immunology / micro

This class was created by Brainscape user Matthew Miller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (56)

Intro to Immune System / Antibody Structure
How do the innate and acquired im...,
What are the three unique feature...,
What activates b cells and what d...
39  cards
Innate Immunity and Complement
What are the three main barriers ...,
List some receptor types used by ...,
What cytokine do dendritic cells ...
34  cards
Antibody Structure 2 & Response
What are the two types of light c...,
What are the two types of disulfi...,
What are the classes of heavy cha...
44  cards
Genetic Basis of Ab structure / B lymphocyte biology - Shaw
Where does b cell receptor differ...,
What are the two distinction func...,
Why does ige have an extra domain
35  cards
What do t cell receptors bind,
What are the two types of peptide...,
What are the functions of four ge...
22  cards
Antigen-Antibody Interactions
What is a hapten,
What is ko,
What does heterogeneity of antibo...
20  cards
T Lymphocyte Biology
What is the nature of t cell rece...,
What are the two types of t cell ...,
What is the significance of the c...
26  cards
Lymphocyte interactions - Shaw
Why do t cells only recognize ant...,
What is an endogenous vs exogenou...,
What are dendritic cells called i...
42  cards
What is the definition of hyperse...,
What is type 1 hypersensitivity,
When is ige normally used and wha...
70  cards
Tolerance and Autoimmunity
What is self tolerance,
What is the different in toleranc...,
Where does central tolerance occu...
63  cards
What are the characteristics of p...,
What are the two broad categories...,
Does loss of b cells affect bacte...
35  cards
Tumor Immunology
How does anti tumor immune respon...,
What are the three phases of immu...,
What are the distress signals ass...
39  cards
What is autologous transplant vs ...,
What is syngeneic vs allogeneic t...,
What is a common autologous trans...
38  cards
Bacterial Structure and Metabolism
What are the three ways by which ...,
What are the gram stain procedures,
What do acid fast bacterial conta...
48  cards
Bacterial Genetics
How large is the typical gene in ...,
What is a plasmid vs an episome w...,
What is an r factor and their two...
34  cards
Introduction to Virology
What is a virion,
What is the proteinacous coat of ...,
What is the purpose of virus clas...
34  cards
Pharmacology: General principles and Beta-lactams
Are enterococcus gram negative or...,
What are the major enteric gram n...,
What are the nasty gram negatives
74  cards
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
What is a macule,
What is a papule,
What is a vesicle
51  cards
Viral Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
What are the three subfamilies of...,
What three viruses fall in the al...,
What is the b virus
55  cards
Pharmacology of Antimicrobials: Everything Else
What is the mechanism of action o...,
Are aminoglycosides cidal or stat...,
What are aminoglycosides mainly u...
86  cards
Bloodstream Infections
What is bacteremia vs septicemia,
What facilitates decompensation d...,
What are virulence factors used b...
26  cards
Infective Endocarditis
What is the definition of infecti...,
What is endarteritis,
What valves are most commonly inv...
36  cards
Infections of Skin and Soft Tissues - Clinical
What are the three classification...,
What layer does impetigo infect a...,
What layer s does erysipelas infe...
31  cards
Bone and Joint Infection - Osteomyelitis, Septic Arthritis, and Reactive Arthritis
What are the general characterist...,
What bones joints are typically a...,
What are the two general types of...
34  cards
Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Agents: Fungi and Antivirals
What are the endemic fungi,
Who is cryptococcus neoformans se...,
What are the azoles
46  cards
Clinical Treatment: Skin, Soft Tissue, Bone, and Bloodstream Infections
What would be some risk factors f...,
Since the rise of community acqui...,
What are some oral options for mssa
24  cards
Eye infections
What is the principle cause of ey...,
What are the four main staphyloco...,
What are required for keratitis o...
48  cards
Obstetric and Perinatal Infections
Why is the newborn immune system ...,
What are the three routes of infe...,
What is the leading cause of bact...
26  cards
What is post exposure immunizatio...,
Why is the measles vaccination de...,
When is the rapidity of the anamn...
28  cards
First Pass Miss - Micro Exam 2
What are the symptoms of the toxi...,
What are three types of cis actin...,
What is an attenuator
93  cards
Intra-Abdominal Infections
What is the main reservoir for in...,
Why are enterococcus different th...,
What is the purpose of m cells
103  cards
Viral Gastroenteritis
What is the definition of gastroe...,
When does gastroenteritis happen ...,
What are the four families of vir...
37  cards
Infectious Diseases of the GI tract
What types of diarrhea are more l...,
What are common day care center r...,
Should you use antibiotics in ehec
32  cards
Treatment of GI Infections
What are the major anaerobic genu...,
What are the major aerobic genuse...,
When do we cover enterococcus
41  cards
Sexually Transmitted Infections
What is the leading reported infe...,
What are the infectious and metab...,
Which body has stainable inclusio...
47  cards
Retroviruses - HIV / AIDS
What is the definition of a retro...,
Why is hiv called a lentivirus,
What are the two types of hiv and...
39  cards
Clinical aspects of STDs
How does hsv enhance the transmis...,
Is circumcision good,
What are the infectious causes of...
25  cards
Pathogenesis and Natural History of HIV/AIDS
What is meant by the disproportio...,
What is the easiest mode of sex t...,
What is the highest risk of hiv t...
25  cards
Urinary Tract Infections - Pathogenesis / Microbes
What is pyelonephritis,
Why do uti causing pathogens need...,
What are the two leading pathogen...
38  cards
Urinary Tract Infections - Clinical Presentation
What is defined as a significant ...,
What is an asymptomatic bacteruria,
What is a cystitis how does this ...
31  cards
CNS infections
What is the most common method of...,
What is encephalomyelitis,
What is meningoencephalitis
37  cards
Viral CNS infections
What are the three types of virus...,
What is the primary structural di...,
What is the present in the 5 utr ...
53  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
What is a primary vs secondary in...,
What is chronic marginal gingivitis,
What is the primary virulence fac...
47  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract infections
What is the key determinant of pn...,
What are the two types of adult p...,
What is atypical pneumonia
86  cards
Is bacterial or viral meningitis ...,
As bacteria replicate in the suba...,
What is vasogenic edema
35  cards
Treatment of HIV and Opportunistic Infections
Why can full eradication of hiv n...,
Why might it be difficult to achi...,
What are the 6 different classes ...
54  cards
Treatment of GU infections
What organism should be targeted ...,
What are the first line treatment...,
How long is an antibiotics course...
33  cards
CNS Infections: DNA Viruses and TSE
What are two broad ways that viru...,
What are the three ways a virus c...,
How does a virus like rabies ente...
32  cards
What is pneumonia vs bronchitis v...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Are the airways below the larynx ...
49  cards
Infections in Compromised Host
What is a primary vs secondary im...,
Why is a neoplasia causing an obs...,
What can cause neutropenia and wh...
16  cards
Viral Respiratory Infections - DNA Viruses
How is mucous protective of the urt,
What virus subfamilies are ebv vz...,
Is ebv common
31  cards
Viral Respiratory Infections - RNA Viruses
What family are the influenzaviru...,
What influenza protein is primari...,
How is influenza virus uptaken an...
44  cards
Treatment of CNS and Respiratory Infections
What antibiotics typically dont r...,
What is the empiric coverage we u...,
What is the empiric coverage for ...
32  cards
Zoonotic & Vector-Borne Infections
What is the causative agent of ly...,
What is the first stage of lyme d...,
What is the second stage of lyme ...
50  cards
Vector-Borne, Zoonotic, & Bioterrorism
What are some factors that contri...,
What genus is poxvirus and what m...,
What is characteristic of the pox...
15  cards
First Pass Miss Exam 3
What is the major virulence facto...,
What is one final bacterium that ...,
What are the four non inflammator...
178  cards

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immunology / micro

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