This class was created by Brainscape user Sorrel Wise. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Molecular Biology - DNA & RNA
What is dna,
What is rna,
What are proteins
18  cards
Amino Acids and Proteins
What are amino acids,
What is the basic structure of an...,
How are amino acids classified
28  cards
Biological Membranes and Lipids
What are membranes,
What is the composition of membranes,
What are phospholipids what is th...
19  cards
Introduction to Microbes
What are microorganisms,
What is a p,
What are examples of cellular mir...
11  cards
Bacterial Morphology and Nomenclature
What are the three main bacterial...,
What are other bacterial shapes n...,
What are types of bacterial arran...
10  cards
Introduction to Histology
Define pathology histo pathology ...,
What are tissues,
What are the 6 key steps in histo...
12  cards
Structure of Eukaryotic Cell
What are the 7 key principles tha...,
All life forms are made from cell...,
Cells arise from pre existing cel...
20  cards
Haemoglobin and Enzymes
What are the function and structu...,
What is haemoglobin,
What kind of structures can molec...
20  cards
Introduction to Embryology
How long is the embryonic period ...,
How long is the foetal period and...,
What are the 6 stages of implanta...
38  cards
Intro to Physiology and Homeostasis
What is homeostasis,
What are examples of cellular hom...,
What are the three homeostasis co...
22  cards
Receptors and Signalling
What is the purpose of membrane r...,
What are the three stages of bio ...,
How does intercellular communicat...
20  cards
Membrane Transporters and Osmosis
What is the structure of the plas...,
What is the function of the plasm...,
What are the different body fluid...
20  cards
Biological Fuel - Carbohydrates
What is cellular respiration,
What is atp,
What is atp formed from
20  cards
Microbes - Host Interactions
What is infection colonisation,
What is commensalism,
What is symbiosis mutualism
15  cards
Bacterial Metabolism
What is metabolism,
What is catabolism and anabolism,
What is atp
19  cards
Pharmacodynamics - Main Principles
What is pharmacology and what are...,
What is the difference between ge...,
How do drugs act and how are they...
8  cards
Drug Formulations and Routes of Administration
What is formulation,
What is route of administration,
What factors determine the most a...
35  cards
Introduction to Pharmacokinetics
What is quality use of medicines,
What is pharmacokinetics and phar...,
What are the pharmacokinetic cons...
23  cards
Histology - Blood and Tissue
What is tissue,
What are the functions of blood,
What is the composition of blood
22  cards
Epithelial Tissues
What is the epithelia,
What are the different characteri...,
What is the makeup of the epithel...
17  cards
Connective Tissue and Extracellular Matrix
What is the ecm,
What is collagen,
What is the structure assembly of...
18  cards
Vessels, Nerves, and Muscles
What are the three layers of larg...,
What are characteristics of large...,
What are the characteristics of m...
22  cards
Membrane Potential, Synapses, and Neurotransmitters
What are excitable cells,
What is action potential,
What are nerve impulses
22  cards
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
What is the autonomic nervous sys...,
What are the three divisions of t...,
What is the enteric division
9  cards
ANS Medications
What are the two major neurotansm...,
What are the two main types of ac...,
What are the key characteristics ...
14  cards
What are the definitions of infec...,
What are virulence and virulence ...,
What are pathogenicity and pathog...
18  cards
Innate Immunity
What are barriers,
What are examples of physical bar...,
What are examples of low chemical...
22  cards
Acquired Immunity and Antibodies
What are the differences between ...,
What is the role of the innate im...,
What are the characteristics of t...
9  cards

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life sciences

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