This class was created by Brainscape user Anthos Christofides. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Bacterial structure
Cell wall chemical composition,
Cell wall function,
Lipotechoic acid
135  cards
bacterial toxins
Bacterial toxins are divided to,
Bacterial toxins source,
Bacterial toxins secreted from cells
81  cards
Bacterial genetics
Bacterial genetics transformation...,
Transformation competence which b...,
Transformation competence which d...
19  cards
Gram +
Gram colour,
Gram subgroups,
Gram branching filaments bugs and...
155  cards
Leprosy is also called,
Leprosy hansen disease is caused by,
Mycobacterium leprae stracture
76  cards
Gram (-)
Gram colour,
Gram subgroups,
Gram subgroups diplococci bugs an...
96  cards
Gram (-) - 2
Klebsiella location,
Klebsiella characteristics,
Klebsiella clinical manifestation...
51  cards
Bacterial taxonomy spiral,
Spirochetes bugs and appearance,
Big size spirochete
45  cards
Zoonotic bacteria and pleomorphic
Anaplasma disease transmission an...,
Ixode tick is the vector of
108  cards
Type of fungal infections,
Systemic mycoses clinical manifes...,
Systemic mycoses diseases
62  cards
Mycoses - opportunistic fungi infections
Type of fungal infections,
Opportunistic fungal infections bugs,
Candida ablicans causes infection...
51  cards
Parasites are divided to,
Helminthes are divided to,
Protozoa infections are divided to
83  cards
Parasites are divided to,
Helminthes are divided to,
Antihelmintihic therapy drugs
90  cards
general virology
Viral structure types,
Viral genetics recombination,
Viral genetics reassortment
46  cards
DNA viruses
Dna virus diagram,
Icosahedral nucleocapsid nonenvel...,
Adenovirus characteristics
73  cards
RNA viruses
Rna virus are divided to,
Rna virus helical nucleocapsid di...,
Rna virus icosahedral nucleocapsi...
100  cards
Hepatatis virus
Hepatatis viruses types,
Hepatatis viruses rna or dna,
Hepatatis viruses transmission
100  cards
Prion disease mechanism,
Prion disease is transmissible vi...,
Prion disease prp sc characteristics
9  cards
Microbiology - systems
Normal flora dominant skin nose o...,
Foods poisoning bugs and source,
Beside food poisoning v parahaemo...
118  cards
Antifungal drugs
Cutaneous mycoses types,
Fungal cell erogsterol synthesis ...,
Fungal cell cell ergosterol synth...
50  cards
antiviral therapy
Hepatitis c therapy drugs,
Ribavirin mechanism of action,
Ribavirin inhibits synthesis of by
41  cards
Antimicrobial therapy
Antimicrobial therapy groups,
Antimicrobial therapy cell wall s...,
Antimicrobial therapy peptidoglyc...
175  cards
antiviral (not HIV and hepatitis)
Antiviral therapy except hiv only...,
Release of progeny virus inhibito...,
Release of progeny virus inhibito...
40  cards
2 most common cause of hematogeno...,
Osteomyelitis in dm,
Diptheria toxin gene diptheria tr...
120  cards
other 2
Hbv treatment,
Pneumonia by pseudomonas treatment,
How listeria survive in the cell
16  cards

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