This class was created by Brainscape user Alisa Kruger. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Money and Finance
Self sufficiency and specialisation,
Problems of barter
40  cards
Occupations and Earnings
Wage rate,
Ways to pay wage rate,
Changes in earnings
27  cards
The Growth of Firms
In what ways can you measure and ...,
What is market share,
What are the two main ways in whi...
19  cards
Why do firms compete,
What are the two types of competi...,
What are the two main types of ad...
31  cards
Government Economic Policy
Study the role and the objectives of the government in an economy, and how those objectives are achieved.
30  cards
Organisation of Production
What organisations are there that...
16  cards
Social Costs and Benefits
Private benefit,
External benefit,
Positive externality
12  cards
Financing public expenditure,
Tax evasion and avoidance,
Uses of taxes
18  cards
Types of Business Organisation
Learn the different types of business organisation and describe the effects of changes in the structure of organisations.
34  cards
Price inflation
Cpi and rpi
24  cards
The Role of Trade Unions
Trade union,
Functions of trade unions,
Types of trade unions
16  cards
Spending, saving and borrowing
Disposable income,
Consumer expenditure,
24  cards
International Specialisation and Trade
International trade,
Absolute advantage
17  cards
Balancing international payments
Visible trade,
Visible export,
Visible import
31  cards
Employment and unemployment
Key employment indicators,
Labour force,
Dependent population
25  cards
Output and Growth
National output income and expend...,
Gross domestic product gdp,
Gross value added gva
16  cards
Developed and less-developed economies
Developed economy,
Developing economy,
Rapidly developing economy
15  cards
Dependent population,
Dependency ratio
17  cards
Economic systems
Economic system
1  cards
How markets work
Price mechanism,
18  cards
The basic economic problem
The basic economic problem,
Factors of production
8  cards

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igcse economics

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