Interpreting Financial & Accounting Information (CGI) 2023

This class was created by Brainscape user Jirina Buckland. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (161)

1.1 Regulatory framework - introduction
What is the main objective of fin...,
What does ifrs stand for,
What is ifrs
6  cards
1.2 The need for a regulatory framework
What are some key aims of the reg...,
What are the two main approaches ...,
What is a principles based rather...
14  cards
1.3 Agency theory and the role of corporate governance
What is agency theory,
Who developed the agency theory,
What is the principle agent problem
7  cards
1.4 The role of financial accouting standards
Name four corporate failures that...,
Reasons for the corporate collaps...,
What are the key objectives of fi...
3  cards
1.5 Arguments against accounting regulation
How might rigid accounting regula...,
Why is it problematic to apply cr...,
Why do some professions feel that...
5  cards
1.6 National & company law
What specific accounting rules do...,
Which standard must uk listed and...,
What arguments have been made aga...
7  cards
1.7 International financial reporting standards
Who developed the ifrs,
What is the goal of the ifrs,
How many countries have adopted i...
15  cards
1.8 Barriers to global harmonisation
What 5 factors identified by meek...
1  cards
1.9 Principal differences between IFRS and UK GAAP
What major legal development in 2...,
How did the frc implement the tra...
2  cards
1.10 Environmental reporting
What is environmental reporting,
Which companies have a greater bu...,
What is the environmental audit r...
18  cards
1.11 Social accounting
What is corporate social responsi...,
What are the four responsibilitie...,
What are the csr advantages
5  cards
Audit (Campbell's Notes)
Which companies benefit from audi...,
What two main things must the aud...,
What is an adverse opinion
15  cards
2.1 Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting
What is a conceptual framework fo...,
In what year was the latest versi...
2  cards
2.2 The need for a conceptual framework
Why are conceptual frameworks imp...,
Why would accounting standards de...,
Why might standards based on a si...
8  cards
2.3 Objectives of general purpose financial reporting
According to the iasb what is the...,
What are some examples of externa...,
What are some examples of interna...
9  cards
2.4 Qualitative characteristics of financial information
What is meant by qualitative char...,
What are the two types of qualita...,
What are the fundamental qualitat...
10  cards
2.5 Financial statements and reporting
According to the iasb conceptual ...,
Which section of the iasb concept...,
What is meant by reporting period
3  cards
2.6 Assumptions underlying financial statements
The iasb conceptual framework req...,
When are financial statements not...
2  cards
2.7 Elements of financial statements
According to the iasb conceptual ...,
What are assets,
What are liabilities
6  cards
2.8 Recognition and derecogition of the elements of financial statements
What inherent characteristics mus...,
Do employees qualify as assets,
What is derecognition
6  cards
2.9 Measuring the elements of financial statements
What is measurement in terms of a...,
What is the purposes of a measure...,
What are the two measurement base...
11  cards
2.10 Presentation and disclosure
What is the purpose of the statem...,
What is meant by oci
2  cards
2.11 Concepts of capital and capital maintenance
According to the concept of capit...,
What are the two main concepts of...,
Which concept of capital maintena...
9  cards
3.1 Preparation and presentation of single entity financial statements
What is ias1,
What is the purpose of ias1,
What four items must be contained...
3  cards
3.2 Objective of financial statements
Why are financial statements usef...
1  cards
3.3 Presentation of financial statements
What does ias1 require with regar...,
What does ias1 require with regar...
2  cards
3.4 Fair presentation and compliance with IFRS
What does ias1 require with regar...,
When is departure from ifrs permm...
2  cards
3.5 Overriding concepts of financial statements
Financial statements are usually ...,
What is the accruals concept,
According to ias1 which informati...
9  cards
3.6 Structure and content of financial statements
Under ias1 where may disclosure o...,
Is an entity required to distingu...,
What information must be clearly ...
3  cards
3.7 Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
What did the statement of financi...,
What does the statement of financ...,
What are some examples of assets
10  cards
3.8 Statement of financial position (balance sheet)
Why is the statement of profit or...,
What is the most common measure o...,
How is total comprehensive income...
9  cards
3.9 Statement of changes in equity
What is equity,
What are retained earnings,
Companies are required to prepare...
4  cards
3.10 Statement of cash flows
What information does the cash fl...,
What items constitute cash and ca...,
What is the structure of the stat...
7  cards
4.1 Other contents and features of published accounts
Why are accounts published,
What sections make up the annual ...
2  cards
4.2 Content of the annual report and accounts
0  cards
4.3 The strategic report or business review
What information is contained in ...,
Which companies must prepare a st...,
Where can the guidelines on prepa...
11  cards
4.4 The directors' report
What is the purpose of the direct...,
Where is the directors report gen...,
Which legislation requires prepar...
4  cards
4.5 Notes to the accounts
What information is included in t...
1  cards
4.6 Segment reporting
What is segment reporting,
Which standards defines segment r...,
Segment reporting works on a mana...
8  cards
4.7 Reporting the substance of transactions
What is meant by the substance of...
1  cards
4.8 Limitations of published accounts
What are the problems associated ...,
What is creative accounting,
What are the problems associated ...
8  cards
5.1 Interpreting accounting policies based on IFRS
0  cards
5.2 Accounting policies
How are accounting policies defin...,
What are the two major concerns a...,
Why should a reporting entity app...
10  cards
5.3 Accounting for inventories
What matters does ias2 deal with,
What items make up an inventory a...,
Which assets are not included wit...
10  cards
5.4 Accounting for property, plant and equipment
Which standard governs the accoun...,
How are property plant and equipm...,
Under what circumstances are the ...
11  cards
5.5 Accounting for events after the reporting period
What is the purpose of ias10,
What are the two types of post pe...,
What is an adjusting event
6  cards
5.6 Revenue from contracts with customers
What is the role of ifrs 15,
How does ifrs15 measure the trans...,
Ifrs 15 uses a 5 step process for...
4  cards
5.7 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
What is the purpose of ias 37,
What is a provision,
When should a provision be recogn...
5  cards
6.1 Financial reporting by groups of companies
What is the definition of a paren...,
What is a subsidiary company,
What is an associate under ias 28
3  cards
6.2 Requirement to prepare consolidated financial statements
Why are group accounts beneficial...,
Which standard defines the princi...,
Which groups are exempt from prep...
3  cards
6.3 Principles for the consolidation of financial statements
According to ifrs 10 what is the ...,
What are 4 ways in which control ...,
What is de facto control
7  cards
6.4 Business combinations, fair value measurement and goodwill
When an acquirer gains control of...,
What does the acquisition method ...,
What is goodwill
13  cards
6.5 Consolidated statement of financial position
What are the steps for consolidat...,
What is the calculation for elimi...
2  cards
6.6 Consolidted statement of comprehensive income
What is the purpose of the consol...,
What adjustments are made when co...,
What are the key steps for consol...
3  cards
6.7 Investments in associates and joint ventures
What is a joint venture,
Why might an entity conduct some ...,
Which standard deals with account...
7  cards
6.8 The IAS 28 equity method
What is the equity method as set ...,
What is an alternative name for t...
2  cards
6.9 A parent company's separate financial statements
Which standard requires a parent ...,
What disclosures must be made whe...
2  cards
6.10 Exemptions from preparing consolidated financial statements
When is a parent exempted from pr...,
Where a parent takes advantage of...,
Why are the rules around exclusio...
4  cards
7.1 Analysis and evaluation of financial statements
What are the three methods of fun...,
What are the two methods of trend...,
What are the 6 methods of ratio a...
3  cards
7.2 The need for financial analysis
Financial analysis seeks to draw ...,
In what way does the concept of s...,
What is the main purpose of finan...
9  cards
7.3 Fundamental analysis
What is fundamental analysis,
What types of factors does fundam...,
What are the objectives of fundam...
7  cards
7.4 Economic analysis
According to the national bureau ...
1  cards
7.5 Industry analysis
Why is industry analysis useful t...,
According to julius grodinskys in...,
What are the three main aspects t...
4  cards
7.6 Company analysis
What information is used in compa...,
What elements are always included...
2  cards
7.7 Trend analysis
What is trend analysis,
What are the two types of trend a...,
What is horizontal trend analysis
8  cards
7.8 Ratio analysis
What is ratio analysis,
Why are ratios particular useful ...,
What are the five categories of f...
3  cards
7.9 Profitability ratios
What is the purpose of profitabil...,
What is profitability a measure of,
What are the two categories of pr...
17  cards
7.10 Limitations of ratio analysis
Ratio analysis allows business ow...,
What is window dressing
2  cards
7.11 Earnings management or creative accounting
What has historically been the ma...,
What are the two sub types of fraud,
Is it the responsibility of the a...
15  cards
8.1 Financial markets and the identification of financing needs
What are the three main categorie...
1  cards
8.2 Financial markets
What is a financial market,
What are stocks,
What is an investor
15  cards
8.3 Private versus public markets
What is meant by private market,
What are the advantages of privat...,
What are the disadvantages of pri...
8  cards
8.4 The role of the stock exchange
What are the three main global st...,
What other services other than se...
2  cards
8.5 Efficient market hypothesis
What is the efficient market hypo...,
According to the emh the market p...,
Fama identified three levels of m...
3  cards
8.6 Alternative investment market
What is the alternative investmen...,
When was aim launched,
How many companies are currently ...
4  cards
8.7 The role of other sources of finances: private markets
What is an institutional investor,
What are the main types of instit...,
What is private equity finance
15  cards
8.8 Identification of financing needs: budgeting and forecasting
The financing needs of an organis...,
What is meant by budgeting,
What is a cash budget
12  cards
8.9 The need for cash and cash management
Why is cash essential to a business,
What is cash management,
What is the goal of cash management
12  cards
9.1 Sources of long-term finance
Why is capital important for a co...,
Whow is long term finance usually...,
What are the two broad types of f...
7  cards
9.2 Equity or ordinary shares
What is meant by authorised share...,
What is nominal share value,
What is the market price of shares
11  cards
9.3 Retained earnings
What are retained earnings,
What are the advantages of using ...,
What are the disadvantages of usi...
3  cards
9.4 Preference shares
What are preference shares,
Why may preference shares be trea...,
What is a cumulative preference s...
8  cards
9.5 Debentures and bonds
What is a bond,
What is the most common form of l...,
Can debentures be traded
12  cards
9.6 Bank and institutional loans
Why are bank institutional loans ...,
Why do banks usually only offer l...,
What is a covenant
4  cards
9.7 Leasing
What is a leasing agreement,
What is a finance lease,
What is an operating lease
7  cards
9.8 Hire purchase
What is meant by hire purchase,
What are the advantages of a hire...,
What are the disadvantages of a h...
4  cards
9.9 Securitisation of assets
What is securitisation,
What is a special purpose vehicle,
Which accounting scandal involved...
6  cards
9.10 Private finance initiatives
What is the private finance initi...,
When was pfi introduced in the uk,
What is the typical repayment ter...
6  cards
9.11 Government grants and assistance
What are government grants,
What is the enterprise finance gu...,
What are the advantages of govern...
4  cards
10.1 Sources of short-term finance
What is short term finance also k...,
Are external or internal sources ...
2  cards
10.2 Exernal sources of short-term finance
What are some examples of externa...
1  cards
10.3 Bank and institutional loans
What is the most popular type of ...,
Why are bank and institutional lo...,
When is a loan considered short term
8  cards
10.4 Overdrafts
What is an overdraft,
How do banks make profit from ove...,
What is the london interbank offe...
5  cards
10.5 Bills of exchange
What is another name for a bill o...,
What is meant by a draft,
Who are the three parties involve...
5  cards
10.6 Debt factoring
What is debt factoring,
What are the two types of debt fa...,
What are the advantages of debt f...
4  cards
10.7 Invoice discounting
What is invoice discounting,
What are the advantages of invoic...,
What are the disadvantages of inv...
3  cards
10.8 Alternative finance and web innovations
Of what does alternative finance ...,
Why has alternative finance becom...,
What are 3 examples of crowdfundi...
8  cards
10.9 Internal sources of short-term finance
What are examples of short term i...
1  cards
10.10 Controlling working capital
What items make up working capital,
How can working capital be reduced
2  cards
10.11 Reducing inventory levels
What costs are associated with ho...,
What is the idea behind inventory...,
What are the advantages of reduci...
4  cards
10.12 Tighter credit control
What is tighter credit control st...,
What are the advantages of tighte...,
What are the disadvantages of tig...
3  cards
10.13 Delaying payments to payables
How can delaying payment to payab...,
Why can delaying payment to payab...,
What are the advantages of delayi...
4  cards
10.14 Sale of redundant assets
What are the advantages of sale o...,
What are the disadvantages of sal...
2  cards
10.15 Retained profits
0  cards
11.1 The cost of capital and capital structure
What is capital structure,
What is waac
2  cards
11.2 The importance of the cost of capital
What is the cost to the company o...,
Why is the cost of capital an imp...,
In what 2 ways do financial manag...
3  cards
11.3 The cost of equity using the capital asset pricing model
What is the cost of equity,
What are the two models for deter...,
Who developed the capital asset p...
13  cards
11.4 Cost of capital using the dividend valuation model
What is the dividend valuation mo...,
What is the calculation for the d...
2  cards
11.5 The cost of debt
What does the cost of debts refer to,
Why is the cost of debt usually e...,
What are trredeemable debts
5  cards
11.6 The weighted average cost of capital
What is the weighted average cost...
1  cards
11.7 Capital structure
What is meant by capital structure,
How is the value of a company cal...
2  cards
11.8 Factors affecting capital structure
What factors must a company consi...,
What factors relating to financia...,
What factors relating to growth m...
8  cards
11.9 Financial gearing
What is financial gearing,
Which is usually cheaper debt or ...,
How is financial gearing calculated
8  cards
11.10 Operating gearing
What does operating gearing measure,
Give one way in which operating g...
2  cards
11.11 The traditional approach to capital structure
What is the traditional approach ...,
What are the limitations of the t...
2  cards
11.12 The Modigliani and Miller theory of capital structure
What is the basis concept of the ...
1  cards
11.13 Real world approaches
What is the pecking order theory ...,
What real world factors might aff...
2  cards
12.1 Working capital management
What items are included in workin...
1  cards
12.2 The nature and purpose of working capital]
How is working capital calculated,
What is a current asset,
What is permanent working capital
4  cards
12.3 The working capital cycle
What is the working capital cycle...,
At what point does the working ca...,
What factors affect the length of...
8  cards
12.4 Working capital management: profitability versus liquidity
Why is it problematic to hold too...,
What is meant by overcapitalisation,
What is overtrading
4  cards
12.5 Working capital ratios
What is current ratio,
Why is a current ratio of less th...,
What is quick ratio
10  cards
12.6 The management of inventories
What is the main objective of inv...,
What is the re order level rol in...,
Why must a buffer level of invent...
20  cards
12.7 The management of recievables
What are receivables,
What is the ultimate goal of rece...,
What factors might affect the siz...
10  cards
12.8 The management of payables
What is the objective of payables...
1  cards
13.1 Risk assessment in investment appraisal technique
0  cards
13.2 Risk and investment decisions
How is risk manifested in investm...
1  cards
13.3 Risk assessment models
Give examples of non probabilisti...,
Give examples of probabilistic ap...
2  cards
13.4 Sensitivity analysis
What is sensitivity analysis,
What is the methodology for sensi...,
What are the advantages of sensit...
4  cards
13.5 Scenario analysis
What is scenario analysis,
How is scenarios analysis conducted,
What are the key weaknesses of sc...
3  cards
13.6 Simulation modelling
The monte carlo simulation method...,
What are the key weakenesses of t...
2  cards
13.7 Expected net present value
What is the methodology for calcu...,
What are the advantages of the ex...,
What are the disadvantages of the...
7  cards
13.8 Event tree diagrams
What is an event tree diagram,
What are the steps followed to pr...,
What are the limitations of event...
3  cards
13.9 The role of portfolio management
What is a portfolio,
What are the key elements of a go...,
What is meant by asset allocation...
9  cards
14.1 Company analysis and business valuation methods
0  cards
14.2 Investment valuation ratios
What ratios provide useful data f...,
What is the dividend payout ratio,
What is the dividend yield ratio
4  cards
14.3 Earnings per share
What is meant by earnings per sha...,
Is it better to have a higher or ...,
What is meant by basic eps earnin...
6  cards
14.4 Price/earnings ratio
What does the price earnings rati...,
How is the industry average price...,
Is is better to have a higher or ...
4  cards
14.5 Relative value measures
What is relative value a measure of,
What are the steps in relative va...
2  cards
14.6 Valuation using dividend discount model
What is the dividend discount mod...,
What assumptions are made when ca...,
How is the value of stock calcula...
4  cards
14.7 Valuation using discounted cash flows
What are discounted cash flow dcf...
1  cards
14.8 Valuation using the capital asset pricing model
The capital asset pricing model d...,
How is the cost of equity calcula...
2  cards
14.9 The application of efficient market hypothesis in business valuation
How do investors use the efficien...
1  cards
14.10 Shareholder value analysis
What is shareholder value analysis,
What two factors generally inform...,
What are value drivers
9  cards
14.11 Economic value added as an alternative to SVA
Stern stewart and co developed th...,
How is economic value added eva c...,
How is weighted average cost of c...
5  cards
14.12 Measuring value creation
What is total shareholder return ...,
What is market value added mva an...
2  cards
15.1 Project appraisal techniques
What is meant by project appraisal
1  cards
15.2 Identification and analysis of projects
0  cards
15.3 Factors affecting project appraisal
What is a relevant factor in proj...,
What is a non relevant factor in ...
2  cards
15.4 Project appraisal techniques
What might be included in the ini...,
What are the two basic approaches...,
What are two non discounting meth...
4  cards
15.5 Non-discounted methods: payback period
What is the payback period of a p...,
How is the payback period of a pr...,
What is the decision rule in the ...
5  cards
15.6 Non-discounting methods: accounting rate of return (ARR)
What is another name for the acco...,
What is the principle of the acco...,
How is the accounting rate of ret...
6  cards
15.7 Discounted cash flow techniques based on the time value of money
What three discount cash flow dcf...,
What is meant by the time value o...,
Why does the value of money incre...
9  cards
15.8 Discounted cash flow methods: net present value
What is net present value npv,
How is npv calculated for a proje...,
What is the decision rule for npv...
5  cards
15.9 Discounting annuities
What is an annuity,
What is an annuity factor,
How is present value of an annuit...
5  cards
15.10 Discounted cash flow methods: internal rate of return
What does internal rate of return...,
What is the decision rule for app...,
What are the advantages of apprai...
4  cards
15.11 Discounted cash flow methods: discounted payback
What is the principle behind the ...,
How is the discounted payback per...,
What are the advantages of the di...
4  cards
15.12 Impact of inflation and tax on project appraisal
What is inflation,
How might tax impact on cash flows,
What is a writing down allowance
3  cards
15.13 Capital rationing and use of the profitability index
What is meant by capital rationing,
What are the two types of capital...,
What is hard capital rationing an...
8  cards
International Accounting Standards
20  cards
Weak Areas
What are the constituent elements...,
What is an asset,
What is a liability
62  cards

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Interpreting Financial & Accounting Information (CGI) 2023

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