meg's psychology paper 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Meg Henriques. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Approaches - Emergence of Psychology as a Science
Who set up the first psychology l...,
What method did wundt use,
Define introspection
26  cards
Approaches - Behaviourism
Define classical conditioning,
What is an unconditioned stimulus,
What is a neutral stimulus
29  cards
Approaches - Social Learning Theory (SLT)
According to slt where does learn...,
Give examples of who might model ...,
Explain identification
15  cards
Approaches - Psychodynamic
What are the main assumptions of ...,
What are the four key aspects of ...,
What metaphor did freud use to de...
63  cards
Approaches - Cognitive
What do cognitive psychologists b...,
What are mental processes,
What are models used for as part ...
23  cards
Approaches - Biological
Define genotype,
Define phenotype,
What percentage of genes do mz tw...
38  cards
Approaches - Humanistic
What are the key assumptions of h...,
What did maslow come up with,
What is at the bottom of the hier...
29  cards
Research methods - Inferential testing
What is the aim of inferential st...,
What does being statistically sig...,
What percentage level do psycholo...
22  cards
Research methods - Experimental methods
What does a lab experiment involve,
What is the advantage of performi...,
What is the disadvantage of perfo...
14  cards
Research methods - Self report techniques
What is a questionnaire pros and ...,
What is an interview strengths an...,
What are the 2 types of interview
4  cards
Research methods - Observation techniques
Why are observational techniques ...,
What is a structured observation,
What is no participant observation
10  cards
Research methods - Aims, hypotheses & sampling
What is the aim,
What is a hypothesis,
What is a null hypothesis
17  cards
Research methods - Data handling and analysis
What is quantitative data,
What is qualitative data,
What methods collect quantitative...
40  cards
Research methods - Control
What are the 4 methods that resea...,
What is random allocation example,
What is counterbalancing example
5  cards
Research methods - Experimental design
What is experimental design,
What are the three types of exper...,
What is a repeated measures design
11  cards
Research methods - Pilot studies
What is a pilot study,
What is the aim of a pilot study,
What is a ceiling effect how does...
4  cards
Research methods - Ethics in psychology
What must participants consent to,
What must modern researchers show,
Any experiment involving what is ...
23  cards
Research methods - Peer review and the economy
What is the purpose of peer revie...,
Who reads a peer reviewed journal...,
What do peer reviewers look for
13  cards
Research methods - Demand characteristics and investigators effects
What is researcher bias,
How can researcher bias and the p...,
What happens in a single blind study
11  cards
Research methods - Validity
What is validity,
What are the four types of validity,
What is face validity
11  cards
Research methods - Reliability
What is reliability,
How can reliability be assessed,
What does test retest involve
13  cards
Research methods - Features of science
What is objectivity based on,
What are the steps of the empiric...,
What makes a study replicable
3  cards
Research methods - Paradigms & falsifiability
What is a paradigm,
What is a paradigm shift,
What is an example of a paradigm ...
7  cards
Research methods - Scientific report
What is the basic structure that ...,
What does the title involve,
What does the abstract involve
16  cards
Biopsychology - The nervous system
What is the human nervous system,
What is the function of the brain,
What is the nervous system divide...
43  cards
Biopsychology - Neurons and synaptic transmission
What is a neuron,
Three types of neuron,
What are neurons typically made u...
38  cards
Biopsychology - The endocrine system
What is the endocrine system,
What does the es use to deliver h...,
What is the function of endocrine...
21  cards
Biopsychology - Fight-or-flight response
What happens when a person experi...,
How is the amygdala and hypothala...,
Explain the process of fight or f...
10  cards
Biopsychology - Localisation of function
What is localisaton of function,
What functionally specialised bra...,
What areas of the brain are only ...
23  cards
Biopsychology - Brain plasticity and functional recovery
Define plasticity,
Name reasons for plasticity,
Define functional recovery
12  cards
Biopsychology -Split brain research
Define contralateral,
What is the corpus callosum,
What did sperry do
7  cards
Biopsychology - Ways of studying the brain
Define spatial resolution,
Define temporal resolution,
Explain post mortem dissection
18  cards
Biopsychology - Biological rhythms
Define endogenous pacemakers,
Define exognenous zeitgebers,
What is a circadian rhythm
42  cards

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meg's psychology paper 2

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