This class was created by Brainscape user Erin Polley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Cell Cycle Checkpoint proteins
Active cyclin d cdk4 complex phos...,
Activated p53 p21 interaction als...,
Controls mitotic entry via cyclin...
4  cards
Repairing Strand Breaks
Ber ner and mmr are all strand sp...,
2 mechanisms that the cell attemp...,
This requires proteins that recog...
8  cards
Necrosis vs Apoptosis
Increase in cell volumeloss of pl...,
Cell shrinkageplasma membrane ble...,
Formation of ______ bodies
3  cards
Gene mutations classifcation
Mutations are inherited from a pa...,
Inherited gene mutations are also...,
Because they are present in the p...
24  cards
Trinucleotide repeat diseases
Excessive amplification of a base...,
Fragile x fmr 1 fragile x mental ...,
Caused by the length of a repeate...
4  cards
Viral carcinogens
Epstein barr virus ebv human t ce...,
Involves c myc and igh,
Cancer is throughout the body due...
4  cards
HPV types
E1 viral replicatione2 transcript...,
Transforming protein causes p53 d...,
Transforming protein interferes w...
8  cards
A gene which in certain circumsta...,
_________ mutations are usually a...,
_______ genes normally arrest cel...
29  cards
Oncogene and tumor suppressor gene related cancers
Brca1 and brca2,
Bcr abl,
Bcl 2
10  cards
Inherited cancers and genes involved
9  cards
DNA replication
Base sugar via glycosidic bond
56  cards
L6 Gel Electrophoresis, separation and detection
The test must be able to detect v...,
The test yields a positive result...,
The test must be able to run effi...
19  cards
L6 Hybridization
Using specific probes that are la...,
Transfer of an rna sample separat...,
Transfer of a dna sample separate...
47  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
Cftr stands for,
Affects all organs that generate ...,
Organs that generate mucus
18  cards
Molecular Application to Infectious Disease
Positive template,
Negative template,
Omnipresent template related to t...
25  cards
Dsdna use host polymerase,
Ssdna use host polymerase,
Dsrna replicase
27  cards
Large number of v d j and c segme...,
Involved in the process of antige...,
Gene rearrangements are normal ev...
28  cards
Lecture 7
_____ purine for purine pyrimidin...,
_____ purine for pyrimidine,
Amino acid codon to stop
16  cards

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molecular diagnostics

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