This class was created by Brainscape user Sophia Lethbridge. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (76)

Topic 1 - Characteristics Of Living Organisms
What characteristic do living org...,
What does mrs h gren stand for,
Why do organisms need nutrition
10  cards
Topic 1 - Levels Of Organisation
What is the difference between eu...,
What are organelles,
What organelles are typically fou...
18  cards
Topic 1 - Stem Cells (Paper 2)
What is a specialised cell,
What is cell differentiation,
What is a stem cell
8  cards
Topic 1 - Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protoctists, Bacteria, and Viruses
What type of organisms are plants...,
Are plants multicellular,
What do plants have which enables...
34  cards
Topic 1 - Enzymes
What are enzymes,
What types of reactions do enzyme...,
What is a catalyst
9  cards
Topic 1 - Diffusion
What is diffusion,
Does diffusion require energy,
What states of matter does diffus...
5  cards
Topic 1 - Osmosis
What is osmosis,
What is a partially permeable mem...,
What fluid surrounds the cells in...
5  cards
Topic 1 - Diffusion and Osmosis Practicals
How do you investigate diffusion ...,
How do you investigate osmosis in...,
How do you investigate osmosis in...
3  cards
Topic 1 - Active Transport
What is active transport,
What does active transport do in ...,
What four factors effect the move...
7  cards
Topic 2 - Biological Molecules
What molecules do carbohydrates c...,
What are complex carbohydrates eg...,
What are proteins made up of
6  cards
Topic 2 - Food Tests
How do you test for glucose,
How do you carry out the benedict...,
If a solution contains glucose wh...
12  cards
Topic 2 - A Balanced Diet
What are carbohydrates found in,
What are carbohydrates found in,
What are carbohydrates found in
25  cards
Topic 2 - Energy From Food (Paper 2)
What is calorimetry,
How would you carry out calorimetry,
How do you calculate the energy i...
5  cards
Topic 2 - Enzymes and Digestion
What do digestive molecules do,
What does amylase do,
What does maltase do
11  cards
Topic 2 - The Alimentary Canal
What happens in the mouth,
What is the oesophagus,
What happens in the liver
13  cards
Topic 3 - Photosynthesis
What does photosynthesis produce,
Where does,
Where in a cell does photosynthes...
12  cards
Topic 3 - Rate Of Photosynthesis
What is a limiting factor,
What can limiting factors be,
What do limiting factors depend on
6  cards
Topic 3 - Photosynthesis Experiments
How do you test a leaf for starch,
What does the starch test show,
How would you show chlorophyll is...
8  cards
Topic 3 - Minerals For Growth
Why do plants need certain elements,
Where do plants get the elements ...,
What elements do plants need
11  cards
Topic 3 - Transport In Plants
Why do unicellular organisms not ...,
Why do multicellular organisms ne...,
What are xylem tubes
5  cards
Topic 3 - Transport In Plants (Paper 2)
What are root hair cells,
How do plants increase rate of ab...
2  cards
Topic 3 - Transpiration (Paper 2)
What is transpiration caused by,
Why is there a transpiration stream,
What four main things affect tran...
8  cards
Topic 4 - Respiration
What is respiration,
What is the energy transferred by...,
What are the two types of respira...
11  cards
Topic 4 - Investigating Respiration
What can you use to show that liv...,
How would you use beans to demons...,
How would you show the temperatur...
3  cards
Topic 4 - The Respiratory System
What is the thorax,
What separates the thorax from th...,
What surrounds the lungs
9  cards
Topic 4 - Investigating Breathing
How could you investigate your br...,
How could you investigate the rel...
2  cards
Topic 4 - Human Gas Exchange
Where does gas exchange in the lu...,
What does the blood passing next ...,
What happens to oxygen in the alv...
11  cards
Topic 5 - Functions of Blood
What are the four main components...,
What is plasma,
What does plasma carry
5  cards
Topic 5 - Functions of Blood (Paper 2)
What happens when you damage a bl...,
Why are blood clots important,
What happens in a clot
3  cards
Topic 5 - White Blood Cells
What are pathogens,
What are the two types of white b...,
What do phagocytes do
5  cards
Topic 5 - White Blood Cells (Paper 2)
What is vaccination
1  cards
Topic 5 - Blood Vessels
What are the three types of blood...,
Where do arteries carry blood,
Where do cappilaries carry blood
18  cards
Topic 5 - The Heart
What does the right atrium recieve,
Where does,
What does the left atrium recieve
13  cards
Topic 5 - Circulation
What do arteries carry,
What do veins carry,
What are the exceptions to the ru...
18  cards
Topic 5 - The Kidneys (Paper 2)
What 3 roles do the kidneys perform,
What happens in the nephrons,
What is ultrafiltration
10  cards
Topic 6 - The Nervous System
What is a stimulus,
Do plants and animals respond to ...,
What do receptors do
13  cards
Topic 6 - Reflexes
What are reflexes,
What happens in a reflex arc
2  cards
Topic 6 - The Eye
What is the conjunctiva,
What does the sclera do,
What does the cornea do
16  cards
Topic 6 - Hormones
What are hormones,
Where are hormones produced,
Where is adre
18  cards
Topic 6 - Hormones (Paper 2)
Where is adre,
What are the effects of adrenaline
9  cards
Topic 6 - Homeostasis
Why do conditions in the body nee...,
What two conditions in the body n...,
What is homeostasis
9  cards
Topic 6 - Plant Responses
How do plants respond to stimuli,
What are auxins,
Where is auxin produced
7  cards
Topic 7 - DNA, Genes and Chromosomes
Where are chromosomes found,
What is a chromosome,
What is a gene
10  cards
Topic 7 - DNA, Genes and Chromosomes (Paper 2)
What is the structure of dna,
What are the two strands of dna h...,
What are the four different bases...
3  cards
Topic 7 - Protien Synthesis (Paper 2)
What does dna control in a cell,
What are protiens made up of,
Why does every protein have a dif...
11  cards
Topic 7 - Asexual Reproduction and Mitosis
What is the definition of asexual...,
What is the definition of mitosis,
How does mitosis work
3  cards
Topic 7 - Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
What is the definition of sexual ...,
What do the mother and father pro...,
Are gametes haploid or diploid
10  cards
Topic 7 - Sexual Reproduction in Plants
What is the stamen,
What is the anther,
What is the filament
12  cards
Topic 7 - Fertilisation and Germination in Plants
How are plant gametes fertilised,
What conditions do seeds need for...,
What happens when a seed germinates
4  cards
Topic 7 - Investigating Germination
How would you invesrtigate the co...
1  cards
Topic 7 - Asexual Reproduction in Plants
How do plants reproduce asexually...,
How do strawberry plants reproduc...,
How do plants reproduce asexually...
3  cards
Topic 7 - Human Reproductive Systems
What is sperm and where is it made,
What is the urethra,
What is the erectile tissue
19  cards
Topic 7 - Variation
What is most variation in animals...,
What aspects of humans aren t aff...,
What ar
4  cards
Topic 7 - The Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy
What happens in the first stage o...,
What happens in the first stage o...,
What happens in the third stage o...
8  cards
Topic 7 - The Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy (Paper 2)
Where is fsh produced,
What does fsh do,
What does fsh stand for
6  cards
Topic 7 - Evolution
What is the theory of evolution,
What does the theory of natural s...
2  cards
Topic 7 - Mutations
What is a mutation,
How does mutations affect bacteria
2  cards
Topic 7 - Mutations (Paper 2)
What do mutations do to dna,
How can mutations change enzymes,
What effect do mutations have on ...
4  cards
Topic 8 - Ecosystems and Biodiversity
What is a habitat,
What is a population,
What is a community
6  cards
Topic 8 - Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Paper 2)
What is biodiversity,
Why is high biodiversity important,
What is reducing biodiversity
3  cards
Topic 8 - Using Quadrats
How would you use quadrats to stu...,
How do you estimate population si...
2  cards
Topic 8 - Pyramids of Number, Biomass and Energy
What do food chains always start ...,
What are producers eaten by,
What are primary consumers eaten by
8  cards
Topic 8 - Energy Transfer and Food Webs
How is energy transferred along a...,
How is energy lost along a food c...,
What does the use
5  cards
Topic 8 - The Carbon Cycle
What happens to carbon and nitrog...,
How does carbon enter an ecosyste...,
How is carbon passed to animals
6  cards
Topic 8 - The Nitrogen Cycle (Paper 2)
Why is nitrogen from the atmosphe...,
What is nitrogen needed for,
Where do plants get their nitroge...
10  cards
Topic 8 - Air Pollution
What happens when fossil fuels ar...,
What is carbon monoxide mostly re...,
How is sulfur dioxide released
6  cards
Topic 8 - The Greenhouse Effect
Where does the earth get heat from,
What is the greenhouse effect,
What gases in the atmosphere keep
9  cards
Topic 8 - Water Pollution and Deforestation
What causes eutrophication,
What happens when a lake is,
What can also cause eutrophication
3  cards
Topic 8 - Water Pollution and Deforestation (Paper 2)
How does deforestation cause leac...,
What does deforestation disturb t...,
How does deforestation cause soil...
4  cards
Topic 9 - Increasing Crop Yield
How does keeping plants in glassh...,
Why do farmers use fertilisers,
Why do farmers use pest control
9  cards
Topic 9 - Bacteria and Making Yogurt
What is fermentation,
How is yoghurt made,
What are microorganisms grown in ...
8  cards
Topic 9 - Yeast and Making Bread
How is yeast used in making bread,
How would you investigate how res...
2  cards
Topic 9 - Selective Breeding
Why are organisms selectivelty bred,
What is rge basic process involve...,
How can selective breeding increa...
6  cards
Topic 9 - Fish Farming (Paper 2)
Why are fish kept in cages in the...,
What are fish fed in fish farming,
Why are young fish kept in sepera...
5  cards
Topic 9 - Genetic Engineering
What do restriction enzymes do,
What do ligase enzymes do,
What are two different bits of dn...
13  cards
Topic 9 - Cloning (Paper 2)
What is micropropagation,
How would you clone a mammal eg a...,
How can cloned animals be useful
3  cards

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igcse biology

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