Knocking Out the Boards

This class was created by Brainscape user Chellio McBellio. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (94)

Elevated ICP
What s normal icp when should tx ...,
What are 5 signs and sxs of eleva...,
Causes of elevated icp 6 3
19  cards
Carotid Endarterectomy
So who gets carotid surgeries 1,
What are some things that you nee...,
Regional technique in cea what s ...
8  cards
When neuromonitoring you need to ...,
Ssep compromise or injury to the ...,
What do sseps evaluate 3
15  cards
Blood Products
What does ffp have in it 1,
What does cryo have in it 2,
Which two products should be warm...
27  cards
Mediastinoscopy/Mediastinal mass
What all is in the mediastinum 1,
Anterior middle and posterior med...,
4 most common medicinal masses wh...
40  cards
Random Learning Issues
Diltiazem oral vs iv what is it g...,
Dilt moa 2,
Don t use dilt if ef is less than 3
10  cards
Malignant Hyperthermia
What is mh why does it happen 1,
Possible associations diseases wh...,
Testing for mh 3
14  cards
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
When is co2 extracted from blood 1,
Process of blood going through cp...,
Roller vs centrifugal pump 3
42  cards
Hypernatremia results in _____ fl...,
What is the appropriate response ...,
Causes of hypernatremia 5 3
43  cards
Inhalational Anesthetics
Isoflurane what is the mac what d...,
Advantages of iso 2,
Disadvanctages of iso and what s ...
15  cards
Endocrine Pearls (Thyroid, Pituitary, Adrenals)
What is the number one cause of h...,
How does ptu work 2,
How does methimazole work 3
25  cards
Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery
Increase in icp due to aneurysm e...,
Rising icp can lead to which refl...,
Rebleeding after aneurysm surgery...
40  cards
Standard ASA monitors
What are the 4 standard asa monit...,
O in asa monitors what are the pa...,
V in asa monitors what are the pa...
5  cards
Head Trauma
T f head injury patients may or m...,
How would one perform in line cer...,
When do you avoid nasal intubatio...
16  cards
Siadh its a state of what sodium ...,
Common causes of siadh whats the ...,
Signs and symptoms of siadh 3
17  cards
Stop bang 1,
Apnea hypopnea index average numb...,
Can patient have successful up3 p...
9  cards
Postoperative mechanical ventilation
Review time shunt vs deadspace 1,
Controlled mechanical ventilation 2,
Assist control ventilation ac 3
8  cards
Pulse Oximetry
How does pulse oximetry work 1,
Causes of inaccuracy for pulse ox...,
Errors in pulse oximetry 3
3  cards
Thyroxtoxicosis (And other thyroid issues)
Thyroid masses can spread to be i...,
No iodide before ptu why 2,
Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis 3
14  cards
The Basics of Pediatrics
Anatomic differences in kids head...,
Formula for pedi ett ng og foley ...,
Why are infants prone to desatura...
18  cards
Physiologic changes of pregnancy
What happens to cardiac output in...,
What happens to bp pvr and svr du...,
What happens to cvp ef and pap du...
13  cards
Indications for pacemaker placeme...,
Indications for aicd placement 2,
Pacemaker nomenclature what are t...
9  cards
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
For acute sci what are you thinki...,
Why would you choose supine posit...,
Why are sci patients more prone t...
38  cards
UBP Book 1, Case 1 (Trauma/Critical Care-Head Injury)
What is the gcs 1,
Little things that can be helpful...,
How can you tell if someone is cl...
25  cards
Stress Dose Steroids
What does cortisol do for glucone...,
Acth and crh are controlled by ne...,
Cortisol and histamine serotonin ...
7  cards
What contributes to formation of ...,
Specific mechanism of ascites 2,
Common treatment for patients wit...
8  cards
Neonatal resuscitation
What are the three fetal shunts i...,
Blood from placenta travels to th...,
When newborns are born what does ...
16  cards
What is the a ado2 1,
Decreased etco2 due to metabolic ...,
Decreased co2 due to changes in e...
8  cards
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Tef is associated with what condi...,
What kind of things would you see...,
3 cs associated with tef 3
10  cards
Pyloric Stenosis and book 4, case 6-Pyloric Stenosis
Tell me about electrolyte abnorma...,
Pyloric stenosis what to do with ...,
Pyloric stenosis what do you want...
25  cards
When it comes to plan for inducti...,
How concerned are you with aspira...,
Which ett you picking for these k...
3  cards
Testing for pheo 1,
What can you see on ekg in people...,
Hyperglycemia in these patients 3
8  cards
Blood pressure monitoring
How does taking manual bp work 1,
How large should the bladder cuff...,
How does automatic bp work 3
5  cards
Why do we use lead ii in the or 1,
How long should the pr interval b...,
Second degree heart blocks 3
12  cards
CVP, PAC, A line-complications and waveforms
In a patient with raynaud s how d...,
Indications for cvp 2,
Possible complications of cvp 3
23  cards
What is pre eclampsia 1,
Mild pre ecl vs severe 2,
If a patient seizes with eclampsi...
12  cards
Hypotension in pts under ga 1,
Pulmonary causes of hypotension 3 2,
Hypovolemia causes of hypotension...
19  cards
Acute Renal Failure
What is the def of arf it can be ...,
Oliguria 2,
Risk factors for arf 3
14  cards
Chronic Renal Failure
What is uremic syndrome 1,
Complications of uremic syndrome ...,
Treatment for renal issues that c...
6  cards
False measurements in thermodilution
Normal cardiac output 1,
What does the thermodilution tech...,
What are some assumptions being m...
11  cards
Volatile anesthetics can produce ...,
What is pea 2,
H s and t s for asystole and pea 3
28  cards
Posterior Fossa Craniotomy/VAE
What does the posterior fossa con...,
What are the options for position...,
What are major risks of sitting p...
26  cards
Cardiac valvular abnormalities
Review but systemic bp is directl...,
In stenotic valvular lesions ther...,
In regurgitant lesions there is a...
25  cards
Cardiac Tamponade
Etiology of cardiac tamponade mos...,
Physiology of tamponade ___ 2,
Which pressures equilibrate to wi...
18  cards
Causes triggers for stridor 1,
Inspriatory expiratory and biphas...,
Ko treatment plan for stridor 3
6  cards
Laser Safety
0  cards
Myasthenia Gravis
Explain pathophys of mg 1,
What does bulbar mean 2,
Symptoms of mg explain them and w...
18  cards
Hypoxemia and Hypercarbia
What is the definition of hypoxem...,
What is the definition of hypoxia 2,
Causes of hypoxemia or intubated 3
11  cards
Indications for intubation and extubation
What is the sniffing position 1,
When intubating always confirm 2,
What is fvc 3
11  cards
One Lung Ventilation
What are indications for one lung...,
Techniques for lung separation br...,
If you need to do endobronchial p...
10  cards
Cardiac conduction blocks
What is sick sinus syndrome 1,
How do you tx sick sinus syndrome 2,
Why are bradydysrhythias pre oper...
11  cards
Signs of pe 1,
Gold standard for dx of pe and wh...,
Regional anesthesia is it helpful...
8  cards
ACC/AHA Guidelines
Major clinical risk predictors ac...,
What are the revised clinical ris...,
When would you give a person with...
3  cards
Indications for dialysis 1,
Dialysis values obvi has to go wi...,
When it s time to see a hd patien...
8  cards
Obstetrical Antepartum Hemorrhage
What is placental abruption 1,
What pre existing conditions can ...,
Presentation of placental abrupti...
15  cards
Obstetrical postpartum hemorrhage
What is placenta accreta 1,
Placenta increta 2,
Placenta percreta 3
9  cards
Other Obstetrical Complications
Umbilical cord prolapse what is i...,
Fetal heart rate decelerations ea...,
Late decels what does it look lik...
6  cards
The Pregnant Trauma Patient
When are radiation effects most d...,
If cpr is necessary in a pregnant...,
Why is ketamine not a good chocie...
4  cards
Anesthesia for Vaginal Delivery and C Section
First stage of labor 1,
Second stage of labor 2,
Third stage of labor 3
20  cards
Post operative jaundice
Hyperbilirubinemia is 1,
Pre hepatic jaundice what causes ...,
Hepatic hypoperfusion 3
7  cards
Liver Transplant
What are some contraindications t...,
Pathophys of esld 2,
Hyponatremia what does it need to...
24  cards
Burn Anesthesia
Signs indicative of inhalation in...,
Symptoms of impending obstruction 2,
Indictions for immediate intubati...
10  cards
Cardiovascular disease in pregnancy
Nyha classification of heart dise...,
Left to right shunts in pregnancy...,
Coaractation of the aorta in preg...
12  cards
AC guidelines
Heparin monitoring 1,
Heparin iv or subcutaneous how lo...,
Heparin for intraop systemic hepa...
15  cards
Book 5, Case 7-OLT
What is the meld score 1,
Dyspnea in a pt with esld what ar...,
Pathophys of ascites in esld 3
29  cards
Book 5, Case 3-Carcinoid
Carcinoid constellation 1,
What is carcinoid syndrome 2,
Why do people with carcinoid synd...
8  cards
Book 5, Case 4-Pedi asthma and hemophilia
Which blood disorders have normal...,
With kids who say they don t want...,
Do yo uwanna get factor 8 to 100 ...
11  cards
Book 6, Case 3-Pedi strabismus
Succinylcholine in pedi pt if you...,
You give sux and then stiff jaws ...,
Why is mmr concerning and does it...
23  cards
Book 6, Case 6-Fem pop bypass, smoking, CAD, DM
What is the ankle brachial index 1,
Pre operataive blood pressure in ...,
Hypertensive urgency 3
26  cards
Book 4, case 5-CABG and MV replacement
Roller vs centrifugal 1,
Alpha stat and ph stat what do th...,
Primary mechanism of brain injury...
41  cards
Book 4, case 1-Sickle cell and obstetrics
Why do patients with sickle cell ...,
Pathophys of sickle cell 2,
Why doesn t sickling happen alway...
21  cards
Book 4, set 2-compartment syndrome and Fasciotomy, Burn
For burn pts and even some trauma...,
What cardiovascular changes you e...,
Don t forget to ensure adequate m...
37  cards
Book 2, Case 1-JW, PET, TRALI, TACO
If pt is jw and they ask if you a...,
If pt had motor and sensory loss ...,
What are other regional methods f...
18  cards
Book 2, Case 4-Pheo, PONV
How is diagnosis of pheochromocyt...,
Side note dont palpate what in ph...,
Elevated hct in pheo likely means 3
27  cards
Book 2, case 6-Cystic fibrosis
Concerns for cf patients go by sy...,
How would you evaluate pulmonary ...,
Urgent case in cf pt will you del...
24  cards
Grab Bags!!
What is bmi 1,
Is it important to know what lipo...,
Treatment of nerve injuries 3
156  cards
Book 3, Case 3-PDA
Tell me about normal closure of d...,
Baby is 28 weeks old and i didn t...,
Pre disposing factors to pda 3
28  cards
Book 4, Case 3-CDH and prematurity
Newborn at 38 weeks gestation has...,
Pt with cdh has a pao2 pao2 diffe...,
Normal a a gradient in young adul...
24  cards
Trauma in the pediatric patient
What is pseudotumor cerebri 1,
Treatment for pseudotumor cerebri 2,
You can t get access in pedi pt w...
30  cards
Turp what s your anesthetic plan ...,
What monitors you placing for turp 2,
What level of anesthesia do you n...
22  cards
Book 3, Case 5-Transphenoidal and Acromegaly
With patients who have pituitary ...,
Pituitary tumor pt with headache ...,
How does a prolactinoma present 3
30  cards
Book 1, Case 8-Chronic Renal failure
Anesthetic concerns in crf pts 1,
How to assess vol status in crf p...,
Crf pt k is 56 you going back wha...
20  cards
Book 2, Case 2-Scoliosis repair
What is the cobb angle and how is...,
Sob in scoliosis pt with duchenne...,
How do you want to evaluate the p...
24  cards
Book 3, Case 7-Thyroidectomy
Lithium toxicity is associated wi...,
How does your anesthetic mgmt dif...,
What are flow volume loops like w...
24  cards
Kidney Transplant
So tell me about which hypertensi...,
How long do the kidneys last prio...,
What would be your choice of anes...
22  cards
Book 6, Case 8-AV fistula, uremia
Systemic effects of chronic renal...,
Work up you want on a renal pt 2,
Is ordering a serum sodium level ...
18  cards
Book 4, Case 4 OB and Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
What do you want to know about ob...,
Ekg changes that can be normal ev...,
Would you recommend a cesarean se...
14  cards
Book 6, Case 7 emergent crani, vWD
What is vwd 1,
Look over vwd types in learning i...,
The family is not sure of the pat...
25  cards
Book 4, Case 8=Cardiac ablation
Rheumatic fever issues 1,
Concerns in a pt with a fib 2,
Causes of atrial fibrillation 3
21  cards
Book 4, Case 7-UPP and OSA
Diagnosis of osa made how what is...,
What is the difference between ob...,
Why would you not want to do a se...
23  cards
Book 5, Case 6 Pedi Laryngeal papillomatosis
Are you allowing a child s parent...,
Laser case where they re removing...,
General issues you re concerned a...
22  cards
Book 6, Case 1-PET and Airway
Pt has high bps and ruq pain you ...,
When does hellp usually present 2,
What is hellp syndrome associated...
26  cards
Book 6, Case 4-Non OB surgery in an OB pt
Concerns for surgery in an ob pt 1,
When is the best time to perform ...,
Which anesthetic agents are terat...
27  cards
Book 6, Case 5-Down's, sublingual/submandibular abscess
Concern s for this patient down s...,
How will you evaluate this pts ai...,
Given the patient s respiratory c...
19  cards

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