This class was created by Brainscape user Miguel Acosta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (97)

1.1.1 Basic Principles and Techniques (Lab Mathematics)
Basic units and conversions facto...,
Basic units and conversions facto...,
Basic units and conversions facto...
18  cards
1.1.2 Basic Principles and Techniques (Expressions of Reagent Concentration)
Molarity is moles per kg solventm...,
What is the formula for molarity,
If g dl is given what is the formula
30  cards
1.1.3 Basic Principles and Techniques (Units and Conversion Factors)
Conventional unit for electrolyte...,
All conventional unit has a unit ...,
All si unit has a unit of molart ...
44  cards
Conversion factor for glucose,
A umol lb nmol lc pmol ld g l,
Conversion factor for bun
23  cards
1.1.4 Basic Principles and Techniques (Laboratory statistics, Gaussian curve))
Most commonly useda mean b median...,
It corresponds to the center of g...,
Midpoint of a data set after the ...
22  cards
1.1.5 Basic Principles and Techniques (Reference interval studies, Method Evaluation)
Reference interval derives from a...,
Done to confirm the validity of a...,
27  cards
1.1.6 Basic Principles and Techniques (Quality Assurance: Lab testing process, QC)
Quality management quality assura...,
Include test requisition patient ...,
One of the essential aspects in t...
23  cards
1.1.7 Basic Principles and Techniques (Quality Assurance: Analytical Variation)
Due to chance and not recura rand...,
Predictable pattern that may recu...,
Random error affects a precisionb...
41  cards
1.2.1 Blood Collection and Specimen Consideration
Most common site of puncture,
Order of preference of veins when...,
Site of puncture for venipuncture...
30  cards
1.2.2 Blood Collection and Specimen Consideration (Categories of Additives)
What is the most preferred specim...,
If serum cannot be used in cc wha...,
Least interference in cca edtab c...
35  cards
1.2.3 Blood Collection and Specimen Consideration (Order of draw for ETS))
Order of draw for ets a serum bc ...,
Why ets order of draw is being fo...,
All anticoagulants are inverted _...
4  cards
1.2.4 Blood Collection and Specimen Consideration (Capillary puncture)
Capillary puncture is used in new...,
Site of puncture for capillary pu...,
Site of puncture for capillary pu...
16  cards
1.2.5 Blood Collection and Specimen Consideration (Arterial puncture)
Arterial puncture is usually used...,
What is the chronological order f...,
What test is first done when perf...
22  cards
1.2.6 Blood Collection and Specimen Consideration (Preanalytical Variables)
Agea uncontrollable factorsb cont...,
Gendera uncontrollable factorsb c...,
Smokinga uncontrollable factorsb ...
47  cards
1.3.1 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies (Glasses)
Pyrex kimaxa borosilicateb alumin...,
Vycora borosilicateb aluminosilic...,
Corexa borosilicateb aluminosilic...
19  cards
1.3.2 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies (Glass pipettes)
Exact volume it holdsa to contain...,
Holds but does not deliver the ex...,
Drainage characteristics a blow o...
15  cards
1.3.3 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies (Semi automatic pipettes and Centrifuge))
Types uses suction to draw sample...,
Tips must be rinsed out no air cu...,
Operates like a hypodermic syring...
25  cards
1.4.1 Reagents
American chemical society gradea ...,
High degree of purity suitable fo...,
For specific procedures such as c...
20  cards
SEM (Analytical techniques and Instrumentation, Pt 1)
What made spectrophotometry possible,
Visa 700 nm,
Uva 700 nm
73  cards
SEM (Analytical techniques and Instrumentation, Pt 2)
Designed to compensate for variou...,
Has 2 cuvettes and 2 photodetecto...,
Has a chopper that alternately pa...
60  cards
2.1.1 Carbohydrates
Which of the following has a char...,
Which of the following has a char...,
Which of the following has a char...
53  cards
2.1.2 Carbohydrates Disorders
Hypoglycemic disorderspost absorp...,
Post absorptive occurs a before 1...,
Insulinoma is most noted in post ...
49  cards
2.1.3 Carbohydrates (Test and Diagnostic criteria for DM)
Or equal to 45 years old screenin...,
Or equal to 1 risk factor screeni...,
Can be used to screen and monitor...
25  cards
2.1.4 Carbohydrates (Test and Diagnostic criteria for GDM)
Usually used for high risk woman ...,
Usually used for high risk woman ...,
One step method 2h ___g ogtt
12  cards
2.1.5 Carbohydrates (Tests for Monitoring Glycemic Control)
Most commonly analyzed using poct...,
In whole blood glucose _______ ti...,
In whole blood glucose it is abou...
17  cards
2.1.6 Carbohydrates (Chemical Methods)
In copper reduction what is the c...,
Benedict s reaction the in copper...,
Copper reduction is a specific te...
45  cards
2.1.7 Carbohydrates (Inborn errors of CHO metabolism))
Due to a deficiency of the enzyme...,
Galactosemia can be detected in n...,
2 types of glycogen storage disease
6  cards
2.2.1 Lipids and Lipoproteins (Components of Lipoproteins, Significant Apolipoproteins))
Which of the following are surfac...,
Surface lipoprotein are hydrophob...,
Phospholipid and non esterified c...
31  cards
2.2.2 Lipids and Lipoproteins (Major classes of lipoproteins))
Density 093a chylomicronb vldlc l...,
Density 093 1006a chylomicronb vl...,
Density 1006 1019a chylomicronb v...
47  cards
2.2.3 Lipids and Lipoproteins (Minor and Abnormal lipoproteins)
Lipolytic product of vldl catabol...,
Lipolytic product of vldl catabol...,
High cholesterol content seen in ...
14  cards
2.2.4 Lipids and Lipoproteins (Fredrickson Classification of Hyperlipoproteinemias)
Particle cm a type 1b type 2ac ty...,
Particle cm vldla type 1b type 2a...,
Particle vldl a type 1b type 2ac ...
25  cards
2.2.5 Lipids and Lipoproteins (Hypolipoproteinemias)
The main cause of hypolipoprotein...,
A abetalipoproteinemiab hypobetal...,
An autosomal dominant disorder ca...
9  cards
2.2.6 Plasma Lipid Analysis (Analytical Method, Cholesterol)
The following are chemical method...,
Cholesterol ester h2o alcoholic k...,
Uses ferric chloride or ions as r...
28  cards
2.2.7 Plasma Lipid Analysis (Analytical Method, Triglyceride)
Triglyceride does not require fas...,
Chemical method triglyceride h2o ...,
Final product of detecting trigly...
15  cards
2.2.8 Plasma Lipid Analysis (Analytical Method, Lipoprotein Cholesterol)
Gold standard for lipoprotein sep...,
Hdl c is used in gold standard fo...,
Ultracentrifuge involves adjustin...
20  cards
2.3.1 Nonprotein Nitrogen Compounds (Urea)
Urea is the lowest concentration ...,
Urea comprises of __________ of n...,
Urea is formed in the ______ from...
25  cards
2.3.2 Nonprotein Nitrogen Compounds (Creatinine)
Creatinine comprises ____ of tota...,
Creatinine is formed from ______ ...,
Concentration of creatinine is in...
33  cards
2.3.3 Nonprotein Nitrogen Compounds (Uric Acid)
Uric acid constitutes _______ of ...,
Uric acid is a product of purine ...,
Uric acid is soluble in plasmat or f
20  cards
2.3.4 Nonprotein Nitrogen Compounds (Ammonia)
Ammonia constitutes 02 of plasma ...,
Ammonia is neurotoxic in nature t...,
Ammonia is produced from the cata...
11  cards
2.4.1 Proteins (Essentail and Non essential, General properties, and Levels of Structure)
Building blocks of proteins,
Essential proteins arginine arg h...,
What are the non essential
12  cards
2.4.2 Proteins (Protein electrophoresis)
Sample used in protein electropho...,
Serum samples are applied close t...,
All of this are supporting media ...
18  cards
2.4.3 Proteins (Serum protein Fractions)
Indicator of malnutritiona pre al...,
Major contributor to plasma oncot...,
Binds transport t4 as transthyret...
47  cards Proteins (Serum protein Fractions, Paextra ni Sir)
Albumin is synthesize by the a th...,
Used in assessing the synthetic f...,
Important marker disease marker b...
17  cards
2.4.4 Proteins (Clinical Sig. of Abnormal protein levels)
Nephrotic syndrome blood loss ext...,
Mulitple myeloma wadenstrom s mac...,
Malnutrition or malabsorptiona hy...
8  cards
2.4.5 Proteins (Miscellaneous Proteins of Medical Importance)
Gold standard for acute coronary ...,
Bnp and nt probnp used as markers...,
Negative predictor of acute myoca...
14  cards
2.4.6 Proteins (Lab determination of Proteins)
Measures refractive index due to ...,
Ultimate reference method based o...,
Change in optical density followi...
19  cards
2.5.1 Assessment of Liver Function (Functions of the liver)
Functions of the liver includes s...,
To assess liver function _______ ...,
Coagulation factors can be use to...
20  cards
2.5.2 Assessment of Liver Function (Forms of Bilirubin in Plasma)
Origin pre hepatic hemolyticstruc...,
Origin post hepatic obstructivest...,
Solubility insolublepolarity nonp...
15  cards
2.5.3 Assessment of Liver Function (Bilirubin Metabolism)
Bilirubin b1 is first transported...,
Upon entering the hepatocyte b1 i...,
Conjugated bilirubin b2 is then _...
6  cards
2.5.4 Assessment of Liver Function (Derangements of Bilirubin Metabolism)
Increase b1 decrease delivery and...,
Increase b2 due to intrahepatic o...,
Increase b1 and b2 due to a combi...
35  cards
2.5.5 Assessment of Liver Function (Bilirubin determination))
Bilirubin should avoid exposure t...,
Colorimetric spectrophotometrci m...,
Diazo reagentsa evelyn malloyb je...
21  cards
3.1.1 Enzymology Intro (Properties and Classes of Enzymes)
Enzymes are biological protein ca...,
18  cards
3.1.2 Enzymology Intro (Enzyme kinetics)
E s es p eis this the correct enz...,
E s a first order kineticsb secon...,
S e a first order kineticsb secon...
19  cards
3.1.3 Enzymology Intro (MEasurement of Enzyme activity and Other factors that influence enzymatic reactions)
Iu and katal is used for expressi...,
Which among is traditional or con...,
Which among is si unit a iub katal
44  cards Clinical Enzymology (Creatine Kinase)
Tissue sources includes brain myc...,
Creatinine pronounced elevation a...,
Creatinine pronounced elevation a...
21  cards Clinical Enzymology (Creatine Kinase, CK determination)
Ck specimen consideration include...,
Which among the 3 types of ck is ...,
Reverse reactiona tanzer gilvardb...
12  cards Clinical Enzymology (Lactate Dehydrogenase)
Lactate dehydrogenase ldh is the ...,
Since ldh is ubiquitous it is the...,
Ldh is a tetra peptide meaning it...
25  cards Clinical Enzymology (Lactate Dehydrogenase, LD determination)
Ldh specimen consideration a,
Ldh is the most affected enzymes ...,
Which among the isoenzymes of ldh...
21  cards Clinical Enzymology (Aminotransferases/Transaminases)
Tissue sources includes livera cr...,
Tissue sources includes liver hea...,
Acute hepatocellular disorders mo...
15  cards Clinical Enzymology (Aminotransferases/Transaminases, AST/ALT Determination)
Specimen consideration for ast al...,
In reitman frankel it is a colori...,
Uses 2 4 dinitrophenulhydrazine a...
15  cards Clinical Enzymology (Alkaline Phosphatase)
Tissue sources includes liver bon...,
Pronounced elevation of alp is mo...,
Hepative biliary disorders bile d...
23  cards Clinical Enzymology (Alkaline Phosphatase, ALP Determination)
Specimen consideration for alkali...,
Reference method for alkaline pho...,
What is being determined in bower...
7  cards Clinical Enzymology (Pancreatic Enzymes)
Tissue sources includes pancreasa...,
Diagnostic significance acute pan...,
Tissue sources includes brain myc...
9  cards Clinical Enzymology (Pancreatic enzymes, Amylase determination)
Specimen consideration for amylas...,
Pain relievers induce microsomal ...,
Decrease in color of starch iodin...
8  cards Clinical Enzymology (Pancreatic enzymes, Lipase determination)
Specimen consideration of lipase ...,
Use of olive oil as substrate tha...,
Measures the rate of clearing as ...
7  cards
3.2.6 Clinical Enzymology (Miscellaneous Enzymes)
Alcoholic liver disease microsoma...,
Uses szasz methoda gamma glutamyl...,
Best alcoholic markera gamma glut...
33  cards
3.3.1 Electrolytes and Blood gases (Regulatory factos, Functions, and Instrumentation)
Stimulates water absorption prima...,
Released from the myocardial atri...,
In raas angiotensinogen _____ ang...
48  cards
3.3.2 Electrolytes (Sodium)
Major extracellular cationa sodiu...,
Major intracellular cationa sodiu...,
Major extracellular cationa sodiu...
43  cards
3.3.3 Electrolytes (Potassium)
Potassium is major intracellular ...,
Potassium is greatly affected by ...,
Normal __________ serum _________...
28  cards
3.3.4 Electrolytes (Chloride)
Chloride passively follows what e...,
If sodium decrease chloride decre...,
When it comes to cellular shift p...
19  cards
3.3.5 Electrolytes (Magnesium)
Essential cofactor of 300 enzymes,
Magnesium is a intracellular cati...,
Magnesium is 2nd most abundant in...
21  cards
3.3.6 Electrolytes (Calcium)
Calcium homeostasis are regulated...,
Promotes calcium by bone resorpti...,
Promotes calcium by reabsorption ...
33  cards
3.3.7 Electrolytes (Phosphate)
Phosphate is a major intracellula...,
Phosphate is the component of sev...,
Phosphate is usually measured as ...
20  cards
3.4.1 Osmolality and Osmolal Gap
Osmolality is measured clinically...,
Osmolality is based on the measur...,
When calculating osmolality these...
12  cards
3.5.1 Anion Gap
Cation gap is used as a form of q...,
May be used to distinguish betwee...,
Normochloremic low anion gaphyper...
20  cards
3.6.1 Acid-Base Homeostasis
Substance that can yield hydroxyl...,
Substance that can yield hydroxyl...
23  cards
3.7.1 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Specimen for abga,
Arterial blood collected with tou...,
Preferred site for arterial blood...
37  cards
3.7.2 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (Acid-Base Disorders)
Major causes copds hypoventilatio...,
Major causes anxiety hyperventila...,
Major causes nahco3 overdosea met...
12  cards
4.1.1 Endocrinology
Chemical messenger is synthesized...,
Most hormones are produced by end...,
A hormone regulates its affect lo...
30  cards
4.1.2 Endocrinology (HPT axis)
Interrelationships among the hypo...,
Inhibitorya positive feedbackb ne...,
Stimulatorya positive feedbackb n...
11  cards
4.2.1 Major Hormones (Hypothalamus)
The following are releasing stimu...,
Stimulates release of actha gonad...,
Stimulates release of fsh and lha...
7  cards
4.2.2 Major Hormones (Pituitary Gland)
Also known as master gland,
Pituitary gland is connected to t...,
Connects hypothalamus and pituita...
30  cards Major Hormones (Thyroid Gland)
A butterfly shaped organ consisti...,
In thyroid gland each lobe consis...,
A butterfly shaped organ consisti...
21  cards Major Hormones (Thyroid Gland, Lab diagnosis)
Most important test of thyroid fu...,
Relative estimate of free t4 conc...,
Reflects the quantity of tbg thyr...
21  cards Major Hormones (Adrenal Hormones)
Steroid adrenal hormones are synt...,
Dhea dehydroepiandrosterone and a...,
Catecholamines are synthesized in...
22  cards Major Hormones (Adrenal Hormones, Lab Diag)
Urine free cortisol collected ove...,
Acth stimulation cortrosyn test i...,
Urine homovanillic acid vanillylm...
14  cards Major Hormones (Gonadal Hormones)
Gonadal hormones are also steroid...,
Adrenal cortical and gonadal horm...,
It has the same precursors molecu...
6  cards Major Hormones (Gonadal Hormones, Male)
Location of male gonadal hormone,
Testes contains leydig cellsa sem...,
Testes contains germ cells and se...
18  cards Major Hormones (Gonadal Hormones, Female)
Location of female gonadal hormones,
Location of female gonadal hormon...,
In ovaries approximately 400 000 ...
25  cards
4.3.1 Tumor markers
Characteristics of an ideal tumor...,
Characteristics of an ideal tumor...,
Characteristics of an ideal tumor...
34  cards
4.4.1 Toxicology
It is the highest point which cor...,
It is the highest point which cor...,
It is the lowest concentration ac...
13  cards
4.4.2 Toxicology (Instrumentation)
A thin layer chromatographyb liqu...,
Rg is the distance migrated by a ...,
A semi quantitative screening tes...
15  cards
4.4.3 Toxicology (Specimen Consideration)
Specimen is establish steady stat...,
Stat sampling when toxicity is su...,
In peak specimen __ hour after or...
5  cards
4.4.4 Toxicology (Drug that Requires TDM)
Digoxina analgesicsb cardioactive...,
Acetylsalicylate aspirin a analge...,
Acetaminophen tyenol a analgesics...
55  cards
4.4.5 Toxicology (Illicit Drug)
Marijuanaa stimulantsb hallucinog...,
Amphetaminesa stimulantsb halluci...,
Cocainea stimulantsb hallucinogen...
35  cards
4.4.6 Toxicology (Other Substances and Poisons)
Classified as cns depressanta eth...,
Produces acute ethanol like sympt...,
Causes metabolic acidosis and ren...
26  cards
4.4.7 Toxicology (Heavy Metals)
Which of the following are not he...,
Causes renal tubular damagea arse...,
Has high affinity for keratina ar...
10  cards

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MTAP 1 Clinical Chemistry

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