This class was created by Brainscape user Thomas Hasiweder. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (124)

Ich arbeite als bei,
Ja das stimmt,
Nein ich arbeite als
11  cards
What time is it,
4  cards
How old are you?
How old are you umgangssprachlich,
How old are you formal,
Ich bin 25 jahre alt
6  cards
How much is it?
How much is it,
How much is this hat,
This shoes
8  cards
Willkommen in meinem geschaeft,
Das da bitte,
Bitte einen burger
5  cards
Counter for small things
1 thing,
2 things,
10  cards
1 minute past,
2 minutes past,
3 minutes past
20  cards
Ages with exceptions
1 year old,
2 years old,
3 years old
12  cards
Hours with exceptions
0 o clock,
1 o clock,
2 o clock
17  cards
55  cards
Ordering food and drink
Welcome salesman to customer in s...,
Hamburger please,
How many
9  cards
Negative answer
Spoken negative answer,
Spoken or written negative answer,
Written negative answer
3  cards
Kore, Sore, Are
That next to you,
That one over there
5  cards
5  cards
Family presentation
What is your job,
How old are you,
Who is it
37  cards
koko soko asoko
Where is a dictionary,
It s here,
11  cards
Verb sentences
To go,
To come,
To return to go home
20  cards
Verb sentences particlo
I drink coffee,
I eat ice cream,
I watch television
15  cards
Frequency adverbs
5  cards
Oral exam last sec
すみません、もういちど (ゆっくり おねがいします。,
は、えいご /にほんご で なんですか。,
まいあさ なんじに おきますか。
12  cards
Should we?
Should we,
Should we have lunch together,
Will you play tennis with me
5  cards
Time references
When do you need,
When do you not use,
When can you decide if you use
3  cards
Days of the Month
38  cards
12  cards
Which verb do you use for there i...,
Which verb do you use for there i...,
There is a mcdonald s over there
10  cards
4.2 Describing where things are
Where is mcdonalds,
Over there,
Right there near you
20  cards
4.3 Past tense of です
Affirmative present of desu,
Negative present of desu,
Affirmative past of desu
6  cards
4.4 Past tense of verbs
Affirmative present of verb,
Negative present,
Affirmative past
6  cards
4.5 も
I went to kyoto yesterday,
Professor yamashita went to kyoto...,
Mary bought shoes
12  cards
4.6 一時間
Mary waited for takeshi there for...,
I studied japanese for about thre...,
I slept for seven hours and a hal...
5  cards
4.7 たくさん
Where do you put in a sentence,
I took many pictures in kyoto,
There are a lot of vegetables
3  cards
4.8 と
I speak japanese and english,
I went to kyoto and osaka,
Mary will go to korea with sora
3  cards
5.1 Adjectives
Which types of adjectives exist,
How do adjectives change in negat...,
How change adjectives in negative...
18  cards
5.2 adjectives (past tense)
How do positive adjectives change...,
How do negative adjectives change...,
How do adjectives change in the p...
13  cards
5.3 Adjectives (noun modification)
How can you combine adjectives an...,
An interesting movie,
A beautiful picture
7  cards
5.4 すき(な)/ きらい(な)
To like,
To dislike,
Robert likes his japanese class
10  cards
5.5 ~ましょう/ ~ましょうか
How can you express let s in japa...,
Let s study in the library together,
Shall we drink coffee over there
3  cards
5.6 counting
Where do you put the counter words,
Lee bought three t shirts,
Which counter do you use for flat...
3  cards
Last minute for Jump UP
Good looking,
6  cards
6.1 Te-form
For which 4 things can the te for...,
Te form of ru verbs,
Te form of u verbs with final
8  cards
How can you make a polite request,
Please read the textbook,
Excuse me please teach me a little
3  cards
te form - exercise
13  cards
6.3 describing two activities
I will go to the library and chec...,
Today i got up at six and studied,
Let s go to the cafetaria and hav...
5  cards
6.4 ~てもいいです
You may do,
Is it allowed,
It is allowed
8  cards
6.6 ~から
I will study this evening because...,
Let us go by bus because taxis ar...
2  cards
6.7 ~ましょうか
I ll do it,
Shall i carry your bag
2  cards
7.1 ~ている (Action in Progress)
How can you express that someone ...,
Sora is studying right now,
Takeshi is reading a book in english
10  cards
7.2 ~ている (result of a change)
How can you describe the change f...,
Prof yamashita is married,
Yui is seated near the window res...
11  cards
Family Members
My grandmother informal,
My father formal,
Your husband
66  cards
Parts of the body
36  cards
41  cards
Tom s hair is long,
More natural tom has long hair
2  cards
7.4 Adjective/noun te-forms for joining sentences
Te form of,
Te form of,
Te form of
7  cards
7.5 Verb Stem + にいく
How do you construct a sentence,
I went to a department store to b...,
Mary has come to japan to study j...
3  cards
7.6 counter for people
1 person,
2 persons,
3 persons
12  cards
8.1 short forms
Compare the present affirmative l...,
Compare the present affirmative l...,
Compare the present affirmative l...
14  cards
Short forms exercise (present tense, p78)
Dictionary form die,
Long affirmative write,
Short negative eat
60  cards
8.2 Short forms in informal speech
When do you use the short form,
Are you going to school today sho...,
No i am not going short form
10  cards
Short forms (Informal speech) WB p79
Do you often ride a bus,
Do you speak japanese every day
11  cards
8.3 Short forms in quoted speech (I think...)
How can you say that you think so...,
I think takeshi likes mary,
How do you say you dont think sth
4  cards
Quotations (WB p 80)
I think prof yamashita is good lo...,
I think this woman is mary s japa...,
I think professor yamashita reads...
10  cards
Quotations (WB p81)
10  cards
8.4 short forms in quoted speech: (Someone said that...)
How can you quote someone,
Yasmin said there would be an exa...,
Prof yamashita said that he is no...
3  cards
8.5 ~ないでください
How can you request someone to re...,
May i enter this room,
Please don t enter this room
3  cards
8.5 workbook (p82)
Please don t wait for me because ...,
Please don t open the window beca...,
Please don t forget your umbrella...
14  cards
8.6 Verb のがすきです/じょうずです
I like studying the japanese lang...,
I don t like cleaning my room,
Robert is good at cooking meals
4  cards
8.6 (WB p83)
Erika is very good at making frie...,
Kenta loves reading bookstranslate,
Haruto hates cleaning the roomtra...
5  cards
8.7 the subject particle が
When do we use in combination wit...,
Robert went to okinawa,
Who went to okinawa
7  cards
8.7 (WB p 84)
Did you eat anything this morning...,
No i didn t eat anything this mor...,
What will you do over the weekend...
6  cards
8.8 何か and なにも
The cat has brought something
6  cards
8.8 (WB p. 85)
Reply with i think,
Reply with i think,
Reply with i think
8  cards
9.1 Past Tense short forms
Past affirmative verbs,
Past affirmative adjectives,
Past affirmative adjectives
8  cards
9.1 WB p 87
Past affirmative,
Past affirmative,
Past affirmative
36  cards
9.2 Past Tense short forms in informal speech
Did you have breakfast this morni...,
Yes i did eatno i did not eat,
Were you busy last week
5  cards
9.2 WB p88
Make an informal question past an...,
Make an informal question past an...,
Make an informal question past an...
9  cards
9.3 Past tense Short forms in quoted speech
Hey my pork cutlet is gone,
I think tom ate it,
I don t think last winter was ver...
3  cards
9.3 WB p 89
Translate i think the concert beg...,
Translate i think ken exercised l...,
Translate i think tadashi s fathe...
7  cards
9.4 Past Tense short forms in quoted speech
Translate yasmin said that she di...,
Translate yasmin said that she wa...
2  cards
9.4 WB p 90
Say what someone replied,
Say what someone replied,
Say what someone replied
10  cards
9.5 qualifying nouns with verbs and adjectives
A person who is interesting,
A person who has long hair,
A person who likes cats
7  cards
9.5 WB p 91
Look at the picture,
Look at the picture,
Look at the picture
5  cards
9.6 もう~ました and まだ~ていません
Translate i did the homework yest...,
Translate i have already done the...,
Translate i did not do the homewo...
5  cards
9.6 WB p 92
Write a question and reply with a...,
Write a question and reply with a...,
Write a question and reply with a...
5  cards
9.7 Explanation から、situation
Translate i didn t have breakfast...,
Translate we will have an exam to...,
Translate we didn t go out becaus...
4  cards
9.7 WB p93
Translate i will not take a walk ...,
Translate minami is very popular ...
8  cards
9.8 Questions
0  cards
10.1 Comparison between two items
A is more than b,
China is larger than japan,
What is larger a or b
5  cards
10.2 Comparison among three or more items
Out of a b and c i think a is the,
Among canada france and japan whi...,
Canada is the coldest i think
5  cards
10.3 Adjective/noun + の
I have a black sweater i have a r...,
We have a lot of cakes take the o...,
A is this soras bag b no that is ...
4  cards
10.4 ~つもりだ
I intend to play tennis with take...,
Prof yamashita does not intend to...,
We were planning to visit a templ...
3  cards
10.5 Adjective + なる
Adjective to become warmer,
Adjective to become quiet quieter,
Nouns to become a company employee
6  cards
10.6 どこかに / どこにも
12  cards
10.7 で
We eat our meals with chopsticks,
Let s talk in japanese,
I went to the station by bus
4  cards
11.1 ~たい
How can you say that you want to ...,
I want to see a film this weekend,
I want to go to china someday
9  cards
11.2 ~たり~たりする
In osaka i will do some shopping ...,
In osaka i will do such things as...,
I studied and talked with my frie...
5  cards
11.3 ~ことがある
I have had the experience of clim...,
Takeshi has never been absent fro...,
Have you ever been to europe
5  cards
11.4 や
I went to kyoto and nara
1  cards
12.1 ~んです
As it happens the bus didn t come,
I have an exam tomorrow so i cann...,
I want to go to the bathroom so t...
11  cards
12.2 ~すぎる
I got up too early,
You most not eat too much,
This book is too expensive
4  cards
12.2 WB
Too sweet,
Too difficult,
Too cold
8  cards
12.3 ~ほうがいいです
It is better your you to,
Which tense do you use for,
You d better eat more vegetables
4  cards
12.3 WB
8  cards
12.4 ~ので
When do you use,
My japanese has improved because ...,
I did not sleep last night becaus...
5  cards
12.4 WB
9  cards
12.5 ~なければいけません/~なきゃいけません
I have to study because there wil...,
You must eat,
You must speak
7  cards
12.5 WB
Get up early,
Buy textbook,
7  cards
12.6 ~でしょうか。
Would it rain tomorrow,
I think it will rain,
Would you say that it will be war...
6  cards
12.6 WB
6  cards
12.7 WB questions
7  cards
13.1 Potential Verbs
I can speak japanese,
The truth is i cannot swim,
We could not go to the beach beca...
20  cards
13.1 WB
14  cards
13.2 WB
11  cards
13.3 WB (SHI)
Its cold sleepy,
Smart can play the guitar,
I have a test i have to meet the ...
9  cards
13.2 ~shi
I really like my japanese class b...,
Do you want to go back home no li...,
Life in this city is easygoing th...
4  cards
13.3 ~そうです
This apple looks delicious,
It looks like the weather will be...,
Mary looks like she was doing well
6  cards
13.4 WB (sou desu)
Sou in the end,
Sou in the end,
Sou in the end
10  cards
13.4 ~てみる
A this book was interestingb okay...,
2  cards
13.5 WB (temiru)
5  cards
13.5 なら
A have you ever been to brazil b ...,
A can you read japanaese b if it ...
2  cards
13.6 WB (nara)
7  cards
13.7 いっしゅうかんにさんかい
How many times a week do you shampoo,
I shampoo three times a week,
I play games for about three hour...
4  cards
13.7 WB (nankai)
10  cards
14.2 WB kamoshiremasen
Not interested in kabuki,
Already went home
9  cards
Counter words
As many as,
As few as,
Generic counter for small items
14  cards

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japanese course

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