level 2 beauty therapy

This class was created by Brainscape user Hayley Flaherty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

The Structure of the Nail
This is the part of the nail plat...,
It is the layer of epidermis at t...,
This structure is formed from thi...
13  cards
The Nail
Describe nail formation,
At what rate do fingernails grow,
How long does it take fingernails...
9  cards
Muscles of the Lower leg and Foot
This muscle forms the bulk of the...,
This muscle lies under the gastro...,
This muscle runs along the outsid...
18  cards
The Bones of the Leg and Foot
How many bones for the leg,
Name the bones of the leg,
Name the bone of the knee
18  cards
Primary Blood Vessels in the Lower Leg, Ankle and Foot
Name the longest vein in the body,
Where is the femoral vein located,
The femoral artery becomes which ...
10  cards
Bone of the Head, Neck and Shoulder Girdle
How many bones are in the cranium,
Name the bones of the cranium,
What bone forms the front part of...
16  cards
Skin Disorders
What is herpes simplex commonly k...,
What is the cause of herpes simplex,
Can a facial treatment go ahead i...
19  cards
G4/216 Reception
Which act does this statement rel...,
What is the procedure for taking ...,
Should business account informati...
14  cards
G8 Develop and maintain your effectiveness at work
Where can you find information on...,
Where you might find information ...,
What may happen if you work outsi...
13  cards
B5/210 Eye treatments
When measuring the eye for eyebro...,
What eyebrow shape would help to ...,
State how to remove eyebrow hairs...
14  cards
B9/209 Apply Make-up Revision
Which one of the following will c...,
Which one of the following layers...,
Which one of the following condit...
20  cards

More about
level 2 beauty therapy

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Hayley Flaherty's Level 2 Beauty Therapy flashcards for their Tameside College class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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