mrcs anatomy - upper limb

This class was created by Brainscape user Mona Theodoraki. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Shoulder Joint
What is the blood supply to the s...,
What is the nerve supply to the s...,
What are the major bursae in the ...
21  cards
Carpal Tunnel & Flexor Retinaculum
What nerve is spared in carpal tu...,
Where does the flexor retinaculum...,
Where does the flexor retinaculum...
8  cards
What forms the apex of the axilla,
What forms the lateral wall of th...,
What forms the medial wall of the...
13  cards
Cubital Fossa
What are the borders of the cubit...,
What forms the floor of the cubit...,
What forms the roof of the cubita...
7  cards
Anatomical Snuffbox
What are the borders of the anato...,
What forms the floor of the anato...,
What forms the roof of the anatom...
6  cards
What does the scapula articulate ...,
What is the anterior surface of t...,
What muscle originates from the s...
12  cards
Which ligament attaches to the st...,
Which ligament attaches to the co...,
Which ligament attaches to the tr...
9  cards
What muscles attach to the greate...,
What muscles attaches to the less...,
What is the deep depression betwe...
21  cards
What muscle attaches to the super...,
Which area on the ulna articulate...,
What muscle attaches to the tuber...
11  cards
What forms the proximal radioulna...,
What forms the distal radioulnar ...,
What muscle attaches to the radia...
8  cards
Bones of the Hand
Which carpal bones make up the pr...,
Which carpal bones make up the di...,
Which is the most commonly fractu...
10  cards
Muscles of the Pectoral Region
What muscles are in the pectoral ...,
Which is the most superficial mus...,
What are the heads of pectoralis ...
26  cards
Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder
Where are the extrinsic muscles o...,
Which muscles make up the superfi...,
Which is the most superficial of ...
31  cards
Intrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder
Which muscles make up the intrins...,
What are the rotator cuff muscles,
Where does deltoid originate
32  cards
Muscles of the Upper Arm
What are the muscles of the upper...,
Which muscles are in the anterior...,
Which muscles are in the posterio...
37  cards
Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the Forearm
What are the superficial muscles ...,
What is the general function of s...,
Where do the superficial muscles ...
42  cards
Muscles of the Posterior Compartment of the Forearm
What is the general function of t...,
Which nerve innervates the muscle...,
What are the superficial muscles ...
61  cards
Muscles of the Hand
Where are the extrinsic muscles o...,
What is the action of extrinsic m...,
Where are the intrinsic muscles o...
67  cards
Brachial Plexus
What are the divisions of the bra...,
What forms the roots of the brach...,
What do the posterior divisions o...
47  cards
Axillary Nerve
What are the spinal roots of the ...,
What are the sensory functions of...,
What are the motor functions of t...
22  cards
Musculocutaneous Nerve
What are the nerve roots of muscu...,
What are the motor functions of m...,
What are the sensory functions of...
9  cards
Median Nerve
What are the nerve roots of media...,
What are the motor functions of t...,
What are the sensory functions of...
13  cards
Radial Nerve
What are the nerve roots of the r...,
What is the sensory innervation o...,
What is the motor innervation of ...
22  cards
Ulnar Nerve
What are the spinal roots of the ...,
What are the motor functions of t...,
What are the sensory functions of...
19  cards
Acromioclavicular Joint
What type of joint is the acromio...,
What forms the acromioclavicular ...,
What lines the articular surfaces...
15  cards
Sternoclavicular Joint
What type of joint is the sternoc...,
What are the articulating surface...,
What covers the articular surface...
15  cards
Elbow Joint
What are the articulations of the...,
What are the most clinically impo...,
Where is the intratendinous bursa
10  cards
Radioulnar Joints
What surfaces articulate in the p...,
What surfaces articulate in the d...,
What type of joints are the radio...
19  cards
Wrist Joint
What are the articulating surface...,
Where does the joint capsule of t...,
What are the major ligaments of t...
18  cards
Arteries of the Upper Limb
Where does the right subclavian a...,
Where does the left subclavian ar...,
When do the subclavian arteries b...
22  cards
Venous Drainage of the Upper Limb
What are the major superficial ve...,
Where does the basilic vein origi...,
What is the course of the basilic...
10  cards
Lymphatic Drainage of the Upper Limb
Where do the superficial lymphati...,
Where do lymph vessels travel in ...,
Where do the lymph vessels shadow...
26  cards
Structures of the Hand
What is the palmar aponeurosis,
What is the palmar aponeurosis co...,
What does the palmar aponeurosis do
17  cards

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mrcs anatomy - upper limb

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