This class was created by Brainscape user Dana Wang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Economic methodology, scarcity, choice and gains from trade
What is scarcity,
Describe the efficiency vs equity...,
41  cards
producer Surplus
Producer surplus equals
2  cards
intro to supply and demand
Does the price shift the,
When the price is too low there is a,
When the price is above equillibr...
28  cards
What is,
What is inelastic demand,
How to calculate the elasticity o...
47  cards
consumer behaviour and demand
What is marginal utility,
Marginal utility will,
Describe how utility can be used ...
35  cards
Firm Behaviour and Supply
In a competitive market any indi ...,
A competitive market is where,
Describe decreasing marginal prod...
12  cards
Markets and Efficiency
Describe pareto efficient,
Hree conditions for efficient out...,
What is an attractive feature of
52  cards
Costs of production
Describe mr mc,
Law of,
How do you calculate marginal cost
70  cards
Entry, exit, and industry supply
Free entry and exit of firms in a...,
How does entry and exit of firms ...,
Was is a competitive market
11  cards
Why is mr less than demand for,
What is a monopoly,
What does a monopolys graph look ...
55  cards
Product differentiation, monopolistic competition and oligopoly
Firm with perfect competition loo...,
In the perfect competition price ...
59  cards
Labour markets
What is the profit maximisation r...,
How do you add a minimum wage,
Number of workers fired as a resu...
14  cards
Taxes and transfers
The government adds a 2 tax,
Who pays the tax
3  cards
week 7
What is the total economic cost,
Implicit cost of capital is the,
What are the possibilities of fin...
32  cards
week 8
What is price discrimination,
Why does d slope down,
What is first degree price discri...
25  cards
Week 9
Describe oligopolic,
What is dominant strategy,
What is nash equilibrium
32  cards
week 10
Graph labour market,
Graph capital market,
Demand for physical capital is
54  cards
Week 11
What is an externality,
What is a negative externality,
What is the market outcome
53  cards
week 12
Common resources are,
What is tragedy of commons,
Why is there inefficient overuse ...
41  cards

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