomalacia and Rickett's
What is osteomalacia 1,
What is rickett s 2,
What are some causes of hypophosp...
14  cards
Avascular necrosis
What is avascular necrosis 1,
Who is most at risk of avascular ...,
What are the most commonly affect...
12  cards
Paget's disease of bone
What is thought to be the cause o...,
What is paget s disease of the bo...,
Who is most at risk paget s disea...
16  cards
Shoulder instability
What is meant by joint instability 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common direction...
11  cards
Rotator cuff tear
What are the 4 rotator cuff muscl...,
What is a rotator cuff tear 2,
What is the main cause of acute r...
12  cards
Shoulder impingement syndrome
What is shoulder impingement synd...,
What are some causes of shoulder ...,
What is the most common cause of ...
15  cards
Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
What is adhesive capsulitis 1,
Who is most at risk of adhesive c...,
What are some conditions associat...
11  cards
Carpal tunnel syndrome
What is carpal tunnel syndrome 1,
Who is most at risk of carpal tun...,
What are some conditions that can...
23  cards
Cubital tunnel syndrome
What is cubital tunnel syndrome 1,
Who is most at risk of cubital tu...,
What are some causes of cubital t...
22  cards
What is another name for medial e...,
What is medial epicondylitis 2,
What causes medial epicondylitis 3
16  cards
Biceps tendinopathy
What is biceps tendinopathy 1,
What are some possible causes of ...,
How will biceps tendinopathy pres...
7  cards
Trigger finger
What is trigger finger 1,
Who is most at risk of trigger fi...,
Describe the pathophysiology of t...
9  cards
DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
What is dequervain s tenosynovitis 1,
Who is most at risk of dequervain...,
How does dequervain s tenosynovit...
7  cards
Dupuytren's contracture
What is dupuytren s contracture 1,
What are some possible causes of ...,
What are some genetic factors tha...
13  cards
What is paronychia 1,
Who is most at risk of paronychia 2,
How will paronychia usually prese...
5  cards
Flexor tendon sheath infection
What is a flexor tendon sheath in...,
What are some possible causes of ...,
How will flexor tendon sheath inf...
6  cards
Hand injuries
What should be asked about in han...,
What questions are required in ca...,
What is a subungual haematoma 3
33  cards
Shoulder dislocation
What are the 4 rs of dislocation 1,
What are the most common causes o...,
What are the 3 main directions of...
16  cards
Elbow dislocation
What is a foosh 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are some possible associated...
12  cards
IPJ dislocation
How are dislocations of the ipj u...,
What is a possible complication o...,
In what direction are the majorit...
8  cards
Hip dislocation
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are some possible other inju...,
What is the most common direction...
10  cards
Knee dislocation
Who is most likely to suffer a kn...,
What at the 6 possible directions...,
How may knee dislocation present 3
11  cards
Patellar dislocation
What is the most common mechanism...,
What is the most common direction...,
Why are most patellar dislocation...
12  cards
What is cellulitis 1,
What are the most common causativ...,
How will cellulitis present 3
5  cards
What is an abscess 1,
How will an abscess present 2,
What are some possible causes of ...
6  cards
Ganglion cysts
What are ganglion cysts 1,
What are some causes of weaknesse...,
How do ganglion cysts present 3
6  cards
Baker's cysts
What are baker s cysts 1,
How do baker s cysts usually pres...,
What is a possible complication o...
5  cards
What is bursitis 1,
What are some possible complicati...,
What are some possible locations ...
11  cards
Sebaceous cysts
What are sebaceous cysts 1,
Describe the pathology of sebaceo...,
How do sebaceous cysts usually pr...
5  cards
Mucous cysts
What are mucous cysts 1,
What causes mucous cysts 2,
How do mucous cysts present 3
5  cards
Fracture imaging and basics
What is the minimum number of ang...,
What are some examples of fractur...,
What are some features that could...
10  cards
Ankle fractures
What is the usual mechanism of in...,
Who are ankle fractures most comm...,
What are some types of malleolus ...
16  cards
Tarsal and metatarsal fractures
What is the most common cause of ...,
What other injuries should be tes...,
What are some risks of surgery in...
13  cards
Tibial shaft and plateau fractures
What are some possible complicati...,
What are the 4 main fracture conf...,
What is the mechanism of transver...
21  cards
Femoral shaft fracture
Why are femoral shaft fractures n...,
What are some possible causes of ...,
What is shown in this x ray 3
6  cards
Hip and pelvic fractures
What are hip fractures 1,
Who most commonly fractures the h...,
What is a possible cause of hip f...
35  cards
Fractures of the hand and wrist
What is bennet s fracture 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are some possible complicati...
32  cards
Forearm and arm fractures
What structures form a ring in th...,
What are some possible fracture p...,
What are monteggia fractures 3
34  cards
Fracture complications
What are some early local complic...,
What are some early systemic comp...,
What are some complications that ...
11  cards
Paediatric fracture
Why do children fractures tend to...,
What fracture in children can occ...,
What is shown in this x ray 3
25  cards
MSK histology
What cells are found in cartilage 1,
What are immature chondrocytes ca...,
Where in the cartilage are chondr...
28  cards
Physiology of joints
What are the 3 main types of joint 1,
What are fibrous joints 2,
What are the 2 two types of fibro...
24  cards
Anatomy of the upper limb
What are the 4 main regions of th...,
What are the 2 compartments of th...,
What are the 2 compartments of th...
75  cards

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