This class was created by Brainscape user Jack Gorard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

FM1 - The three laws of motion
Around what time did isaac newton...,
What is the first law,
If a train car is moving at a con...
18  cards
R6 - The Types Of Radioactivity
What are the three type of ionisi...,
What does nuclear radiation cause,
What happens to atoms with no ove...
23  cards
R6 - Alpha Scattering And Nulcear Equations
What happened in 1804,
What happened 100 years later,
Why didn t the plum pudding theor...
12  cards
R6 - Half Life
What happens to a sample of radio...,
What happens each time an alpha o...,
What happens as the unstable nucl...
9  cards
R6 - Radioactivity
What is at the centre of every atom,
What does the nucleus contain,
What charge are electrons
13  cards
R6 - Uses of nuclear radiation
What makes beta and gamma suitabl...,
How do medical traces work,
Why does the radioactive source n...
5  cards
ME6 - Magnets and magnetic field
What do magnetics produce,
What do all magnets have,
What is a magnetic field
16  cards
FM1 - Hookes Law
What does hookes law say,
What is the unstretched metal wir...,
If a metal is supported at the to...
20  cards
FM1 - Turning forces, centre of gravity and moments
What is a moment,
What is the equation linking mome...,
Explain what happens with a spann...
15  cards
FM1 - Stopping distance and momentum + collision
What is the stopping distance,
What is the distance it takes to ...,
What is the thinking distance of ...
21  cards
FM1 - Combining forces
What do you need to know about th...,
What is a force,
What does a vector quantity have
7  cards
FM1 - Velocity and acceleration
What are speed and velocity both ...,
What is the difference between sp...,
What is the equation for average ...
21  cards
FM1 - Terminal velocity
What is free fall,
Give an example of a free falling...,
Describe how free fallers reach t...
12  cards
FM1 - Mass, weight and gravity
What is gravity,
What three things does gravity af...,
What is the orbit
11  cards
FM1 - Forces and friction
What is a force,
Where does the force of gravity act,
Where does a reaction force from ...
17  cards
ME6 - The motor effect
How does a motor effect happen,
Why does the wire move,
To experience a full force what d...
13  cards
ME6 - Electric motors and loud speakers
What four factors will speed up a...,
How can a simple electric motor b...,
Describe how an electric motor works
10  cards
ME6 - Electromagnetic induction
What is electromagnetic induction,
What is the dynamo effect,
What are the two situations where...
18  cards
ME6 - Electromagnetism
What does a current carrying wire...,
The larger the electric current,
What does the direction of the ma...
14  cards
ME6 - Transformers
What do transformers do,
What do all transformers have,
What happens when you apply an al...
17  cards

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igcse - physics

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Jack Gorard's IGCSE - Physics flashcards for their University of nottingham class now!

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